
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(133-136)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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The (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China: Forging brands, boundaries and inter-belonging in segregated urban space



Lily Kong(新加坡管理大学)
Orlando Woods(新加坡管理大学)
Hong Zhu(广州大学)
Abstract: This paper considers how the (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China can reflect, enforce and expand pre-existing patterns of urban segregation. Whilst exploration of the effects of educational marketplaces on urban environments has become a focus of scholarly research, the recent expansion in the supply of, and demand for, international education has caused these effects to become more nuanced. As (de)territorialised entities, international schools can cause multiple forms of spatial and psycho-social distinction and (dis)association to become intertwined, the effects of which start from the school and radiate out from there. International schools can therefore cause segregation to become a structurally entrenched phenomenon. These ideas are illustrated through an empirical examination of three international schools located in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou. We explore the ways in which these schools are branded spaces that reproduce socio-spatial boundaries and thus foster a (de)territorialised sense of inter-belonging amongst their students.


Keywords: (de)territorialisation, China, inter-belonging, international schools, segregated urban space

关键词:领土化, 中国, 相互归属, 国际学校, 隔离的城市空间



The smart city and the containment of informality: The case of Dubai


Harris Breslow(沙迦美国大学,阿拉伯联合酋长国)



Abstract: I argue that Dubai’s smart city project, ‘Smart Dubai’, is a response to the following priorities: (i) the furtherance of the city’s scale-making project and worlding strategies, through the propagation of the smart city imaginary and the buildout of a smart city infrastructure modelled after those in the global north and west and used to compete for members of the creative class and other high-value residents; (ii) a project to enlarge the scope of Dubai’s economy of flow. Dubai in particular, and the UAE in general, have long articulated a political economic project based on the creation of a political economy that positions the country as a regional hub within the global political economy of flow; and (iii) the containment of urban informality, which in Dubai is understood as both a disciplinary problem and an existential challenge to what is still, at heart, a rentier economy.
摘要:我认为迪拜的智慧城市项目“智慧迪拜”(Smart Dubai)是对以下优先事项的回应:(i)通过复制全球北方和西方的智慧城市构想和智慧城市基础设施配置,争夺创意阶层成员和其他高价值居民,以推进城市的规模扩大计划和世界化战略;(ii) 扩大迪拜流量经济范围的项目。迪拜乃至整个阿联酋长期以来一直在清晰地阐述一个政治经济计划,其基础是创建一种政治经济,将该国定位为全球流量政治经济中的一个区域枢纽;以及 (iii) 遏制城市的非正规性,这在迪拜被看作一个纪律性的问题,也是对本质上仍然是一个食利经济的经济体的生存挑战。


Keywords: flow, Smart Dubai, urban informality, worlding practices

关键词:流量, 智慧迪拜, 城市非正规性, 世界化实践



Everyday urbanisms and the importance of place: Exploring the elements of the emancipatory smart city

Nancy Odendaal(南非开普顿大学)



Abstract: Two of the most striking features of smart city discourses are the centrality of technology as a driver of transformational change and the strange ‘placelessness’ of its visual narrative. Whether envisaged in Kenya or Singapore, the commercial smart city is represented as a ‘city in a box’, seemingly capable of solving complex social issues through algorithms and technical innovation. Recently a robust literature has emerged that is critical of the techno-determinism inherent in smart city discussions. This paper expands on this critique by arguing that by solely focusing on the material dimensions of technologically informed urban change, devoid of context, we miss an opportunity to uncover an important moment in contemporary urbanity. By foregrounding the human dimensions of technology appropriation and the interface with livelihoods in their particular spatial contexts, this paper consciously decentres the dominant smart city discourse by arguing for the foregrounding of local dynamics. This paper rejects the universalisms embedded in smart city promises and argues that by provincialising the idea of smart urbanism, opportunities are presented for understanding the true markers of contemporary urbanism. Critical debates on the smart city, and by extension the need to consider smart urbanism contextually and as an infrastructure, relationally, together with the conceptual insights provided by post colonialscience and technology studies, contribute to a proposed frame for researching the ongoing dynamic between contemporary urban life and technological innovation. Empirical vignettes from urban Africa are used to illustrate the multiple dimensions of the interface between livelihoods and technology appropriation.


Keywords: science and technology studies, smart cities, smart urbanism

关键词:科技研究, 智慧城市, 智慧城市化



The frontier of digital opportunity: Smart city implementation in small, rural and remote communities in Canada



Zachary Spicer(加拿大多伦多大学)

Nicole Goodman(加拿大布罗克大学)

Nathan Olmstead(加拿大多伦多大学)



Abstract: Studies of ‘smart cities’ in Canada primarily focus on large cities but not small, rural and remote communities. As a result, we have a limited understanding of the incentive structures for smaller, remote and rural communities to pursue smart city development. This knowledge deficit is concerning, since the introduction of technology can hold a number of unique benefits for these communities, including easier connections to the rest of Canada and large urban centres, reputation building, improved service delivery and enhanced opportunities for residents. Drawing upon localised forms of knowledge creation, policy development theories, adoption and local competition literature and primary interviews with private and public officials, we examine the challenges and opportunities of ‘smart city’ implementation through case studies of small and rural municipalities in Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia and a remote community, Iqaluit, Nunavut. We find that collaboration is essential for rural and remote pursuit of smart city development and is necessary to counteract the limitations of capacity, scale and digital divides. Challenges aside, however, the primary rationale for adoption of smart city technology remains the same regardless of size: enhanced quality of life for residents and sustained community health.


Keywords: Annapolis Valley, Canada, Iqaluit, rural, smart city

关键词:安纳波利斯谷, 加拿大, 伊卡利特, 乡村, 智慧城市


Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百三十三期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百三十四期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百三十六期

Urban Studies 文章精选(121-124)
Urban Studies 文章精选(125-128)
Urban Studies 文章精选(129-132)

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