
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(125-128)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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A new framework for very large-scale urban modelling



Michael Batty(英国伦敦大学学院)

Richard Milton(英国伦敦大学学院)



Abstract: The generation of ever-bigger data sets pertaining to the distribution of activities in cities is paralle led by massive increases in computer power and memory that are enabling very large-scale urban models to be constructed. Here we present an effort to extend traditional land use–transport interaction (LUTI) models to extensive spatial systems so that they are able to track increasingly wide repercussions on the location of population, employment and related distributions of spatial interactions. The prototype model framework we propose and implement called QUANT is available anywhere, at any time, at any place, and is open to any user. It is characterised as a set of web-based services within which simulation, visualisation and scenario generation are configured. We begin by presenting the core spatial interaction model built around the journey to work, and extend this to deal with many sectors. We detail the computational environment, with a focus on the size of the problem which is an application to a 8436 zone system comprising England, Scotland and Wales generating matrices of around 71 million cells. We detail the data and spatial system, showing how we extend the model to visualise spatial interactions as vector fields and accessibility indicators. We briefly demonstrate the implementation of the model and outline how we can generate the impact of changes in employment and changes in travel costs that enable transport modes to compete for travellers. We conclude by indicating that the power of the new framework consists of running hundreds of ‘what if?’ scenarios which let the user immediately evaluate their impacts and then evolve new and better ones.
摘要:与城市活动分布相关的越来越大的数据集的产生,再加上计算机能力和存储器的巨大提升,使得我们能构建非常大规模的城市模型。在本文中,我们试图将传统的土地利用—交通交互(LUTI)模型扩展到广泛的空间系统,使之能追踪对人口、就业和空间相互作用的相关分布的日益广泛的影响。我们提出并实施的原型模型框架名为 QUANT,它可以在任何地方、任何时间、任何地点使用,并且对任何用户开放。它的特征是一组基于网络的服务,其中配置了模拟、可视化和场景生成。我们从展示围绕工作通勤构建的核心空间交互模型开始,并将其扩展以处理众多部门。我们详细介绍了计算环境,重点是问题的规模,这是一个由英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成的8436区域系统的应用,生成大约7100万个单元的矩阵。我们详细介绍了数据和空间系统,展示了我们如何扩展模型,将空间交互可视化为矢量场和可访问性指标。我们简要展示了模型的实施,并概述了我们如何生成就业变化和出行成本变化的影响(这些使得各种交通模式对出行者而言具有竞争力)。我们的结论是,新框架的优势包括运行数百个“如果……则……”情形,让用户立即评估其影响,然后发展出新的、更好的方案。
Keywords: infrastructure, networks, planning, simulation, technology/smart cities, transport, web-based media
关键词:基础设施, 网络, 规划, 模拟, 技术/智慧城市, 交通, 网络媒体



Urban resilience


Edward L Glaeser(美国哈佛大学)



Abstract: Will COVID-19 end the urban renaissance that many cities have experienced since the 1980s? This essay selectively reviews the copious literature that now exists on the long-term impact of natural disasters. At this point, the long-run resilience of cities to many forms of physical destruction, including bombing, earthquakes and fires, has been well-documented. The destruction of human capital may leave a longer imprint, but cities have persisted through many plagues over the past millennia. By contrast, economic and political shocks, including deindustrialisation or the loss of capital city status, can enormously harm an urban area. These facts suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic will only significantly alter urban fortunes if it is accompanied by a major economic shift, such as widespread adoption of remote work, or political shifts that could lead businesses and the wealthy to leave urban areas. The combination of an increased ability to relocate with increased local redistribution or deterioration of local amenity levels, or both, could recreate some of the key attributes of the urban crisis of the1970s.
Keywords: cities, COVID-19, growth, regional economics
关键词:城市, 新冠疫情, 增长, 区域经济


On the move in the (post)colonial metropolis: The Paris Metro in Francophone African and Afrodiasporic fiction
Anna-Leena Toivanen(芬兰东芬兰大学)
Abstract: Literary texts convey the complexities of the urban experience in a tangible way. While there is a wide body of work on literary representations of Paris, the role of public transport as part of the (postcolonial) urban experience has not received much attention. This article sets out to analyse the meanings of the mobile public space comprising the Paris Metro in Francophone African and Afrodiasporic literary texts from the mid-20th century to the 2010s. The reading demonstrates how the texts represent the public space of the Metro as a symbol of modernity, a space of disappointment and alienation, an embodiment of social inequalities and as a site of convivial encounters and claims of agency. Through this analysis, the article highlights the role of literature in elucidating the intertwinement of mobility, public space and postcolonial urbanity.
Keywords: Francophone African literature, Paris Metro, postcoloniality, public
关键词:法语非洲文学, 巴黎地铁, 后殖民, 公共空间

Residential coexistence: Anonymity, etiquette and proximity in high-rise living
Tamir Arviv(以色列理工学院)
Efrat Eizenberg(以色列理工学院)
Abstract: This paper offers a new perspective on everyday life in an ethno-nationally mixed vertical urban setting. It focuses on the cultivation of a shared residential identity that, seemingly, can overcome the binational divide. Drawing on interviews with Jewish and Arab residents in a new middle-class high-rise complex (HRC) in Haifa, Israel, we illustrate that Arabs and Jews share many reasons for living in the HRC, reflecting similarities between these populations that are often ignored. Moreover, the physical form of the complex – including its newness and its modern, universal design – makes it a relatively neutral space free from aparticular ethno-national or religious identity. Finally, while the relevant literature largely assumes that ‘anonymity’ in high-rises is a negative force, the sense of privacy it affords allows residents to manage social proximity and cultivate a philosophy of ‘live and let live’.


Keywords: built environment, class, cohesion, diversity, everyday life, high rise, neighbourhood, planning, segregation
关键词:建筑环境, 阶级, 凝聚力, 多元化, 日常生活, 高层建筑, 街区, 规划, 隔离



Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十五期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十六期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十七期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十八期

Urban Studies 文章精选(112-115)
Urban Studies 文章精选(116-120)
Urban Studies 文章精选(121-124)

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