
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(88-91&编辑精选)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Anchoring the social economy at the metropolitan scale: Findings from the Liverpool City Region
Matthew Thompson(英国利物浦大学)
Alan Southern(英国利物浦大学)
Helen Heap(英国利物浦大学) 
Abstract: This article revisits debates on the contribution of the social economy to urban economic development, specifically focusing on the scale of the city region. It presents a novel tripartite definition – empirical, essentialist, holistic – as a useful frame for future research into urban social economies. Findings froman in-depth case study of the scale, scope and value of the Liverpool City Region’s social economy are presented through this framing. This research suggests that the social economy has the potential to build a workable alternative to neoliberal economic development if given sufficient tailored institutional support and if seen as a holistic integrated city-regional system, with anchor institutions and community anchor organisations playing keyroles.

Keywords: anchor institutions, city-regionalism, local economic development, social economy, urban policy

关键词:锚定机构, 城市区域化, 地方经济发展, 社会经济, 城市政策

Transnational education zones: Towards an urban political economy of ‘education cities’



Jana M Kleibert(德国莱布尼茨社会和空间研究所)

Alice Bobée(德国莱布尼茨社会和空间研究所)

Tim Rottleb(德国莱布尼茨社会和空间研究所)

Marc Schulze(德国莱布尼茨社会和空间研究所) 



Abstract: Prevalent notions of ‘education cities’ and ‘education hubs’ are vaguely defined, operate at blurry scales and tend to reproduce promotional language. The article contributes to theorising the geographies and spaces of globalising higher education by developing the concept of transnational education zones. Through an urban political economy lens, we review the relations between universities and cities, consider universities’ role in the political economy and understand universities as transnational urban actors. We exhaustively map the phenomenon of transnational education zones and empirically analyse cases from four cities (Doha, Dubai, Iskandar and Flic en Flac) with respect to their embeddedness instate-led projects for the ‘knowledge economy’, their vision for transnational subject formation and their character as urban zones of exception. The conclusion develops a research agenda for further critical geographic inquiries into the (re)making of cities through the development of transnational spacesof higher education that explores the relations between globalising higher education and material and discursive transformations at the urban scale.




Keywords: agglomeration, economic processes, education, education cities, globalisation, international branch campus, place branding, urbanisation


关键词:集聚, 经济过程, 教育, 教育城市, 全球化, 国际分校, 场所品牌, 城市化



Worlding and provincialising smart cities: From individual case studies to a global comparative research agenda



Byron Miller(加拿大卡尔加里大学)

Kevin Ward(英国曼切斯特大学)

Ryan Burns(加拿大卡尔加里大学)

Victoria Fast(加拿大卡尔加里大学)

Anthony Levenda(美国奥克拉荷马大学) 



Abstract: The diversity of smart city case studies presented in this special issue demonstrates the need for provincialised understandings of smart cities that account for cities’ worlding strategies. Case studies drawn from North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia show that ‘the smart city’ takes very diverse forms, serves very diverse objectives, and is embedded in complex power geometries that vary from city to city. Case studies are acritical strategy for understanding phenomena in context, yet they present their own epistemological and ontological limitations. We argue for amore-than-Global-North smart city research agenda focused on the comparative analysis of smart cities, an agenda that foregrounds the conjunctural geographies of relationships and processes shaping these cities.




Keywords: case studies, comparative analysis, epistemology, ontology, smart cities


关键词:案例研究, 比较分析, 认识论, 本体论, 智慧城市



Growing public spaces in the city: Community gardening and the making of new urban environments of publicness



Paul Milbourne(英国卡迪夫大学) 



Abstract: The demise of public space in cities across the Global North has received considerable scrutiny from urban scholars in recent years, with accounts of the loss, privatisation and increased regulation of public space prevalent within the academic literature. This paper seeks to complicate these dominant narratives of public space transformation by exploring the complexities of existing public spaces and the emergence of new spaces of publicness in the city. It uses a case study of community gardening in mundane and everyday neighbourhood spaces to provide a more nuanced and progressive reading of the relations between publicness and space in the city. Drawing on empirical materials from recent research on community gardening projects in 15 cities in Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA, the paper highlights how community gardening is creating new environments of publicness across public, private and in-between spaces that complicate both the end of public space discourse and conventional understandings of public space within urban studies.



Keywords: community gardening, environments of publicness, public space, urban


关键词:社区园艺, 公共性环境, 公共空间, 城市



Thinking through people: The potential of volunteered geographic information for mobility and urban studies



Lindsay Blair Howe(瑞士苏黎世技术中心) 



Abstract: Despite the ‘mobility turn’ in urban studies, there is surprisingly little research into the role people’s everyday movements play in driving urbanisation processes. As this paper discusses, one reason this has not occurred is because understanding this relationship requires both quantitative and qualitative knowledge, including geospatial locations and patterns as well as why people choose to move the way they do. Few studies employ mixed methods to this end; instead, many quantitative approaches focus on the use of big data and many qualitative approaches remain focused on sites themselves rather than the movements between them. This methodological gap can preclude operationalising findings and proves particularly detrimental when research is conducted into areas with high levels of poverty and inequality. In response, this paper presents a mixed-methods approach to studying urbanisation, using volunteered geographic information (VGI) to map regional-scale movements in the Gauteng City-Region (GCR). Exploiting the potential of smart phone technology, this methodology operates at the interstice of quantitative and qualitative research, describing both macro-scale mobility patterns and the micro-scale decisions behind them. Using the case study of the GCR, it highlights movement as a strategy for those living in poverty, who can utilise the entire region as a resource to subvert entrenched inequality. ‘Thinking through people’ suggests that a new ontology of categories describing urbanisation processes in terms of movement could connect empirical research into poverty and inequality to theory, and be used to create an epistemology of the urban from below. Thus, this paper contributes to advances in urban studies methods as well as to debates on urbanisation, relational poverty and socio-spatial inequality.




Keywords: informality, method, mobility, planning, poverty/exclusion, transport, volunteered geographic information


关键词:非正规性, 方法, 流动, 规划, 贫困/排斥, 交通, 志愿地理信息




Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十八期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十九期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十一期


Urban Studies 文章精选(76-79)

Urban Studies 文章精选(80-83)

Urban Studies 文章精选(84-87)

排版 | 张祎娴

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