
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(84-87)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Light at the end of the tunnel: The impacts of expected major transport improvements on residential property prices


Helen XH Bao(英国剑桥大学)
Johan P Larsson(英国剑桥大学)
Vivien Wong(英国剑桥大学)
Abstract: Properties near public transportation systems are usually sold at a premium owing to the willingness of firms and people to pay for access to workplace and leisure. However, the economic impact of major infrastructure investments remains an empirical question plagued by identification issues. We investigate the economic impacts of a major transportation development project currently underconstruction in Hong Kong: the Tuen Mun–Chek Lap Kok tunnel, namely the effects on property prices of the expansion of the regional road network in the Greater Bay Area. We identify a significant accessibility premium well before the tunnel is completed. There is also a change in market structure of increased preference for residential property in areas closer to the tunnel, reflected by higher price appreciation. The findings help guide urban planning and public investment decisions, as well as the design and implementation of land value capture policy.
Keywords: Greater Bay Area, hedonic price models, housing, land use, planning, real estate, transport
关键词:大湾区, 特征价格模型, 住房, 土地使用, 规划, 房地产, 交通

Planetary Silicon Valley: Deconstructing New York’s innovation complex


Sharon Zukin(美国布鲁克林学院和城市大学研究生中心) 

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of digital platforms and software for operating remotely and encouraged employers to reshape the workplace for social distancing. But it is not at all clear what these arrangements will mean for cities that have spent the past decade building an ‘innovation complex’ around physical density, digital technology and real estate development. On the one hand, many parts of the tech ecosystem that relied on face-to-face interaction – such as coworking spaces, hackathons and venture capitalists’ mentoring of start-up founders – have already moved online. On the other hand, cutting tech ecosystems loose from place-based offices, labour markets and institutional networks puts cities’ economic future at risk. This could drastically weaken the value of the city’s fixed capital of buildings and land, its social capital of institutional networks and communities, and its human capital of workers with tech skills. Yet partnering with tech leaders to ‘reimagine’ the city could advance the power of Big Tech. To try to understand which parts of the urban tech ecosystem will likely survive the pandemic, I take a critical look at how the discursive, organisational and geographical spaces of a planetary Silicon Valley culture became embedded in New York between 2010 and 2020.


Keywords: innovation complex, innovation district, New York City, urban economic development, urbantech economy
关键词:创新综合体, 创新区, 纽约市, 城市经济发展, 城市科技经济

Ancient and current resilience in the Chengdu Plain: Agropolitan development re-‘revisited’



Daniel B Abramson(美国华盛顿大学)



Abstract: The Dujiangyan irrigation system, China’s largest, is one of the world’s most important examples of sustainable agropolitan development, maintained by a relatively decentralised system of governance that minimises bureaucratic oversight and depends on significant local autonomy at many scales down to the household. At its historic core in the Chengdu Plain, the system has supported over 2000 years of near-continuously stable urban culture, as well as some of the world’s highest sustained long-term per-hectare productivity and diversity of grain and other crops, especially considering its high population density, forest cover, general biodiversity and flood management success. During the past decade, rapid urban expansion has turned the Chengdu Plain from a net grain exporter into a grain importer, and has radically transformed its productive functioning and distinctive scattered settlement pattern, reorganising much of the landscape into larger, corporately-managed farms, and more concentrated and infrastructure-intensive settlements of non-farming as well as farming households. Community-scale case studies of spatial-morphological and household socio-economic variants on the regional trend help to articulate what is at stake. Neither market-driven ‘laissez-faire’ rural development nor local state-driven spatial settlement consolidation and corporatisation of production seem to correlate well with important factors of resilience: landscape heterogeneity; crop diversity and food production; permaculture; and flexibility in household independence and choice of livelihood. Management of the irrigation system should be linked to community-based agricultural landscape preservation and productive dwelling, as sources of adaptive capacity crucial to the social-ecological resilience of the city-region, the nation and perhaps all humanity.




Keywords: agglomeration/urbanisation, agroecosystems, China, environment/sustainability, history/heritage/memory, land use, redevelopment/regeneration 


关键词:集聚/城市化, 农业生态系统, 中国, 环境/可持续性, 历史/遗产/记忆, 土地利用, 再开发/再生



Transformative urbanism and reproblematising land scarcity in Hong Kong



Mee Kam Ng(香港中文大学)


Abstract: An ecological and humane urbanism is required to combat resource degradation and socio-economic polarisation. UN-Habitat’s New Urban Agenda calls for a paradigm shift to ‘leave no one, no place and no ecology behind’ through sustainable development. However, this article argues that a ‘sustainability fix’, while necessary, is insufficient to counter the hegemonic growth-orientated culture and it is important to re-embed economic activities in ethical socio-ecological relationships for people and place well-being. These require critical scholarship to reproblematise issues and present prescriptive approaches for resolving them. Reproblematisation of Hong Kong’s alleged land scarcity problem reveals a property-dominant urban-biased political economy that sustains a high land price policy through suppressing development of massive rural land resources, resulting in ecological and socio-spatial disparities. Reimagining the development of rural Hong Kong based on the principles of nature conservation and place-making for conviviality and human flourishing could be a potential pathway towards a transformative urbanism.




Keywords: Hong Kong, land scarcity, reproblematisation, socio-environmental justice, transformative urbanism


关键词:香港, 土地稀缺, 问题重设, 社会环境正义, 变革性城市化



Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十四期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十五期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十六期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十七期


Urban Studies 文章精选(72-75)

Urban Studies 文章精选(76-79)

Urban Studies 文章精选(80-83)

排版 | 张祎娴

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