
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(80-83)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Renewable energy, sustainability paradox and the post-urban question
Pushpa Arabindoo(英国伦敦大学学院)
Abstract: Amidst the hype of a ‘new’ energy regime in India with a singular focus on renewable energy, this paper offers a more scrupulous reading of renewables to set up a critical energy discourse. It offers a three-part analysis where it begins by questioning the entrenched idea of ‘renewables as science’ and its instrumental use of metrics and measurements to convey an unbelievable reach and significance. Highlighting the consistent invocation of a calculative ethos, it shows how an ‘empirics of targets’ relying largely on the lure and lore of a single numeric, installed capacity, is persuasively employed to gloss over the crucial distinction between the potential and reality of renewables. An associated consequence is not only its pegging to the speculative value of market-based energy production but also that it remains rooted in the assumptions of an existing system, that is, the logic of a carbon life world. Renewables, as a result, display the tell-tale sign of a sustainability paradox, raising questions about their ability to master a transition to a post-fossil performativity, exasperated as they are by internal contradictions embedded within their core characteristics – efficiency/sufficiency and, more importantly, tensions between utilities and infrastructure. With loose connections to parallel initiatives such as the Smart Cities Mission, the transformative potential of renewables is undercut as it remains embedded within an abstract grid imaginary, challenging any effort to actualise it in and through the urban.
摘要:在印度大肆宣传以可再生能源为唯一焦点的“新”能源体制的背景下,本文提供了对可再生能源更为严谨的解读,以建立一个批判性的能源话语。它提供了一个由三部分组成的分析,我们的出发点是质疑“可再生能源是科学的”这一根深蒂固的概念,以及它对度量和测量的工具性使用,以传达一种难以置信的影响和意义。通过强调对计算精神的一贯援引,本文揭示了主要依赖单一数字装机容量的诱惑和知识的“目标经验”如何被令人信服地用来掩盖可再生能源的潜力与现实之间的关键区别。相关的后果是,它不仅与基于市场的能源生产的投机价值挂钩,而且它仍然植根于现有系统的假设,即碳生命世界的逻辑。因此,可再生能源显示出可持续发展悖论的迹象,引发了人们对其是否有能力掌握向后化石燃料可操作性过渡的质疑,由于因其内部冲突而被嵌入其核心特征—效率/充足性,而且,更重要的是,由于公用事业和基础设施之间的紧张关系,这些问题被扩大。随着与智慧城市使命(Smart Cities Mission)等并行计划的松散联系,可再生能源的变革潜力被削弱,因为它仍然嵌入一个抽象的假想电网中,挑战着在整个城市实现它的任何努力。
Keywords: environment/sustainability, infrastructure, technology/smart cities, urban question

关键词:环境/可持续性, 基础设施, 技术/智慧城市, 城市问题

Not too close, not too far: Urbanisation and life satisfaction along the urban hierarchy


Camilla Lenzi (意大利米兰理工大学)
Giovanni Perucca(意大利米兰理工大学)

Abstract: Empirical evidence on the effect of urbanisation on individual self-reported well-being generally points to an egative effect of urbanisation and city size, at least in most developed economies. This article aims to re-assess this conclusion by claiming that this approach overlooks the fact that a city’s positive externalities may expand well beyond the urban boundaries, as postulated in urban economics theory. Based on survey data on self-reported life satisfaction derived from different waves of Eurobarometer surveys in the period 2005–2010 covering 21 European Union member countries, the article empirically verifies the existence of apositive association between urbanisation and individual well-being, depending on the proximity to settings of higher rank in the urban hierarchy. In particular, it shows that the higher the distance from a city larger than the one of residence of the respondent, the lower the probability of being satisfied with life.




Keywords: agglomeration, borrowed size, cohesion, development, diversity, life satisfaction, segregation, urbanization


关键词:集聚, 规模借用, 凝聚力, 发展, 多样性, 生活满意度, 隔离, 城市化



Activity locations, residential segregation and the significance of residential neighbourhood boundary perceptions



Nicolo P Pinchak (美国俄亥俄州立大学)
Christopher R Browning(美国俄亥俄州立大学)
Catherine A Calder(美国德克萨斯大学)
Bethany Boettner(美国俄亥俄州立大学)

Abstract: The inadequacies of residential census geography in capturing urban residents’ routine exposures have motivated efforts to more directly measure residents’ activity spaces. In turn, insights regarding urban activity patterns have been used to motivate alternative residential neighbourhood measurement strategies incorporating dimensions of activity space in the form of egocentric neighbourhoods – measurement approaches that place individuals at the centre of their own residential neighbourhood units. Unexamined, however, is the extent to which the boundaries of residents’ own self-defined residential neighbourhoods compare with census-based and egocentric neighbourhood measurement approaches in aligning with residents’ routine activity locations. We first assess this question, examining whether the boundaries of residents’ self-defined residential neighbourhoods are in closer proximity to the coordinates of a range of activity location types than are the boundaries of their census and egocentric residential neighbourhood measurement approaches. We find little evidence that egocentric or, crucially, self-defined residential neighbourhoods better align with activity locations, suggesting a division in residents’ activity locations and conceptions of their residential neighbourhoods. We then examine opposing hypotheses about how self-defined residential neighbourhoods and census tracts compare in socioeconomic and racial composition. Overall, our findings suggest that residents bound less segregated neighbourhoods than those produced by census geography, but self-defined residential neighbourhoods still reflect apreference towards homophily when considering areas beyond the immediate environment of their residence. These findings underscore the significance of individuals’ conceptions of residential neighbourhoods to understanding and measuring urban social processes such as residential segregation and social disorganisation.




Keywords: activity space, ecometrics, neighbourhood perceptions, residential segregation


关键词:活动空间, 生态测量, 街区感知, 居住隔离



Hybrid coordination of city organisations: The rule of people and culture in the shadow of structures



Stephan Leixnering (奥地利维也纳经济与商业大学)
Renate E Meyer (奥地利维也纳经济与商业大学)
Tobias Polzer(英国苏塞克斯大学商学院)


Abstract: Under far-reaching reforms, many cities have delegated core tasks previously delivered by their administrations to independent organisations that they formally own, e.g. municipal companies, or supervise, e.g. municipal trust funds. The coordination of these (as we callthem) ‘domestic’ city organisations has proven challenging. Extant literature argues that such coordination is achieved through a mix of various hierarchical, market and network mechanisms. Yet it is unclear how these modesare combined. Addressing this gap, we ask: How do governance modes interact in the hybrid coordination of domestic city organisations? Analysing the case of Vienna, where 100 domestic organisations employ about 60,000 people, we find that while cultural mechanisms, rooted in the network mode, are predominant, they unfold in the shadow of latent structural mechanisms, which are associated with hierarchy and market. In the background, structural mechanisms keep cultural coordination effective, while cultural mechanisms allow structural coordination to remain (generally) hidden. This study aims to contribute to the literature on the governance of public organisations by exploring the relationship between governance modes as well as furthering urban governance studies by applying insights from studies on the coordination of public organisations to the city context.




Keywords: coordination, (domestic) city organisations, governance, integration, Vienna


关键词:协调, 城市“内务”机构, 治理, 整合, 维也纳



Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十一期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十二期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第八十三期

Urban Studies 文章精选(68-71)
Urban Studies 文章精选(72-75)
Urban Studies 文章精选(76-79)

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