
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(112-115)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Multiple problematisations: The logics governing wet markets in two Chinese cities



Shuru Zhong(中山大学)

Yulin Chen(清华大学)

Guojun Zeng(中山大学)


Abstract: Wet markets serve as a cornerstone of food distribution in China but are increasingly being threatened by urban displacement. This study explores the various motivations for local governments in Sanya City and Beijing City to enact aggressive policies limiting wet markets, the dynamic nature of the governing process and the multifaceted impacts such governance has on the everyday practices of vendors and consumers. Drawing upon Foucault’s notion of problematisation, this study found that wet markets have become representations of ‘problems’ such as insanitation and disorder, lowlands of economic revenue and ‘low-skilled industry’. Specific governance is regularly entangled with multiple means of problematisation, shaped and conditioned by forces such as administrative capacity, policy intensity, market configuration, business activism and consumer demand, as well as the interrelationships among them. Current governance is attempting to ‘correct’ wet markets to desired forms, but ignores the holistic value they embed in urban life. Thus, this research suggests more inclusive governance and sustainable development with regards to wet markets.


Keywords: gentrification, governmentality, marketplace, problematisation, urban revanchism, wet market


关键词:绅士化, 政府, 市场, 问题化, 城市复仇主义, 菜市场



The effect of film production studios on housing prices in Atlanta, the Hollywood of the South
Velma Zahirovic-Herbert(美国孟菲斯大学)
Karen M Gibler(美国乔治亚州立大学)
Abstract: Governments compete to attract film productions to their communities, expecting them to provide economic benefits directly through local purchases and employment and indirectly through publicity and image building. Atlanta, Georgia, has become a large film production hub, partially because of a state tax credit programme. As a result, permanent production facilities have been established that may influence surrounding real estate prices. Convenience and a desire to live among other creatives may encourage actors, technical workers and support staff to live nearby, and the film industry cachet may attract additional residents, increasing house prices. However, if the facilities are perceived to be similar to other industrial operations, they may negatively affect surrounding house prices. We investigate film production studios’ effect on residential property values using housing sales data and information on film production studios’ location, size and year established. To mitigate bias from the potential endogeneity of studios’ location choices, we augment the standard hedonic pricing framework to incorporate proximity to a film production studio and construct treatment and comparison groups. Using a spatial difference-in-difference framework, we find that while houses located closest to film production studios tend to sell for lower prices than houses further away, the discount is not attributable to the studios. Instead, the establishment of a new studio, especially a large one, is a positive event in the housing market. These findings have important policy implications for local governments in making decisions about film industry incentives and facilities’ site selection as possible drivers of redevelopment.


Keywords: cultural industries, externality, filmstudios, hedonic model, house prices


关键词:文化产业, 外部性, 电影制片厂, 享乐模型, 房价



Quality of localgovernment and social trust in European cities



Conrad Ziller(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)

Hans-Jürgen Andreß(德国科隆大学)


Abstract: Communities are responsible for a range of public services and represent critical experiential contexts for social interactions between residents. However, the role of local governance and public service provision for creating social trust has received limited attention so far. This study examines how quality, efficiency and fairness of local public service provision relates to social trust. Using multilevel models on repeated cross-sectional survey data from the Quality of Life in European Cities project, we test the relationship between time-varying city-level indicators of quality of local government and social trust. The empirical results show that an increase in the dimension of local public service quality is substantially associated with an increase in social trust. We find improvements in sport and leisure facilities as well as the state of public spaces, streets and buildings to be particularly relevant.
Keywords: immigration, infrastructure, localgovernment, public administration, social trust
关键词:移民, 基础设施, 地方政府, 公共管理, 社会信任


On the conditions of ‘late urbanisation’
Sean Fox(英国布里斯托大学)
Tom Goodfellow(英国谢菲尔德大学)
Abstract: We are living through a global urbantransition, but the timing of this transition has varied significantly across countries and regions. This geographic variation in timing matters, both theoretically and substantively. Yet contemporary debates on urbanism hinge primarily on questions of universalism versus particularism, at the expense of attention to how history and geography collide to shape urban processes. Specifically, they neglect the critical fact that urbanisation in many countries today is late within the context of the global urban transition. We argue that trajectories of contemporary urbanisation must be understood inrelation to a suite of conditions unique to the late 20th and early 21st centuries and partly shaped by early urbanisation, including historically unprecedented demographic intensity, hyperglobalisation, centripetal state politics and the spectre of environmental catastrophe in the late Anthropocene. These factors condition the range of possibilities for late urbanisers in ways that did not apply to early urbanisers yet can also produce diverse outcomes depending on local circumstances. We draw on a comparison between countries in sub-Saharan Africa and China to illustrate why the conditions of late urbanisation matter, but also why they have produced highly variable outcomes and are not deterministic of urban futures.
Keywords: Africa, China, cities, global South, late urbanisation, urbanisation, urban transition
关键词:非洲, 中国, 城市, 全球南方, 后期城市化, 城市化, 城市转型



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Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百一十四期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百一十五期


Urban Studies 文章精选(100-103)

Urban Studies 文章精选(104-107)

Urban Studies 文章精选(108-111)

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