
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(104-107)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Understanding the global ecosystem of city networks


Michele Acuto(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)

Benjamin Leffel(美国加州大学欧文分校)



Abstract: Cities are formalising collaborations across borders at an unprecedented rate: ‘city networks’ now form a wide ecosystem of global partnerships between local authorities that is often underestimated. It might be time to think of city networks more explicitly as institutionalised and presenting a challenging form of more-than-local urban governance. To do so, our essay mixes a review of the overall global landscape (beyond the environmental sector where most of the literature is to be found), with both a network analysis of how these institutions work as a web of connections, as well as an ‘inside out’ view of how they are managed and what the challenges of that are. We do this by analysing a database of 202 of these networks, both statistically as well as via social network analysis. We find that: international initiatives are on the rise, but this context of partnerships has a well-established history, producing a wealth of information and outputs and offering a complex organisational landscape for cities to reach out beyond their local confines. We measure the relationship this has to the integration of cities into the global economy, the pathways it opens for further internationalisation of city leadership and the patterns of partnership with business and international organisations that it implies.
Keywords: city networks, globalisation, governance, networks, social network analysis
关键词:城市网络, 全球化, 治理, 网络, 社会网络分析

Repopulating density: COVID-19 and the politics of urban value


Colin McFarlane(英国杜伦大学)

Abstract: How might concepts of ‘value’ and ‘population’ illuminate the present and future of urban density? The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a public debate on density in the city. While some initially blamed density for the spread of the virus, others rightly cautioned against those claims. As the pandemic progressed, an imaginary of density-as-pathology gave way to a more nuanced geographical understanding of the urban dimensions of the crisis, focused on connections, spatial conditions, domestic ‘overcrowding’ and poverty. Throughout, an interrogation and reflection on urban density and its future unfolded, throwing into question the historical relationship between ‘value’ and ‘population’ in understandings of density. Iargue for a new politics of value based on shifts in three interconnected domains – governance, form and knowledge – and identify implications for research on density in urban studies.




Keywords: COVID-19, density, overcrowding, population, value


关键词:新冠肺炎, 密度, 拥挤, 人口, 价值




The taming of chaos: Optimal cities and the state of the art in urban systems research


Linnet Taylor(荷兰蒂尔堡大学)

Abstract: What can urban big data research tell us about cities? While studying cities as complex systems offers a new perspective on urban dynamics, we should dig deeper into the epistemological claims made by these studies and ask what it means to distance the urban researcher from the city. Big data research has the tendency to flatten our perspective: it shows us technology users and their interactions with digital systems but does sooften at the expense of the informal and irregular aspects of city life. It also presents us with the city as optimisable system, offering up the chance to engineer it for particular forms of efficiency or productivity. Both optimisation itself, and the process of ordering of the city for optimisation, confer political and economic power and produce a hierarchy of interests. This commentary advocates that researchers connect systems research to questions of structure and power. To do this requires a critical approach to what is missing, what is implied by the choices about which data to collect and how to make them available, and an understanding of the ontologies that shape both the data sets and the urban spaces they describe.




Keywords: big data, urban systems research, mobile phones, transport, optimization


关键词:大数据, 城市系统研究, 手机, 交通, 优化



Urban scaling in rapidly urbanising China



Weiqian Lei(武汉大学)

Limin Jiao(武汉大学)

Gang Xu(武汉大学)

Zhengzi Zhou(伦敦大学学院)



Abstract: Understanding the scaling characteristics in China is critical for perceiving the development process of rapidly urbanising countries. This paper conducts a comprehensive scaling analysis with quantitative assessment of a large number of diverse urban indicators of 275 Chinese cities. Our findings confirm that urban scaling laws can also be applied to rapidly urbanising China but demonstrate some unique features echoing its distinct urbanisation. Chinese urban population agglomeration results in more effective economic production but the economies of scale for infrastructure are less obvious. Some urban indicators associated with infrastructure and living facilities surprisingly scale super-linearly with urban population size, contrary to expected sublinear scaling behaviours. In developing countries, different-sized cities have diverse agglomeration, industrial and resource allocation advantages, which can be reflected by scaling exponents. We characterise these unique features in detail, exploring the spatial disparities and temporal evolution of scaling exponents (β). Strong regional variations and differences are particularly pronounced in Northeast China and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration. Scaling exponent variations over time reflect the temporal evolution of the urban system and measure the coordination and balance of urbanisation. Economic output was most efficientin 2009 and β of GDP was slightly greater than 1.15 in recent years. Urban land expansion has been accelerating since 2000 with β remaining around 0.85–0.90. The study of urban scaling in China is enlightening in elaborating the uniqueness and coordination of urban development in rapidly urbanising countries and provides support in formulating differentiated urban planning for different-sized cities to promote coordinated development.




Keywords: agglomeration effects, Chinese urban system, economies of scale, rapidly urbanising country, urban scaling laws


关键词:集聚效应, 中国城市体系, 规模经济, 快速城市化国家, 城市规模规律



Cities in a post-COVID world


Richard Florida(加拿大多伦多大学)
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose(伦敦政治经济学院)
Michael Storper(伦敦政治经济学院)

Abstract: This paper examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic, fiscal, social and political fallout on cities and metropolitan regions. We assess the effect of the pandemic on urban economic geography at the intra- and inter-regional geographic scales in the context of four main forces: the social scarring instilled by the pandemic; the lockdown as a forced experiment; the need to secure the urban built environment against future risks; and changes in the urban form and system. At the macrogeographic scale, we argue the pandemic is unlikely to significantly alter the winner-take-all economic geography and spatial inequality of the global city system. At the microgeographic scale, however, we suggest that it may bring about a series of short-term and some longer-running social changes in the structure and morphology of cities, suburbs and metropolitan regions. The durability and extent of these changes will depend on the timeline and length of the pandemic.



Keywords: cities, COVID-19, pandemic, remote work, urban structure


关键词:城市, 新冠肺炎, 大流行, 远程工作, 城市结构


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Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百零七期


Urban Studies 文章精选(92-95)

Urban Studies 文章精选(96-99)

Urban Studies 文章精选(100-103)

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