
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(96-99)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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Residential coexistence: Anonymity, etiquette and proximity in high-rise living

Tamir Arviv(以色列理工学院)

Efrat Eizenberg(以色列理工学院)


Abstract: This paper offers a new perspective on everyday life in an ethno-nationally mixed vertical urban setting. It focuses on the cultivation of a shared residential identity that, seemingly, can overcome the binational divide. Drawing on interviews with Jewish and Arab residents in a new middle-class high-rise complex (HRC) in Haifa, Israel, we illustrate that Arabs and Jews share many reasons for living in the HRC, reflecting similarities between these populations that are often ignored. Moreover, the physical form of the complex – including its newness and its modern, universal design – makes it a relatively neutral space free from a particular ethno-national or religious identity. Finally, while the relevant literature largely assumes that ‘anonymity’ in high-rises is a negative force, the sense of privacy it affords allows residents to manage social proximity and cultivate a philosophy of ‘live and let live’.
Keywords: built environment, class, cohesion, diversity, everyday life, high rise, neighbourhood, planning, segregation
关键词:建筑环境, 阶级, 凝聚力, 多元化, 日常生活, 高层建筑, 街区, 规划, 隔离

Does urban concentration matter for changes in country economic performance?



Roberto Ganau(英国伦敦经济学院)

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose(英国伦敦经济学院)



Abstract: This paper uses a novel, globally harmonised city-level data set – with cities defined at the Functional Urban Area (FUA) level – to revisit the link between urban concentration and country-level economic dynamics. The empirical analysis, involving 108 low- and high-income countries, examines how differences in urban concentration impinge on changesin employment, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and labour productivity at country level over the period 2000–2016. The results indicate that urban concentration reduces employment growth but increases GDP per capita and labour productivity growth. The returns of urban concentration are higher for high-than for low-income countries and are mainly driven by the ‘core’ of FUAs, rather than by suburban areas.




Keywords: cross-country analysis, employment growth, GDP per capita growth, labour productivity growth, long-run economic dynamics, urban concentration


关键词:跨国分析, 就业增长, 人均国内生产总值增长, 劳动生产率增长, 长期经济动态, 城市集中度



‘Fountain’, from Victorian necessity to modern inconvenience: Contesting the death of public toilets
Catalina Pollak Williamson(伦敦大学学院)
Abstract: Drawing on the politicised history of Public Conveniences in England since the 19th century, this paper traces the socio-political motives for their provision and for their gradual withdrawal in recent decades. It discusses the effects these developments have had on public mobility, and the socio-political complexity these infrastructures pose to city-making agendas. In particular, the essay highlights the notions of stigma associated with these spaces in relation to gender, body-politics and control, which led to a lack of political interest in their provision and a pattern of closures that began in the Thatcher era and has continued through later times of economic austerity. To unfold these arguments, the essay examines a series of initiatives put forward to reclaim for public use a derelict toilet in the centre of London: from the concept of an interactive site-specific intervention to raise awareness of its closure, to a campaign for its listing as an Asset of Community Value, to contest its privatisation. This case study is used to address the spatial stigma that public toilets carry as a contested locus of public sanitation and, furthermore, to highlight important questions surrounding their provision in the context of contemporary citizen-driven urban agendas. To articulate this argument, the case study exemplifies how critical spatial practices can operate as a form of pedagogical urban praxis for awareness-raising and citizen engagement, advancing a Lefebvrian ‘right to thecity’ against hegemonic neoliberal agendas.
Keywords: critical play, critical spatial practice, public toilets, right to the city, spatial stigma
关键词:批判性游戏, 批判性空间实践, 公共厕所, 城市权, 空间污名

Imagining the smart city through smart grids? Urban energy futures between technological experimentation and the imagined low-carbon city
Leslie Quitzow (德国WZB柏林社会科学中心)
Friederike Rohde(德国生态经济研究所)
Abstract: Current imaginaries of urban smart grid technologies are painting attractive pictures of the kinds of energy futures that are desirable and attainable in cities. Making claims about the future city, the socio-technical imaginaries related to smart grid developments unfold the power to guide urban energy policymaking and implementation practices. This paper analyses how urban smart grid futures are being imagined and co-producedin the city of Berlin, Germany. It explores these imaginaries to show how the politics of Berlin’s urban energy transition are being driven by techno-optimistic visions of the city’s digital modernisation and its ambitions to become a ‘smart city’. The analysis is based on a discourse analysis of relevant urban policy and other documents, as well as interviews with key stakeholders from Berlin’s energy, ICT and urban development sectors, including key experts from three urban laboratories for smart grid development and implementation in the city. It identifies three dominant imaginaries that depict urban smart grid technologies as (a) environmental solution, (b) economic imperative and (c) exciting experimental challenge. The paper concludes that dominant imaginaries of smart grid technologies in the city are grounded in a techno-optimistic approach to urban development that are foreclosing more subtle alternatives or perhaps more radical change towards low-carbon energy systems.
摘要:目前,城市智能电网技术方面的想象正在描绘出一幅幅诱人的图景,人们在畅想关于城市能源的各种理想而又可以实现的未来。与智能电网发展相关的社会技术想象提出了关于未来城市的主张,展现了指导城市能源政策制定和实施实践的力量。本文分析了在德国柏林人们对城市智能电网未来的想象,以及这种想象是如何由各方面联合出产的。我们探索这些想象,展示了乐观的城市数字化现代化技术愿景、以及成为“智能城市”的雄心是如何推动柏林城市能源转型政治的。我们的分析基于对相关城市政策和其他文件的论述分析,以及对柏林能源、信通技术和城市发展部门主要利益相关者的访谈,包括来自负责该市智能电网开发和实施的三个城市实验室的主要专家。我们识别了三种主要的想象,它们分别将城市智能电网技术描述为 (a) 环境解决方案,(b) 经济需要和 (c) 激动人心的实验挑战。本文的结论是,智能电网技术在城市中的主导想象是基于对城市发展的技术乐观主义态度,这种态度排除了更微妙的替代方案,或者可能是更激进的低碳能源系统变革。
Keywords: smart city, smart grid, urban imaginary, urban laboratories
关键词:智慧城市, 智能电网, 城市想象, 城市实验室

Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十六期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十七期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十八期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十九期

Urban Studies 文章精选(84-87)
Urban Studies 文章精选(88-91&编辑精选)
Urban Studies 文章精选(92-95)

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