
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(92-95)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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The impact of immediate urban environments on people’s momentary happiness


Lingling Su(中山大学)




Abstract: The research interest of urban researchers and geographers in the relationship between urban environments and happiness has been increasing. Previous studies have mostly focused on people’s long-term overall wellbeing. However, there is limited evidence that momentary happiness is associated with immediate urban environments. This study provides new evidence on this issue. 144 participants living in Guangzhou, China, were asked to repeatedly self-report their momentary happiness through ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and the day reconstruction method (DRM). The microenvironment variables were captured by portable sensors, while the built environment variables were captured by associating the GPS response locations with objective spatial data. The results indicate that momentary happiness is influenced by immediate microenvironment variables and built environment characteristics including temperature, noise, PM2.5, population, POI density, POI types and street intersections. On the other hand, the use of different sizes of contextual units affects the results. The built environment in 100 m buffers and the microenvironment has higher explanatory power for momentary happiness recorded by EMA than the built environment in 500 m buffers. Similarly, the temporality of the contextual influences also affects the results. Urban environment features have higher explanatory power for real-time momentary happiness recorded by EMA than recalled momentary happiness recorded by DRM. These results also strongly corroborate the results of recent studies on the uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP) and partly explain the inconsistency in the results of past research.
Keywords: China, day reconstruction method, ecological momentary assessment, momentary happiness, urban environments
关键词:中国, 日内重建法, 生态瞬间评估, 瞬间幸福感, 城市环境

A new framework for very large-scale urban modelling


Michael Batty

Richard Milton(伦敦大学学院)

Longfeng Wu(伦敦大学学院)



Abstract: The generation of ever-bigger data sets pertaining to the distribution of activities in cities is paralleled by massive increases in computer power and memory that are enabling very large-scale urban models to be constructed. Here we present an effort to extend traditional land use–transport interaction (LUTI) models to extensive spatial systems so that they are able to track increasingly wide repercussions on the location of population, employment and related distributions of spatial interactions. The prototype model framework we propose and implement called QUANT is available anywhere, at any time, at any place, and is open to any user. It is characterised as a set of web-based services within which simulation, visualisation and scenario generation are configured. We begin by presenting the core spatial interaction model built around the journey to work, and extend this to deal with many sectors. We detail the computational environment, with a focus on the size of the problem which is an application to a 8436 zone system comprising England, Scotland and Wales generating matrices of around 71 million cells. We detail the data and spatial system, showing how we extend the model to visualise spatial interactions as vector fields and accessibility indicators. We briefly demonstrate the implementation of the model and outline how we can generate the impact of changes in employment and changes in travel costs that enable transport modes to compete for travellers. We conclude by indicating that the power of the new framework consists of running hundreds of ‘what if?’ scenarios which let the user immediately evaluate their impacts and then evolve new and better ones.
Keywords: infrastructure, networks, planning, simulation, technology/smart cities, transport, web-basedmedia
关键词:基础设施, 网络, 规划, 模拟, 技术/智慧城市, 交通, 网络媒体

Understanding policing demand and deployment through the lens of the city and with the application of big data

Mark Ellison(英国曼彻斯特城市大学)




Abstract: The effective, efficient and equitable policing of urban areas rests on an appreciation of the qualities and scale of, as well as the factors shaping, demand. It also requires an appreciation of the factors shaping the resources deployed in their address. To this end, this article probes the extent to which policing demand (crime, anti-social behaviour, public safety and welfare) and deployment (front-line resource) are similarly conditioned by the social and physical urban environment, and by incident complexity. The prospect of exploring policing demand, deployment and their interplay is opened through the utilisation of big data and artificial intelligence and their integration with administrative and open data sources in a generalised method of moments (GMM) multilevel model. The research finds that policing demand and deployment hold varying and time-sensitive association with features of the urban environment. Moreover, we find that the complexities embedded in policing demands serve to shape both the cumulative and marginal resources expended in their address. Beyond their substantive policy relevance, these findings serve to open new avenues for urban criminological research centred on the consideration of the interplay between policing demand and deployment.
Keywords: anti-social behaviour, big data, crime, policing, public welfare and safety
关键词:反社会行为, 大数据, 犯罪, 警务, 公共福利和安全
The role of social capital in the collective-led development of urbanising villages in China: The case of Shenzhen


De Tong(北京大学深圳研究院)




Abstract: The ‘urbanising village’ is a uniquely Chinese urban form that emerged during the period of rapid urbanisation in the reform era. The absence of state governance in rural areas relegates considerable decision-making power to village collectives, and the social capital inherited from traditional rural villages may remain in place after villages are urbanised. To explore the role of social capital and its mobilisation in solving the land use challenges posed by the urbanisation of rural settlements, we analysed the growth processes of Huanggang village as a typical example of a ‘collective-led’ self-organised urbanising village in Shenzhen. Qualitative analysis using semi-structured interviews and abundant secondary data provides credible evidence that defining property rights through land titling is not the only way to achieve orderly development, safe and sanitary living conditions and efficient land use ininformal settlements. Social capital, measured by networks, norms and trust passed down among long-term acquaintances in rural villages, plays an important role in the development of communities. Village collectives can unite villagers and mobilise their social, cultural and material capital to compensate for the absence of formal governance institutions and government-provided community services. The implications of these findings suggest a new strategic pathway for managing urbanising villages in China and informal settlements in other developing countries.
Keywords: built environment, collective-led development, governance, planning, social capital
关键词:建筑环境, 集体主导的发展, 治理, 规划, 社会资本


Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十二期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十三期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十四期

Urban Studies 论文快递:第九十五期


Urban Studies 文章精选(80-83)

Urban Studies 文章精选(84-87)

Urban Studies 文章精选(88-91&编辑精选)

排版 | 张祎娴

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