
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(100-103)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10
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The Janus-faced genius of cities
Christof Parnreiter(德国汉堡大学)
Abstract: Departing from Storper’s (2013) notion of a ‘genius of cities’ but extending the concept from agglomeration economies to inter-city networks and the built environment as foundations of cities’ genius, I argue that cities’ genius is Janus-faced. My contention is that cities’ specific environments not only breed all the ‘good’ innovations that drive innovation and growth but they also generate the ‘bad’ ones, which allow for the development of the means of exploitation. Cities are, as a result of their very properties, key places for the organisation of uneven development.
摘要:本从斯托尔珀(Storper, 2013)的“城市天才”概念出发,但将这一概念从集聚经济扩展到城际网络和建筑环境,作为城市天才的基础。基于此,我认为城市天才具有两面性。我的论点是,城市的特殊环境不仅孕育了所有推动创新和增长的“好”创新,而且还产生了“坏”创新,这些坏创新带来的是翻新的剥削手法。由于城市本身的特性,城市是不公平发展形成的关键场所。


Keywords: agglomeration/urbanisation, built environment, inequality, networks, theory, uneven development


关键词:集聚/城市化, 建筑环境, 不平等, 网络, 理论, 不公平发展



The crowd and citylife: Materiality, negotiation and inclusivity at Tokyo’s train stations
Romit Chowdhury(荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学学院)
Colin McFarlane(英国达勒姆大学)
Abstract: In the history of urban thought, density has been closely indexed to the idea of citylife. Drawing on commuters’ experiences and perceptions of crowds in and around Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station, this article offers an ethnographic perspective on the relationship between urban crowds and life in the city. We advance understandings of the relations between the crowd and citylife through three categories of ‘crowd relations’ – materiality, negotiation and inclusivity – to argue that the multiplicity of meanings which accrue to people’s encounters with crowds refuses any a priori definitions of optimum levels of urban density. Rather, the crowd relations gathered here are evocations of citylife that take us beyond the tendency to represent the crowdas a particular kind of problem, be it alienation, exhaustion or a threshold for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ densities. The portraits of commuter crowds presented capture the various entanglements between human and non-human, embodiment and mobility, and multiculture and the civic, through which citylife emerges as a mode of being with oneself and others.



Keywords: citylife, crowds, density, Tokyo, transport


关键词:城市生活, 人群, 密度, 东京, 交通



Manufacturing urbanism: Improvising the urban–industrial nexus through Chinese economic zones in Africa
Tom Goodfellow(英国谢菲尔德大学)
Zhengli Huang(同济大学)
Abstract: The relationship between industrialisation and urban development is subject to assumptions based on experiences in the global North, with little research on how it plays out in countries undergoing urbanisation and industrialisation today. In the context of recent excitement about China’s role in stimulating an ‘industrial revolution’ in Africa, we examine how Chinese zones in Ethiopia and Uganda are influencing the urban–industrial nexus. We argue that Chinese zones are key sites of urban–industrial encounter, but these dynamics are not primarily driven by the government officials that dominate the ‘policy mobilities’ literature, nor by the State-Owned Enterprises usually associated with Chinese activity overseas. Rather, they are emerging through the activities of inexperienced private Chinese actors who do not even operate in the worlds of urban policy. Faced with government histories and capacities that vastly differ from China’s, directly replicating the Chinese experience is virtually impossible; yet the tentative and improvisational relationships between Chinese firms, African government authorities and other local actors are gradually moulding new urbanisms into shape. The piecemeal bargaining and negotiation that unfolds through these relationships bridges some of the gaps between industrialisation and planning, but this cannot compensate for the governance of the urban–industrial nexus at higher scales.


Keywords: Africa, Chinese investment, development, economic processes, infrastructure, policy, special economic zones, urbanization


关键词:非洲, 中国投资, 发展, 经济进程, 基础设施, 政策, 经济特区, 城市化



The constitution of the city and the critique of critical urban theory
Allen J. Scott(美国加州大学)
Abstract: A theoretical account of the genesis and internal spatial structure of cities is given. The essence of the urbanisation process is described in terms of the following main developmental phases: (a) the emergence of relationships based on specialisation and interdependence insociety; (b) the pre-eminent role of the division of labour within these relationships and its recomposition in dense spatial nodes of human activity; and (c) the concomitant formation of the networked intra-urban spaces of the city. These phases are then contextualised within three intertwined dimensions of urban materiality, namely, an internal dimension (the internal organisation and spatial dynamics of the city), a socially ambient dimension (the relational structure of society at large) and an exogenous dimension (the geographic outside of the city). In light of this account, an evaluative review of what I designate ‘the new critical urban theory’ is carried out, with special reference to planetary urbanisation, postcolonial urban theory and comparativist methodologies. I argue that while every individual city represents a uniquely complex combination of social conjunctures, there are nonetheless definite senses in which urban phenomena are susceptible to investigation at the highest levels of theoretical generality.
摘要:本文从理论上阐述了城市的起源和内部空间结构。城市化进程的本质可以分以下几个主要发展阶段来描述:(a) 基于社会专业化和相互依存关系的出现;(b) 劳动分工在这些关系中的突出作用及其在人类活动密集空间节点中的重组;以及 (c) 伴随形成的城市内部网络空间。然后,这些阶段被置于城市物质性的三个相互交织的维度中,即内部维度(城市的内部组织和空间动态)、社会环境维度(整个社会的关系结构)和外部维度(城市外部的地理环境)。基于这一叙述,本文对我所谓的“新批判城市理论”进行了评价性回顾,特别是全球城市化、后殖民城市理论和比较主义方法论。我认为,虽然每个城市都代表着一个独特而复杂的社会事件组合,但在某些特定的意义上,城市现象很容易在理论普遍性的最高层面上进行研究。
Keywords: agglomeration, division of labour, planetary urbanisation, postcolonial urbanism, urban land nexus, urban theory


关键词:集聚, 分工, 全球城市化, 后殖民城市化, 城市土地关系, 城市理论


Neighbourhood places, collective efficacy and crime: A longitudinal perspective
Renee Zahnow(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)
Jonathan Corcoran(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)
Anthony Kimpton(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)
Rebecca Wickes(澳大利亚莫纳什大学)
Abstract: Neighbourhood places like shops, cafes and parks support a variety of social interactions ranging from the ephemeral to the intimate. Repeated interactions at neighbourhood places over time lay the foundation for the development of social cohesion and collective efficacy. In this study, we examine the proposition that changes in the presence or arrangement of neighbourhood places can destabilise social cohesion and collective efficacy, which has implications for crime. Using spatially integrated crime, social survey and parcel-level land-use classification data, we estimate mixed effects panel models predicting changes in theft and nuisance crimes across 147 Australian neighbourhoods. The findings are consistent with neighbourhood social control and crime opportunity theories. Neighbourhood development – indicated by fewer vacant properties and fewer industrial and agricultural sites – is associated with higher collective efficacy and less crime over time. Conversely, introducing more restaurants, transit stations and cinemas is associated with higher theft and nuisance over time regardless of neighbourhood collective efficacy. We argue that the addition of socially conducive places can leave neighbourhoods vulnerable to crime until new patterns of sociability emerge and collective efficacy develops.
Keywords: built environment, collective efficacy, community, crime/social order, neighbourhood, public space, social interaction

关键词:建筑环境, 集体效能, 社区, 犯罪/社会秩序, 邻里/街区, 公共空间, 社交互动


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