
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(121-124)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Street markets, urban development and immigrant entrepreneurship: Unpacking precarity in Moore Street, Dublin



Cristín Blennerhassett(爱尔兰都柏林大学)

Niamh Moore-Cherry(爱尔兰都柏林大学)

Christine Bonnin(爱尔兰都柏林大学)



Abstract: Traditional markets represent vital spaces of opportunity for livelihood-building, intercultural contact and for developing familiarity with the city. Yet, worldwide, markets are under pressure due to redevelopment agendas driven by neoliberalised forms of urban governance. Although precarious sites of occupation and employment, markets still maintain an attractiveness for immigrant micro-entrepreneurs as a foothold into the labour market and urban economy. Through a case study of the historic Moore Street market in central Dublin (Ireland), we explore the experiences of immigrant entrepreneurs. While these may be different in terms of their familiarity with the urban, institutional and regulatory landscapes, they are not entirely dissimilar from the experiences of longer-term traders in Moore Street. However what is evidentis how precarity is tactically exploited by new comer entrepreneurs for particular reasons. These traders prize the autonomy brought by market trading and use it as a meso-scale between low-paid waged employment and higher-level employment that may be out of reach for a variety of reasons. We argue that in examining urban precarity, increased attention should be paid to exploring the context-specific nature of the processes that give rise to it as well as the agentic capacity exercised to exploit it even within structural constraints.


摘要:传统市场带来了生计建设、跨文化接触和熟悉城市的重要机会空间。然而,在世界范围内,由于新自由主义城市治理形式推动的重建议程,这些市场正面临压力。尽管市场是不稳定的职业和就业场所,但作为进入劳动力市场和城市经济的立足点,其对移民微型创业者仍然保持着吸引力。通过对爱尔兰都柏林市中心历史悠久的摩尔街(Moore Street)市场的案例研究,我们探寻移民创业者的经历。虽然对城市、制度和监管环境的熟悉程度可能有所不同,但他们的经历与摩尔街长期商户的经历并非完全不同。然而,显而易见的是,新晋创业者会出于特定原因策略性地利用不稳定性。这些商户看重市场交易带来的自主权,并将其作为介乎低薪就业与由于各种原因遥不可及的高薪就业之间的中间选项。我们认为,在研究城市不稳定性时,应该更加注重探究产生这种不稳定性的过程的、特定于其背景的性质,以及在结构性约束下人们所发挥的能动性。


Keywords: Dublin, immigrant entrepreneurship, street markets, sustainable urban development, urban precarity


关键词:都柏林, 移民创业, 街头市场, 可持续城市发展, 城市不稳定性



Spatialising urban health vulnerability: An analysis of NYC’s critical infrastructure during COVID-19



Gayatri Kawlra(美国哥伦比亚大学)

Kazuki Sakamoto(美国哥伦比亚大学)



Abstract: This paper examines how fragmentation of critical infrastructure impacts the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City at the neighbourhood level. The location of transportation hubs, grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals and parks plays an important role in shaping spatial disparities in virus spread. Using supervised machine learning and spatial regression modelling we examine how the geography of COVID-19 case rates is influenced by the spatial arrangement of four critical sectors of the built environment during the public health emergency in New York City: health care facilities, mobility networks, food and nutrition and open space. Our models suggest that an analysis of urban health vulnerability is incomplete without the inclusion of critical infrastructure metrics in dense urban geographies. Our findings show that COVID-19 risk at the zip code level is influenced by (1) socio-demographic vulnerability, (2) epidemiological risk, and (3) availability and access to critical infrastructure.




Keywords: built environment, health, inequality, infrastructure, machine learning, social justice, spatial regression analysis


关键词:建筑环境, 健康, 不平等, 基础设施, 机器学习, 社会正义, 空间回归分析




The cities we need: Towards an urbanism guided by human needs satisfaction
Rodrigo Cardoso(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)
Ali Sobhani(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)
Evert Meijers(荷兰乌得勒支大学)
Abstract: This article proposes moving beyond the tyranny of economic imperatives towards a human needs-based framework to assess cities and envision their development. Existing calls for such a transition lack a foundation able to capture the various dimensions of human life in cities, which can be provided by the concept of human needs. We ask whether cities deliver satisfiers that make them good places to cater for the full range of human needs in a similar way to how they cater for economic needs. The article develops a framework that allows us to address that question. We show how the main debates in human needs theory are illustrated by urban phenomena, and search for a human needs model which is able to advance those debates and tackle the problem specifically in cities. Then we highlight the specifically urban aspects of needs satisfaction processes and construct a table of indicators to assess how cities fare in that respect, ensuring global comparability as to whether, as well as local contextualisation as to how, needs are satisfied.
Keywords: agglomeration effects, human needs, quality of life, satisfiers, urban futures
关键词:集聚效应, 人类需求, 生活质量, 满足因素, 城市未来




Transnational education zones: Towards an urban political economy of ‘education cities’

Jana M. Kleibert(德国厄克纳莱布尼茨社会与空间研究所,德国柏林洪堡大学)

Alice Bobée(德国厄克纳莱布尼茨社会与空间研究所,德国柏林洪堡大学)

Tim Rottleb(德国厄克纳莱布尼茨社会与空间研究所,德国柏林洪堡大学)

Marc Schulze(德国厄克纳莱布尼茨社会与空间研究所,德国柏林洪堡大学)


Abstract: Prevalentnotions of ‘education cities’ and ‘education hubs’ are vaguely defined, operate at blurry scales and tend to reproduce promotional language. The article contributes to theorising the geographies and spaces of globalising higher education by developing the concept of transnational education zones. Through an urban political economy lens, we review the relations between universities and cities, consider universities’ role in the political economy and understand universities as transnational urban actors. We exhaustively map the phenomenon of transnational education zones and empirically analyse cases from four cities (Doha, Dubai, Iskandar and Flic en Flac) with respect to their embeddedness in state-led projects for the ‘knowledge economy’, their vision for transnational subject formation and their character as urban zones of exception. The conclusion develops a research agenda for further critical geographic inquiries into the (re)making of cities through the development of transnational spaces of higher education that explores the relations between globalising higher education and material and discursive transformations at the urban scale.
Keywords: agglomeration, economic processes, education, education cities, globalisation, international branch campus, place branding, urbanisation
关键词:集聚, 经济过程, 教育, 教育城市, 全球化, 国际分校, 场所品牌, 城市化



Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十一期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十二期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十三期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十四期

Urban Studies 文章精选(108-111)
Urban Studies 文章精选(112-115)
Urban Studies 文章精选(116-120)

排版 | 张祎娴

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