
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(129-132)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Exploring the long-term effect of strategy work: The case of Sustainable Sydney 2030



Martin Kornberger(英国爱丁堡大学)

Renate E Meyer(奥地利维也纳经济大学)

Markus A Höllerer(奥地利维也纳经济大学)



Abstract: Strategy has become an important concern and practical tool in urban management and governance, with the literature highlighting implementation as a hallmark of effective strategy. Whilst such a strategy–action link (which we label here as ‘implementation nexus’) has been well established, other long-term effects have been documented in less detail. Our study of Sustainable Sydney 2030 finds that strategy was effective to the extent to which it changed the institutional a priori of what a collective of actors engaged in city-making knows, what it can articulate and how its members relate to each other. We capture this effect as ‘institution nexus’ and theorise our findings with Ludwik Fleck’s concept of ‘thought style’ of a focal ‘thought collective’ – notions that also centrally influenced Mary Douglas’ work on ‘how institutions think’. We contribute to extant research by adding the institution nexus as a long-term effect of urban strategy as well as by advancing strategy theory in urban studies to foregroundits ability to shape institutions.
摘要:策略已成为城市管理和治理中的一个重要关注点和实用工具,文献强调实施是有效策略的标志。虽然这种策略—行动联系(我们在这里将其称为“实施联系”)已经得到了很好的确认,但我们对其他长期效果的记录却语焉不详。我们对悉尼2030可持续发展计划(Sustainable Sydney 2030)的研究表明,该策略的有效性相当于,它在多大程度上改变了关于以下方面的制度前提:参与城市营造的行为者集体知道些什么,这个集体可以表达什么,以及它的成员如何相互联系。我们将这种效果描述为“制度联系”并将其理论化,我们的理论化基于路德维希·弗莱克(Ludwik Fleck)的“思想集体”的“思想风格”的概念,这些概念也是影响了玛丽·道格拉斯(Mary Douglas)关于“制度如何思考”的研究的核心概念。我们增加制度联系作为城市策略的长期效果之一,并推进城市研究中的策略理论以突出其塑造制度的能力,从而为现有的研究作出贡献。
Keywords: effect, institution, Sustainable Sydney 2030, thought collective, thought style, urban strategy
关键词:效果, 制度, 悉尼2030可持续发展计划, 思想集体, 思想风格, 城市策略

The role of social capital in the collective-led development of urbanising villages in China: The case of Shenzhen


De Tong(北京大学深圳研究生院)

Yaying Wu(北京大学深圳研究生院)

Ian MacLachlan(北京大学深圳研究生院)

Jieming Zhu(中国同济大学)



Abstract: The ‘urbanising village’ is a uniquely Chinese urban form that emerged during the period of rapid urbanisation in the reform era. The absence of state governance in rural areas relegates considerable decision-making power to village collectives, and the social capital inherited from traditional rural villages may remain in place after villages are urbanised. To explore the role of social capital and its mobilisation in solving the land use challenges posed by the urbanisation of rural settlements, we analysed the growth processes of Huanggang village as a typical example of a ‘collective-led’ self-organised urbanising village in Shenzhen. Qualitative analysis using semi-structured interviews and abundant secondary data provides credible evidence that defining property rights through land titling is not the only way to achieve orderly development, safe and sanitary living conditions and efficient land use in informal settlements. Social capital, measured by networks, norms and trust passed down among long-term acquaintances in rural villages, plays an important role in the development of communities. Village collectives can unite villagers and mobilise their social, cultural and material capital to compensate for the absence of formal governance institutions and government-provided community services. The implications of these findings suggest a new strategic pathway for managing urbanising villages in China and informal settlements in other developing countries.
Keywords: built environment, collective-led development, governance, planning, social capital
关键词:建筑环境, 集体主导的发展, 治理, 规划, 社会资本



The taming of chaos: Optimal cities and the state of the art in urban systems research
Linnet Taylor(荷兰蒂尔堡大学)
Abstract: What can urban big data research tell us about cities? While studying cities as complex systems offers a new perspective on urban dynamics, we should dig deeper into the epistemological claims made by these studies and ask what it means to distance the urban researcher from the city. Big data research has the tendency to flatten our perspective: it shows us technology users and their interactions with digital systems but does so often at the expense of the informal and irregular aspects of city life. It also presents us with the city a soptimisable system, offering up the chance to engineer it for particular forms of efficiency or productivity. Both optimisation itself, and the process of ordering of the city for optimisation, confer political and economic power and produce a hierarchy of interests. This commentary advocates that researchers connect systems research to questions of structure and power. To do this requires a critical approach to what is missing, what is implied by the choices about which data to collect and how to make them available, and an understanding of the ontologies that shape both the data sets and the urban spaces they describe.


Keywords: big data, urban systems research, mobile phones, transport, optimization


关键词:大数据, 城市系统研究, 手机, 交通, 优化

The impact of immediate urban environments on people’s momentary happiness
Lingling Su(中山大学)
Suhong Zhou(中山大学)
Mei-Po Kwan(香港中文大学)等五位作者
Abstract: The research interest of urban researchers and geographers in the relationship between urban environments and happiness has been increasing. Previous studies have mostly focused on people’s long-term overall wellbeing. However, there is limited evidence that momentary happiness is associated with immediate urban environments. This study provides new evidence on this issue. 144 participants living in Guangzhou, China, were asked to repeatedly self-report their momentary happiness through ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and the day reconstruction method (DRM). The microenvironment variables were captured by portable sensors, while the built environment variables were captured by associating the GPS response locations with objective spatial data. The results indicate that momentary happiness is influenced by immediate microenvironment variables and built environment characteristics including temperature, noise, PM2.5, population, POI density, POI types and street intersections. On the other hand, the use of different sizes of contextual units affects the results. The built environment in 100m buffers and the microenvironment has higher explanatory power for momentary happiness recorded by EMA than the built environment in 500m buffers. Similarly, the temporality of the contextual influences also affects the results. Urban environment features have higher explanatory power for real-time momentary happiness recorded by EMA than recalled momentary happiness recorded by DRM. These results also strongly corroborate the results of recent studies on the uncertain geographic context problem (UGCoP) and partly explain the inconsistency in the results of past research.
Keywords: China, day reconstruction method, ecological momentary assessment, momentary happiness, urban environments

关键词:中国, 日内重建法, 生态瞬间评估, 瞬间幸福感, 城市环境

Developing urban growth and urban quality: Entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment projects in Copenhagen and Hamburg
Jürgen Bruns-Berentelg(德国汉堡港口新城)
Luise Noring(丹麦哥本哈根商学院)
Adam Grydehøj(浙江大学城乡创新设计研究中心,海岛与海岸带研究所)
Abstract: This paper considers the cases of urban redevelopment at waterfront and brownfield sites in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Hamburg (Germany) to explore how two municipal governments have pursued divergent kinds of entrepreneurial governance, even as they have aimed to create similar kinds of new-build neighbourhoods. Copenhagen and Hamburg have both engaged in large-scale speculative development projects, simultaneously raising urban land values and adding urban public good. The cities follow a long tradition of using land value capture to raise funds formunicipal activities, yet their scopes of action and tools for achieving progress have been shaped by local economic and political conditions. Although both cities began redevelopment at similar kinds of sites in the 1990s, Copenhagen’s municipal government was relatively impoverished, while Hamburg’s municipal government was relatively wealthy. As a result, even though both cities deployed state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and revolving funds models to reinvest revenues in future development, they possessed different potential strategies for increasing intercity competitiveness: Copenhagen’s immediate aim in redeveloping its Ørestad and harbour districts was to fund a citywide mass transit system and thereby enhance competitiveness through infrastructure development, while Hamburg sought to use its HafenCity waterfront redevelopment to boost competitiveness through port modernisation, increased in urban quality and commercial expansion in the city centre. By comparing these two cases, we can better understand the contingent nature of entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment processes.
Keywords: governance, housing, local government, planning, redevelopment/regeneration, state-owned enterprises, urban growth
关键词:治理, 住房, 地方政府, 规划, 再开发/更新, 国有企业, 城市发展

Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百二十九期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百三十期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百三十一期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百三十二期


Urban Studies 文章精选(116-120)

Urban Studies 文章精选(121-124)

Urban Studies 文章精选(125-128)

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