
期刊导航 | Urban Studies文章精选(147-150)

Urban Studies 国际城市规划 2023-11-10

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Critical urban theory in the Anthropocene


Stephanie Wakefield(美国生命大学)


Abstract: Critical urban thinkers often imagine urbanisation and the Anthropocene as inevitably being companion processes. But is planetary urbanisation the necessary telos and spatial limit of life in the Anthropocene? Is urban resilience the final form of urban responses to climate change? Will (or should) the urban (as either spatial form or process) survive the upending impacts of climate change or adaptation? Or, if the Anthropocene is a time of deep environmental and epistemological upheaval without historical precedent, might even more recently created spatial concepts of the planetary urban condition themselves soon be out of date? This article raises these questions for urban scholars via critical engagement with a proposal to retire Miami – considered climate change ‘ground zero’ in the US and doomed by rising seas – and repurpose it as fill for ‘The Islands of South Florida’: a self-sufficient territory of artificial high-rises delinked from global infrastructural networks. This vision of an ‘urbicidal Anthropocene’, the article argues, suggests that the injunction subtending planetary urbanisation work – to relentlessly question inherited spatial frameworks – has not been taken far enough. Still needed is Anthropocene critical urban theory, to consider urban forms and processes emerging via climate change and adaptation, but also how such mutations may point beyond the theoretical and spatial bounds of the contemporary urban condition itself.


Keywords: agglomeration, Anthropocene, built environment, environment, infrastructure, resilience, sustainability, urbanization

关键词:集聚, 人类世, 建筑环境, 环境, 基础设施, 韧性, 可持续性, 城市化




A rhythmanalysis approach to understanding the vending-walking forms and everyday use of urban street space in Yuncheng, China


Ziwen Sun(北京理工大学)


Abstract: In Chinese cities, informal street vendors often appear in a transient space intertwined with a large number of pedestrians and heterogeneity, in contrast with the dichotomous construction of static built environment and dynamic street activity examined in most studies on walkability. This paper explores the rhythm of everyday street spaces and the temporary experiences of pedestrians and street vendors in Yuncheng, China. The author argues that street vendors are particularly well suited for capturing city rhythms and can discern the tempo of social life and pedestrians in urban street spaces. Following Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis approach and drawing on 86 semi-structured interviews combined with on-site observation in three street spaces, this paper investigates how rhythms are linked to spatial form, time and the everyday street activity of walking and vending. It expands an analytical framework in both daily rhythms and long-standing rhythms, including arrhythmia, eurhythmia and polyrhythmia. The conclusions provide an alternative way of understanding why pedestrians emerge, through considering how street vendors temporarily meet the everyday needs of different pedestrians in specific, real and detailed ways. Such fine-grained narratives, in turn, demonstrate the need to advance theoretical and empirical understandings of multiple rhythms in relation to walkable space and walking forms.


Keywords: everyday life, informality, rhythm, street vending, temporality, urban space, walking

关键词:日常生活, 非正规性, 节奏, 街头贩卖, 即时性, 城市空间, 步行



Hukou as benefits: Demand for hukou and wages in China


Samantha A Vortherms(美国加利福尼亚大学欧文分校)

Gordon G Liu(北京大学)


Abstract: As China encourages urbanisation, a necessary process is the urbanisation of its people, granting local-urban hukou, or local citizenship, to migrant populations. But reforms encouraging urbanisation are dependent on migrant populations wanting to become formal, registered urban residents. What is the demand for hukou? Based on a unique probabilistically-sampled contingent valuation survey of over 900 migrants in Beijing and Changsha, we use migrants’ willingness-to-pay for hukou as a measure of demand for urbanisation. We find that migrants in Beijing are willing to give up between 9% and 14% of their income over five years to gain local-urban hukou. Migrants in Changsha are much less willing to pay for hukou with a willingness-to-pay indistinguishable from zero, and rural migrants have a negative willingness-to-pay. This study contributes to the broader literature on the impact of China’s hukou system by providing a unique test of migrant workers’ willingness-to-pay for local citizenship.


Keywords: China, contingent valuation, household registration, hukuo, migration, urbanization

关键词:中国, 条件评估, 户籍登记, 迁移, 城市化



Tracing as comparative method


Astrid Wood(英国纽卡斯尔大学)


Abstract: Urban scholarship is bursting with comparison. We use comparison as an explicit and implicit tool to frame our urban analysis. But how do we actually do comparison? This commentary presents a fine-tuned analysis of ‘tracing’ as both a conceptual framework and a methodological process for doing comparative urbanism. It draws on the many excellent contributions in this special issue to argue for three methodological approaches to tracing – following the trace, the people doing the tracing and the pathways of tracing – adding reflections that are not only theoretically valuable but also practically useful. In concluding, I argue that this approach of tracing highlights the endless possibilities for thoughtful and productive comparison starting from everywhere and ending up anywhere.


Keywords: comparative urbanism, tracing, urban studies

关键词:比较城市研究, 追踪, 城市研究


Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十七期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十八期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百四十九期
Urban Studies 论文快递:第一百五十期

Urban Studies 文章精选(133-136)
Urban Studies 文章精选(137-141)
Urban Studies 文章精选(142-146)

排版 | 张祎娴

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