
外刊精读 | 疫情期间世界经济的良药

青法平台 青法在线 2020-12-09



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The right medicine for the world economy

Coping with the pandemic involves all of government, not just the health system

Mar 5th 2020 |


IT IS NOT a fair fight, but it is a fight that many countries will face all the same. Left to itself, the covid-19 pandemic doubles every five to six days. When you get your next issue of The Economist the outbreak could in theory have infected twice as many people as today. Governments can slow that ferocious pace, but bureaucratic time is not the same as virus time. And at the moment governments across the world are being left flat-footed.


·All the same:仍然;依旧;照样

【例句】It rained every day of our holiday - but we had a good time all the same.

·Left to itself: 任由其发展

【例句】But the mix of capital types, left to itself, is likely to drift gradually in the right direction.



【例句】Campaign leaders were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started to swing the other way.

The disease is in 85 countries and territories, up from 50 a week earlier. Over 95,000 cases and 3,200 deaths have been recorded. Yet our analysis, based on patterns of travel to and from China, suggests that many countries which have spotted tens of cases have hundreds more circulating undetected. Iran, South Korea and Italy are exporting the virus. America has registered 159 cases in 14 states but as of March 1st it had, indefensibly, tested just 472 people when South Korea was testing 10,000 a day. Now that America is looking, it is sure to find scores of infections—and possibly unearth a runaway epidemic.


·As of:自……起,也可作as from。

例句:The border, effectively closed since 1981, will be opened as of January the 1st...

·Scores of:许多;大量,后面一般跟可数名词复数,可用来替换a number of等。


例句:Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children...


Wherever the virus takes hold, containing it and mitigating its effects will involve more than doctors and paramedics. The World Health Organisation has distilled lessons from China for how health-care systems should cope. The same thinking is needed across the government, especially over how to protect people and companies as supply chains fracture and the worried and the ill shut themselves away.


·Take hold:完全控制;彻底影响

例句:She was determined not to let the illness take hold again.


·Contain: contain广为人知的意思是“包括;容纳”,但这里是“控制;防止……蔓延”的意思。比如说,contain the fire 控制火势

·Distil: distil有“蒸馏;提取(植物)精华”的意思,也有“精炼、浓缩(想法);吸收……为一部分”的意思。

例句:Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column… 述评是从先前刊登在主要专栏文章中提炼出来的。

The first task is to get manpower and money to hospitals. China drafted in 40,000 health workers to Hubei province. Britain may bring medics out of retirement. This week the World Bank made $12bn and the IMF $50bn available for covid-19. The Global Fund, which fights diseases like malaria and TB, said countries can switch grants. In America Congress is allocating $8.3bn of funding. The country has some of the world’s most advanced hospitals, but its fragmented health system has little spare capacity. Much more money will be needed.


·Draft: 选派;抽调;派遣。

例句:The manager will make a special plea to draft the player into his squad as a replacement.

·out of retirement: 重返工作岗位

·The Global Fund:

抗艾滋病、结核和疟疾全球基金(The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria,简称全球基金)是全球医药卫生领域的国际性援助机构。2002年在联合国和世界卫生组织的倡议和推动下,由几十个国家政府和国际组织以PPP模式(Public-Private-Partnership)共同建立,秘书处位于瑞士日内瓦,工作人员750多人,由包括有医学、药学、公共卫生、经济金融等背景的专业人士组成。该机构是世界卫生组织、联合国机构和发展中国家医药卫生项目重要的资助方之一,其理事会成员包括受援和援助国政府、世界卫生组织、世界银行、联合国艾滋病规划署和相关机构、组织等。

Just as important is to slow the spread of the disease by getting patients to come forward for testing when outbreaks are small and possible to contain. They may be deterred in many countries, including much of America, where 28m people are without health coverage and many more have to pay for a large slug of their own treatment. People also need to isolate themselves if they have mild symptoms, as about 80% of them will. Here sick pay matters, because many people cannot afford to miss work. In America a quarter of employees have no access to paid sick leave and only scattered states and cities offer sickness benefits. Often the self-employed, a fifth of Italy’s workforce, do not qualify. One study found that, in epidemics, guaranteed sick pay cuts the spread of flu in America by 40%.


·Just as important is to… :同样重要的是,可以用来表示“…很重要,…也同样重要”,例如:Just as it is important to distil other cultures from Western countries, it is even more important to maintain cultural confidence.

·Come forward: 自告奋勇;主动提供(信息)。

例句:A vital witness came forward to say that she saw Tanner wearing the boots.

·Health coverage: 医疗保险

·A large slug of: slug本身是“一大口(酒)”的意思,a large slug of 指“大量的”,后面接不可数名词。

·Mild: 温和的;不严重的

·Sick pay:病假工资

·cannot afford to: 无法承受

Sick pay also helps soften the blow to demand which, along with a supply shock and a general panic, is hitting economies. These three factors, as China shows, can have a dramatic effect on output. Manufacturing activity there sank in February to its lowest level since managers were first surveyed in 2004. In the quarter to March the economy as a whole could shrink for the first time since the death of Mao Zedong. The OECD expects global growth this year to be its slowest since 2009. Modelling by academics at the Australian National University suggests that GDP in America and Europe would be 2% lower than it would have been in the absence of a pandemic and perhaps as much as 8% lower if the rate of deaths is many times higher than expected. Financial markets are pricing in fear. The S&P 500 has fallen by 8% from its peak on February 19th. Issuance of corporate debt on Wall Street has more or less stopped. The yield on ten-year Treasuries dipped below 1% for the first time ever.


·soften the blow:缓和,缓解(打击等),也可以用“cushion the blow”。

例句:Programs designed to soften the blow of unemployment are not working well.

·hitting economies:打击经济


·the economy shrinks::经济萎缩;经济下行

·in the absence of:缺席;没有

·Issuance: 发行,security issuance 证券发行

·Yield: 可数名词,投资收益、利润。

例句:The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors.

·Dip: (通常指迅速地)下降,下落,下沉

In rich countries, most of the economic effort has been directed towards calming financial markets. On March 3rd America’s Federal Reserve cut rates a fortnight before its monetary-policy meeting, and by an unusually large half-a-percentage point. The central banks of Australia, Canada and Indonesia have also acted. The Bank of England and the European Central Bank are both expected to loosen policy, too.


·direct efforts towards:努力是为了……

·America’s Federal Reserve:美国联邦储备委员会,简称“美联储”,是一个美国联邦政府机构,主要负责制定并负责实施有关的货币政策、对银行机构实行监管,并保护消费者合法的信贷权利、维持金融系统的稳定和向美国政府,公众,金融机构,外国机构等提供可靠的金融服务。



·loosen policy:放宽政策,与之相对:tighten policy,紧缩政策。

Yet this slowdown is not a textbook downturn. Lower rates will ease borrowing costs and shore up sentiment, but no amount of cheap credit can stop people falling ill. Monetary policy cannot repair broken supply chains or tempt anxious people into venturing out. These obvious limitations help explain why stockmarkets failed to revive after the Fed’s cut.


·downturn: 衰退(经济方面);低迷时期。

例句:There are two main reasons for the muted response of unemployment to so severe a downturn.

·Shore up: 支撑;支持;加强。可替换“strengthen”或者“support”。

例句:The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.

·Sentiment: 态度、情绪。

·Venture out:冒险、投机

Better to support the economy directly, by helping affected people and firms pay bills and borrow money if they need it. For individuals, the priority should be paying for health care and providing paid sick leave. The Trump administration is considering paying some hospital bills for those with the virus. Japan’s government will cover the wages of parents who stay at home to care for children or sick relatives; Singapore’s will help cab drivers and bosses whose employees are struck down. More such ideas will be needed.


·struck down:打倒,击倒。

例句:The man struck down by lightning during the storm was taken to the hospital.

For companies the big challenge will be liquidity. And although this shock is unlike the financial crisis, when the poison spread from within, that period did show how to cope with a liquidity crunch. Firms that lose revenues will still face tax, wage and interest bills. Easing that burden, for as long as the epidemic lasts, can avoid needless bankruptcies and lay-offs. Temporary relief on tax and wage costs can help. Employers can be encouraged to choose shorter hours for all their staff over lay-offs for some of them. Authorities could fund banks to lend to firms that are suffering, as they did during the financial crisis and as China is doing today. China is also ordering banks to go easy ondelinquent borrowers. Western governments cannot do that, but it is in the interest of lenders everywhere to show forbearance towards borrowers facing a cash squeeze, much as banks did to public-sector employees during America’s government shutdown in 2018-19.




       例句:The crunch of feet on snow.


       例句:He crunch came when she returned from America.


       例如:a budget/energy/housing crunch

go easy on

        ①温和对待……(on sth)。

       例句:Go easy on the slang, especially      among those who are already judging you based on race and age.

       ②对某人温和、宽容(on sb)。

       例句:I promise I'll go easy on you.


        例句:Go easy on the alcohol.

·Delinquent: 拖欠债务的。

·Forbearance: 耐心;宽容;克制。

·Squeeze: (countable usually singular)

       ①减少;削减。the squeeze on profits:利润的减少。

       ②通货紧缩;货币紧缩。A credit squeeze:信贷紧缩

·America’s government shutdown in 2018-19:


There is a tension. Health policy aims to spare hospitals by lowering the epidemic’s peak so that it is less intense, if longer-lasting. Economic policy, by contrast, aims to minimise how long factories are shut and staff absent. Eventually governments will have to strike a balance. Today, however, they are so far behind the epidemic that the priority must be to slow its spread. ■





·strike a balance:取得平衡






本文责编 ✎金钟罩

本期编辑 ✎  Aone

