

青法平台 青法在线 2020-12-09

Legends in lockdown


The pandemic has accelerated the growth of competitive video-gaming


Motor racing has a long and chequered history of cheating, from illegal designs to the use of nitrous oxide to give cars a boost. On May 23rd, however, a new type emerged when a Formula e driver, Daniel Abt, was disqualified for substituting a teenage video-gamer to drive for him. The cheating happened not in a real car but in a virtual version of the sport, played on the official “Formula 1” video game, organised to keep fans amused while real racing was stopped for the pandemic. The races put car drivers up against professional virtual racers, and were watched by hundreds of thousands of viewers on television as well as YouTube and Twitch, a live-streaming service owned by Amazon.

从非法设计到使用一氧化二氮提升汽车性能,赛车作弊的历史已由来已久。然而,在5月23日,一种新的类型出现了:Formulae车手丹尼尔·阿布特(Daniel Abt)因为替一名青少年电子游戏玩家代驾而被取消了比赛资格。这一作弊行为并没有发生在一辆真实的汽车上,而发生在一款f1官方视频游戏的虚拟版本中。真正的赛车因疫情而被停赛,这款游戏的开发是为了重燃粉丝们的激情而设计。这场比赛是赛车手和专业的虚拟赛车手之间的较量,(比赛当天)有数十万观众通过电视、YouTube和Twitch观看了比赛。其中,Twitch是亚马逊旗下的一项流媒体直播服务。

Chequered adj.

~ past/history/career 成功与失败并存的(过去或历史、事业)  

Nitrous oxide n.


Disqualified adj./v.

adj. 不合格的;被取消资格的

v. 使不合格;取消…的资格(disqualify的过去分词)

Substituting n./v.

n. 取代;[数] 代入

v. 代替,取代(substitute的现在分词形式)



The virtual f1 contest was not the only example of athletes taking to a video-game version of their sport during the pandemic. In Britain Sky Sports, a broadcaster, showed matches of “FIFA”, a popular football game, with players from the real-life Premier League. In America NASCAR races have been held virtually, too.


Virtual adj.



Broadcaster n.



Matches n./v.



2.比赛;竞赛 eg:a football match 足球比赛;a tennis match 网球比赛











It may seem surprising that fans might be satisfied by watching a virtual version of their sport. Yet video games have been quietly becoming more like traditional sports for some time. Covid-19, by keeping athletes indoors, has given a boost to “e- sports”—not just virtual versions of old sports, but entirely new online games, played competitively by professionals and watched by tens of millions of people.


Video games, now played often by perhaps a quarter of the world’s population, are no longer just entertainment. Many games are more like something between a sport and a social network. And games have thrived under lockdown. The number of players logged into Steam, a popular gaming platform on pcs, reached record highs in late March, with 25m players logged in at one time. Nintendo’s share price increased by 45% in the month from March 16th. Twitch saw its traffic jump by 50% from March to April.


Thrive v.


Lockdown n.


Over the past decade the business model of games has changed radically. Revenue used to come from selling blockbuster single-player games, such as “Grand Theft Auto”, on disks. Now the biggest-grossing games, such as “Fortnite” or “League of Leg- ends”, are given away free and updated constantly, with money made from in- game purchases. They are more social, more competitive and arguably more addictive. Some of them are becoming cultural phenomena in their own right. Executives hope they can persuade more people to watch them, buy gear and cheer teams as they do with traditional sports.

在过去的十年里,游戏的商业模式发生了根本性的变化。过去的收入来自销售重磅的单人游戏,比如《侠盗猎车手》。而现在最卖钱的游戏,如Fortnite或League of Leg-ends,都是免费赠送和不断更新的,而钱则来自游戏内购买。他们更善于社交,更有竞争力,可以说更容易让人上瘾。其中一些(做法)已经成为文化现象。高管们希望他们能说服更多的人观看他们的比赛、购买装备和啦啦队,就像他们在传统体育比赛中所做的那样。

Blockbuster n.

n. 轰动;巨型炸弹;一鸣惊人者

Grossing n.

grossing 总额创票房最高纪录的

Gerhard Grossing 作者

top grossing 以及畅销应用排行最高票房从畅销排名从滞销排名

Arguably adv.


Executive n./adj.

adj. 经营管理的;有执行权的;高级的;供重要人物使用的

n. 主管;行政领导;(政府的)行政部门;执行委员会

Gear n.




first/second, etc. gear 一挡、二挡等

reverse gear 倒挡

low/high gear 低速╱高速挡






Take “League of Legends”, perhaps the biggest e-sport in the world. It was launched in 2009 by Riot Games, an American firm now owned by Tencent, China’s biggest tech firm. It is a complex strategy game, in which teams of five players com mand “heroes” in a battle to defeat each other. As many people play it regularly as play tennis; at any one time, 8m people may be online. It also supports a professional game that is, at least in terms of the number of players earning a living from it, also larger than tennis. The final of the League of Legends World Championship last year was watched live by 44m people. By comparison the Super Bowl, America’s biggest live sporting event, was watched by roughly twice that.

以Riot游戏公司于2009年推出的“英雄联盟”为例,它可能是世界上最大的电子竞技游戏,目前这家美国公司属中国最大的科技公司腾讯所有。这是一款复杂的战略游戏,每支队伍由5名玩家组成,他们需要和“英雄”一起战斗以打败对方。在任何时候,都有800万人在上网,数量和经常打网球的人一样多。它还支持一项职业比赛,仅就比赛中的专职队员而言,其人数也比常打网球的人数多。去年,有4400万人现场观看了英雄联盟(League of Legends)世界锦标赛决赛。相比之下,美国最大的体育赛事——超级碗(Super Bowl)的收视率大约是这个数字的两倍。

Comparison n.



Roughly adv.




Twelve professional leagues now span all regions of the globe except Africa, with 120 franchised teams and perhaps 1,000 professional players. Whereas tennis stars in the world’s top 200 often struggle to make a living, “League of Legends” players in America are guaranteed a minimum salary of $75,000. There, players are entitled to the same visas that other foreign athletes can get. The average salary is closer to $400,000, says Chris Greeley of Riot Games. Lee Sanghyeok, a Korean star,known by his tag “Faker”, may be the highest-paid sportsman in his country.


Be entitled to:有……的资格。

Older sports are moving in. f1’s e-sports competition existed before covid-19 brought it to television, as did eNASCAR races. Michael Jordan, a retired basketball star, is among those to have invested in Team Liquid, which plays in around a dozen e-sports. In November Manchester City, an English football club, unveiled its professional “FIFA” team—based in South Ko- rea. Games of “Starcraft”, a strategy game, were first screened on cable tv there in the 1990s. Korean teenagers play, after school and before private tuition, in internet cafés, known as “pc bangs” (pc rooms).

更复古的竞技运动正在兴起。f1的电子竞技比赛的电视转播在新冠疫情之前就已经存在了,纳斯卡赛车的比赛也是如此。退役篮球明星迈克尔乔丹投资过Team Liquid,这家公司在十几个电子竞技项目中都有过投资。去年11月,一家英国曼城的足球俱乐部公布了其在韩国的FIFA职业战队。《星际争霸》是一款战略游戏,在上世纪90年代首次在有线电视上播放。韩国青少年在放学后和私人补习前,都在网吧里玩,这些网吧也被称为“电脑房”。

Team Liquid:是一支国际电子竞技职业组织,2000年在荷兰建立。2012年,Team Liquid在北美成立了Dota2战队,这是他们首次进军多项目俱乐部。在Dota2Ti7国际邀请赛上,Team Liquid的Dota2欧洲分部夺得冠军并获得了当时电竞史上最多的一笔奖金——7227万。2015年1月,Team Liquid宣布合并Team Curse,正式进军英雄联盟项目。TL的英雄联盟分部一共获得过4次北美最高级别联赛LCS的冠军。

Activision Blizzard, a publisher, runs leagues for “Call of Duty” and “Overwatch”, two first-person shooter games. These are modelled on conventional sports leagues, with teams that rent stadiums and play at home and away. Being based in a specific city enables teams to generate local support, as well as revenue from local sponsors, says Ben Spoont, the CEO of Misfits Gaming, which owns the Florida Mayhem “Overwatch” team.

动视暴雪,是一个游戏发行商。它经营“使命召唤”和“守望先锋”两款第一人称射击游戏的联赛。这些游戏都对传统的体育联赛进行模仿,战队租用体育场,在主场和客场比赛。Misfits Gaming的首席执行官本•斯彭特(Ben Spoont)说:“总部设在一个特定的城市,可以让战队队在当地获得支持,同时也能从当地赞助商那里获得收入。”Misfits Gaming拥有守望先锋的佛罗里达狂欢战队。

Last year Epic Games, the publisher of “Fortnite”, launched a “World Cup”. Any- one could apply to play: 40m did so. The finals filled 19,000 seats of the Arthur Ashe stadium in New York and $30m of prize money was dished out to the winners.



n. 盘;餐具;一盘食物;外貌有吸引力的人;

vt. 盛于碟盘中;分发;使某人的希望破灭;说(某人)的闲话;

vi. 成碟状;闲谈。


Though South Korea remains a leader in e-sports, China is catching up. The island of Hainan, popular for its beach resorts, has set aside $141m to subsidise international e-sports. In Hangzhou government money has been used to build an “e-sports town”, featuring a 56,000-square-foot (5,200-square-metre) arena, which is home to the Chinese “League of Legends” games, sponsored by Tencent. There are also shops, a training academy and an e- sports-themed hotel.



例句:Farming is partly subsidised by the government.

For a generation that lives chiefly online anyway, games are a means of socialising, like traditional sports. Thurston Jepps, a 12-year-old from London, mainly plays “Minecraft”, a free-roaming construction game, and “Overwatch”. He guesses that at least four-fifths of the time he spends playing is with friends online, rather than alone. Logging into his Xbox and seeing who is online is a little like going to the park to see who is around for kick-about. “I don’t often play single-player games unless I am kinda lonely,” he says. “Playing alone is very uncool.” Sometimes he and his friends play competitively, but often they just hang out and talk on voice-chat.



Kinda:adv. 有一点,有几分。

例句:I think it's kinda funny.

E-sports are different in some respects, however. Nobody owns the game of soccer or basketball. That is not true of e-sports. Publishers control the games. And grassroots do not exist in the same way. Children are not encouraged to play video games at schools; most amateur teams exist only online; the pathway into playing professionally is unclear. Some teams are trying to change that. Mr Spoont’s firm has held “block parties’’ to encourage parents to take the game seriously. His teams have scouts to recruit the best players internationally, much as other sports do. But he admits that there is a long way to go.


Amateur:adj. 业余的, 非职业的,外行的n. 业余爱好者

Scout:n. 侦察机;侦察员;搜索,侦察。

       vt. 侦察;跟踪,监视;发现。

Talent scout n. 人才发掘者;伯乐

例句:I was 12 years old and scouted in a mall.


These games bring with them fears that do not apply to kicking a football around a pitch. Fewer people now worry about violent video games causing real-world violence, but newer concerns have arisen. Last year lawyers in Canada filed a suit on be- half of two sets of unidentified parents accusing Epic Games of bringing in psychologists to help make “Fortnite” more addictive. Players are encouraged to buy “battle passes” to customise their characters. For all that executives talk about media rights and sponsorship, much of the e-sports industry is cross-subsidised by money made on in-game purchases. The prize money at the “Fortnite” World Cup came from Epic, which made $1.8bn last year from microtransactions in the game.

这些游戏带来的消极影响不适用于在球场上踢足球。现在越来越少的人担心暴力电子游戏会引发现实世界中的暴力行为,但是又出现了新的担忧。去年,加拿大的律师对两组身份不明的父母提起诉讼,控诉Epic Games引入了心理学家来使“Fortnite”更让人上瘾,从而吸引玩家购买“战斗通行证”以自定义角色。尽管所有高管都在谈论媒体权利和赞助,但许多电子竞技行业还是通过游戏内购买的收入获得了交叉补贴。“Fortnite”世界杯的奖金来自Epic,该公司去年通过游戏中的玩家付费赚了18亿美元。

Epic Games:Epic Games是近十年来最负盛名的游戏制作团队之一,主要是因为旗下最为畅销的《战争机器》系列。团队研发的虚幻3引擎为无数的游戏制作团队所采用。2011年,EPIC Games发售的《战争机器3》引来了业界的广泛好评。代表作品另有《子弹风暴》、《堡垒之夜》等。

Fortnite:《堡垒之夜》,是一款第三人称射击游戏,由Epic Games团队开发。


The free-to-play model may bring in millions more players, but it also relies on a small minority spending extravagant sums on virtual uniforms. Britain’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport has just launched a call for evidence to look at “loot boxes”—virtual purchases that some campaigners think are akin to gambling. The sale of loot boxes can create bills that go be- yond what parents can afford. Last year Valve, the makers of “Counter-Strike”, an- other shooter game, banned the trading of virtual items which were being used to launder money.

免费游戏模式可能会吸引数百万玩家,但它也依赖少数人在虚拟制服上花费大量金钱。英国文化,媒体和体育部刚刚发出呼吁,要求人们研究“抢劫箱”,即一些活动家认为与赌博类似的虚拟购买。出售战利品盒会产生超出父母负担能力的账单。去年,另一款射击游戏“ Counter-Strike”的开发商Valve禁止交易用于洗钱的虚拟物品。

Akin:adj. 同族的;同类的;类似的。

例句:She painted flowers and birds pictures akin to those of earlier feminine painters.

Gambling is another worry. Just as it did with baseball in the 1920s, gambling on e- sports threatens to undo the professionalism of the league. “Counter-Strike”, “League of Legends” and “Overwatch” have all had match-fixing scandals. Some players have resorted to doping—Adderall, a stimulant prescribed to treat attention- deficit disorder, has been used to stay alert during long sessions.


Scandal:n. 丑事, 丑闻,流言蜚语; 闲话; 诽谤。

例句:The scandal seriously damaged the senator's reputation.


Dope, vi. 吸毒;吸毒成瘾.n.麻醉药物,兴奋剂。

Stimulant:n. 兴奋剂;刺激物;酒精饮料。

Deficit:n. 不足额,赤字, 亏空, 亏损。

例句:Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.

Disorder:混乱,骚乱。In disorder

例句:If the police leave, disorder will result.

And then there is politics. In the Gulf states and China governments have cracked down on political activism spread via video games. In Hong Kong “Animal Crossing”, a video game, stopped being sold in April after it was used by virtual protesters to mock Beijing.

此外是政治。在海湾国家和中国政府,政府严厉打击了通过视频游戏传播的政治行动主义。在香港,电子游戏“动物穿越”(Animal Crossing)在四月份被虚拟抗议者用来影射北京之后被下架。


例句:The news reached me via my aunt.

Not just a game


As games evolve more into social networks, it is also harder to control the content that children see. And unlike the text on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, voice chat is harder to moderate. Rodolfo Rosini, a technology entrepreneur in London, says he has no trouble with his son Finn making friends online, but worries about the “toxicity” of some games he and his children play. On games like “Over-watch”, which mostly have a young-adult audience, bullying is common. Racism is especially common on some American servers, he says. Encountering racist chants is also a risk of going to a football match—but it is easier for parents to avoid.

随着游戏逐渐发展为社交网络,控制孩子看到的内容也变得更加困难。此外,与Twitter和Facebook等社交网络上的文本不同,语音聊天更难于管理。伦敦的技术企业家Rodolfo Rosini说,他与儿子Finn在网上结交朋友没有任何问题,但他担心自己和孩子玩的某些游戏的“毒性”。例如,《守望先锋》这样的游戏中,大多数观众都是年轻人,恃强凌弱是很常见的。他说:“种族主义在某些美国服务器上尤其常见。参加足球比赛有碰到高唱种族主义圣歌的风险,但父母更容易避免。”

Toxicity:n. 毒性。

例句:It is believed that this differential toxicity is due to species-specific toxicokinetics.

Bully:vt. 恐吓, 威逼,欺负。n.暴徒。

例句:He's always bullying smaller boys.


If anything checks the rise of e-sports competing with football or basketball for the world’s attention, though, it may be that video games move too fast. “League of Legends” has been going for a decade; “Counter-Strike” is almost two decades old. That is an aeon for a video game still to be played. But compared with sports that were codified in the 19th century, it is short. The Overwatch League has struggled over the past year as some of its players have switched to “Valorant”, a new shooting game, or from playing in teams to streaming live on YouTube. In the end, there may simply be too many games to try.



例句:The shows were made aeons ago.













本文责编 ✎ 金钟罩

本期编辑 ✎ Ben

