高引论文|国内外“构式”研究 TOP1-100
构式语法论要被引频次 643
摘 要 构式语法认为,构式是形式与意义的结合体,包括语素、词、半固定和固定的习语和熟语,以及抽象的句型,跨语言的多个层次,有关语言的所有的知识可用构式的网络来建构。各类构式都是在习得者接受了足够的输入、并借助于一般的认知机制而习得的。构式语法对构式的分析采取“所见即所得”的方法,构式不是推导得出的。构式语法是对语言本质的一种崭新的认识,对先前未能解释的语言结构具有很强的解释力,然而也存在一些不容忽视的问题。
构式语法理论的价值与局限被引频次 641
摘 要 构式语法理论是在批判转换生成语法理论的基础上产生、发展起来的。本文肯定构式语法理论对推进语言研究有一定贡献,同时指出这种理论还很不完善,甚至还存在某些问题与局限。认为生成语言学派毕竟形成了比较完善的理论与原则,而构式语法理论远没有到达这一步。文章最后提出了构式语法理论尚需进一步研究、探索的问题。
词语句法、语义的多功能性:对“构式语法”理论的解释被引频次 630
走近构式语法被引频次 592
董燕萍,广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心梁君英,广东外语外贸大学英文学院摘 要 构式语法是基于认知语言学之上的理论体系,构式是形式和语义的匹配,也就是说,构式在具体词语缺席的情况下也有其自身的语义和语用功能。同时,构式语法非常强调该理论的目的是解释语言的整体,包括一般规律和特定构式。本文以第一届国际构式语法会议的论题为切入点,以大量最新文献为基础,简单介绍构式语法目前的研究方向,并试图分析构式语法的主要特点、主要优缺点及其研究前景。
构式与意象图式被引频次 581
摘 要 以Goldberg为代表的构式语法理论虽已成为国际语言学界关注的热点,但是有个很本质的问题,至今尚缺乏讨论,那就是:构式义的性质是什么?为什么构式本身会具有独立于词语的意义?本文旨在说明以下两个问题:第一,构式是人的认知域所形成的意象图式在语言中的投射,构式义就来源于人的认知域里所形成的意象图式。第二,构式并不像Goldberg所说的那样具有多义性。构式与我们通常所说的句式不同,句式可以具有多义性,而构式由于它是"形式—意义的对应体"(form-meaning pair),对构式的这一界定决定了构式具有单义性的特点。
构式压制、词汇压制和惯性压制被引频次 410
“构式-语块”句法分析法和教学法被引频次 399
苏丹洁,中山大学国际汉语学院陆俭明,北京大学汉语语言学研究中心/中文系摘 要 本文就汉语语法研究与教学提出三个观点:第一,语法研究、语法教学不能囿于"主—谓—宾""施—动—受"这一传统的句法研究和教学思路。第二,在语法研究中要树立"从认知角度去认识语言共性和个性"这一观念。第三,"构式—语块"分析法和教学法是一种新的补充性的句法研究与教学的理论和方法。这一方法建立在人类认知和语言的共性基础之上,在分析和教授一些汉语句式方面,优于传统的思路。文章对上述观点与方法从理论和实践两方面进行了论述。
汉语框式结构说略被引频次 379
摘 要 现代汉语里,框式结构高频运用,有其特定的结构模式和特殊的语法意义。它不是词,也不是常规短语组合,更不是句子。本文为此提出了三条鉴定标准,区分典型的、准典型的和非典型的框式结构;并就框式结构的类型、不变项和可变项的特点、整体结构功能的变化、正式变式对应式、语义增值、语用特色、语法化进程,以及跟构式语法理论的关系进行了探讨。
论构式语法理论的进步与局限被引频次 370
TOP 10
从语法构式到修辞构式(上)被引频次 363
刘大为,复旦大学中文系摘 要 本文从构式的不可推导性出发,通过探讨不可推导性在语言中的种种表现,提出了语法构式和修辞构式的区分并界定了它们的基本性质。文章进一步分析了语法功能和修辞动因的连续性和差异,在此基础上论证了修辞构式的不可推导性是如何产生的,它对于修辞构式的必然性和积极作用,不可推导性造成的修辞构式对一个规定性场景的依赖以及由此形成的研究方法取向等问题,目的是将两种构式分析为一个连续统,将语法学和修辞学整合为一个学科统一体。在后半部分,文章借鉴了构式语法的研究方法并加以调整,从构式的整合和构式义的引申两个方面研究了修辞构式的形成。对前者,主要研究了角色关系的变化和侧重关系的调整;对后者,主要研究了构式义因为规定场景的依赖和默认条件的丢失而引起的引申,在修辞构式的视野中以案例的方式发现并研究了一些修辞现象。
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陆俭明、施春宏、王寅、苏丹洁、陈满华、张韧、梁君英、李勇忠、文旭、彭睿、邵敬敏、吴为善、张国宪、刘大为、刘玉梅、熊学亮、刘丹青、严辰松、石毓智等人。\ 单位分析 /
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以下排名和筛选依据“SSCI”引用数据仅选Web of Science核心合集
Grammatical constructions and linguistic generalizations: The what's X doing Y? ConstructionCited frequency 518
Kay P, Univ Calif Berkeley,Dept LinguistFillmore CJ, Univ Calif Berkeley,Dept LinguistTOP 2
Constructing meaning:The role of affordances and grammatical constructions in sentence comprehension
Cited frequency 178
Kaschak MP, Univ Wisconsin,Dept PsycholGlenberg AM, Univ Wisconsin,Dept PsycholAbstract The Indexical Hypothesis describes how sentences become meaningful through grounding their interpretation in action. We develop support for the hypothesis by examining how people understand innovative denominal verbs, that is, verbs made from nouns and first encountered by participants within the experiment (e.g., to crutch). Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that different syntactic constructions provide scenes or goals that influence the meaning created for the innovative verbs. Experiment 3 used reading time to demonstrate that people also consider possible interactions with the objects underlying the verbs (i.e., the affordances of the objects) when creating meaning. Experiment 4 used a property verification procedure to demonstrate that the affordances derived from the objects depend on the situation-specific actions needed to complete the goal specified by the syntactic construction. Thus the evidence supports a specific type of interaction between syntax and semantics that leads to understanding: The syntax specifies a general scene, and the affordances of objects are used to Specify the scene in detail sufficient to take action. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Toward a construction-based theory of language function: The case of nominal extrapositionCited frequency 163Michaelis LA, UNIV COLORADO,DEPT LINGUISTLambrecht K, UNIV COLORADO,DEPT LINGUISTAbstract Through a detailed examination of a particular sentence type, we outline a formal model in which grammatical description includes the description of use conditions on form-meaning pairs. The sentence type at issue is an exclamative construction we refer to as Nominal Extraposition (NE). This construction, exemplified by the sentence It's AMAZING the DIFFERENCE, bears a superficial resemblance to Right Dislocation (RD). However, NE must be distinguished from RD on syntactic, semantic and discourse-pragmatic grounds. The postpredicate NP represents a TOPIC in the case of RD, a Focus in the case of NE; this NP receives a metonymic scalar interpretation in the case of NE, but not in RD. We employ the framework of Construction Grammar and seek to demonstrate that it is uniquely suited to grammatical description of the type required here: NE represents a gestaltlike interaction of formal, semantic and pragmatic constraints. We argue for a compatible formalism akin to that found in recent versions of Lexical-Functional Grammar in which argument structure and syntactic constituency parallel a level of representation incorporating categories of INFORMATION STRUCTURE. In addition, we seek to validate the notion-central to Construction Grammar-that sentence types are a crucial basis for syntactic description. In particular, we argue that NE is an instance of the exclamative sentence type and that basic formal and semantic properties of NE follow from this categorization. We suggest that the relationship between NE and like exclamatives can be represented in an INHERITANCE NETWORK.
Converging evidence:Bringing together experimental and corpus data on the association of verbs and constructions
Cited frequency 139
Gries ST, Univ Calif Santa BarbaraHampe B, Univ Jena,Max Planck Inst Evolutionary AnthropolSchonefeld D, Ruhr Univ BochumAbstract Much recent work in Cognitive Linguistics and neighbouring disciplines has adopted a so-called usage-based perspective in which generalizations are based on the analysis of authentic usage data provided by computerized corpora. However, the analysis of such data does not always utilize methodological findings from other disciplines to avoid analytical pitfalls and, at the same time, generate robust results. A case in point is the strategy of using corpus frequencies. In this paper, we take up a recently much debated issue from construction grammar concerning the association between verbs and argument-structure constructions, and investigate a construction, the English as-predicative, in order to test the predictive power of different kinds of frequency data against that of a recent, more refined corpus-based approach, the so-called collexeme analysis. To that end, the results of the application of these corpus-based approaches to an analysis of the as-predicative are compared with the results of a sentence-completion experiment. Concerning the topic under consideration, collexeme analysis is not only shown to be superior on a variety of theoretical and methodological grounds, it also significantly outperforms frequency as a predictor of subjects' production preferences. We conclude by pointing out some implications for usage-based approaches.
Construction Grammar and spoken language:The case of pragmatic particles
Cited frequency 111
Fried M, Univ Helsinki,Dept Scandinavian Languages & LiteratureOstman JO, Princeton Univ,Dept Slav Languages & LiteraturesAbstract There has been growing interest in studying the relation between how the notion of 'construction' is used in Construction Grammar (CxG) and other constructional approaches to grammar, and how it is used in Conversation Analysis and other interactional, dialogic approaches to language and communication. In this study we show that CxG is well equipped to address the complexities of spoken language, if one allows the notion of construction to be extended in a dialogical direction.The study tests the feasibility of using CxG as a framework that can provide adequate analyses and explanations of grammatical patterns found in spoken language, by studying a number of pragmatic particles as form-function constellations in Czech and Solv. The analysis thus also leads to systematizing the pragmatics and discourse toolboxes of CxG and such systematization, in turn, provides a deeper and more rigorous basis for the understanding of the pragmatic particles under investigation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Levels of description and constraining factors in meaning construction: an introduction to the Lexical Constructional ModelCited frequency 97Ibanez FJRDM, Univ La Rioja,Dept Filol ModernasUson RM, Univ Nacl Educ Distancia,Fac Filol,Dept Filol Extranjeras & Sus LinguistAbstract This paper presents an outline of the LEXICAL CONSTRUCTIONAL MODEL, a meaning construction model that integrates insights from functional models of language (especially, Role and Reference Grammar) and Cognitive Linguistics (especially, Goldberg's Construction Grammar and Lakoff's Cognitive Semantics). The initial claim is that a theory of semantic interpretation should be constructed on the basis of two representational mechanisms, lexical and constructional templates, and two basic cognitive operations, subsumption and conceptual cueing, that specify in what ways meaning representations from different levels may interact. It is further shown that both lexical-constructional subsumption and purely constructional subsumption-at any stage of the meaning construction process-is regulated by an inventory of both internal and external constraints. Internal constraints involve the semantic units encoded in a lexical or a constructional template, while external constraints result from the possibility or impossibility of performing high-level metaphoric and/or metonymic operations on the items involved in the subsumption or cueing processes.
The concepts of constructional mismatch and type-shifting from the perspective of grammaticalization
Cited frequency 95
Traugott EC, Stanford UnivAbstract The concepts mismatch, type-shifting, and coercion are central to much recent work on cognitive linguistics. In a number of papers, Michaelis has investigated entity and event coercion (Michaelis 2003a, b, 2004 a, b). I address her question "what conditions favor the diachronic development of shift constructions" (Michaelis 2004a: 8) from the perspective of grammaticalization, with particular reference to the development of partitive constructions like a bit of apple into degree modifier constructions like a bit of a hypocrite. I show why these are different constructions, and conclude that the most important factors have to do with matching quantitative implicatures to already extant quantifying degree modifiers with NP heads, and with the strategies for expressing how much "pragmatic slack" (Lasersohn 1999) is available in computing denotations.
Diachronic construction grammar and grammaticalization theoryCited frequency 76
Noel D, Univ Hong Kong,Sch EnglishTOP 9
Cited frequency 75
DSag IA, Stanford Univ,Dept LinguistAbstract This article delineates and analyzes the syntactic and semantic parameters of variation exhibited by English FILLER-GAP CONSTRUCTIONS. It demonstrates that a detailed, fully explicit account of the observed variation is available within a framework embracing the notion 'grammatical construction'. This account, which explicates similarities and differences among topicalization, interrogatives, relatives, exclamatives, and comparative correlatives in terms of linguistic types and hierarchical constraint inheritance, is articulated in detail within the framework of SIGN-BASED CONSTRUCTION GRAMMAR (SBCG), a version of HEAD-DRIVEN PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR (HPSG) integrating key insights from Berkeley CONSTRUCTION GRAMMAR. The results presented here stand as a challenge to any analysis incorporating transformational operations, especially proposals couched within Chomsky's 'Minimalist program'.
TOP 10
Construction after construction and its theoretical challengesCited frequency 63Jackendoff R, Tufts Univ,Ctr Cognit SciAbstract The English NPN construction, exemplified by construction after construction, is productive with five prepositions-by,for, to, after, and upon-with a variety of meanings, including succession, juxtaposition, and comparison; it also has numerous idiomatic cases. This mixture of regularity and idiosyncrasy lends itself to an account in the spirit of construction grammar, in which the lexicon includes specified syntactic structures matched with meanings. The internal syntactic structure of NPN violates standard principles of phrase structure, and the required identity of the two nouns (in most cases) presents descriptive difficulties. Furthermore, when NPN appears in NP positions, it can take normal NP complements and modifiers, and it has quantificational semantics despite the absence of a lexical quantifier. These peculiarities collectively present interesting challenges to linguistic theory. The best hope lies in a theory of grammar that (i) recognizes meaningful constructions as theoretical entities; (ii) recognizes a continuum of regularity between words and rules; and (iii) recognizes the autonomy of syntax from semantics and vice versa.
\ 作者分析 /
Barddal Johanna, Ellis Nick C, Roemer Ute, Trousdale Graeme, O'Donnell Matthew Brook, Nikiforidou Kiki, Perek Florent, Kay P, Fillmore Cj, Kaschak Mp, Glenberg Am, Michaelis La, Lambrecht K, Gries St, Hampe B, Schonefeld D, Fried M, Ostman Jo.\ 单位分析 /
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