鲁汶大学,全称天主教鲁汶大学(UC),又称法语区鲁汶大学。为与坐落于荷兰语区的天主教鲁汶大学相区分,又称法语天主教鲁汶大学。它是比利时最顶尖的大学之一,欧洲顶尖高等学府,也是世界著名大学之一,也是西欧“低地国家最古老大学之一。1968年,因比利时荷兰语区和法语区矛盾激化,导致原鲁汶大学分裂。1970年,鲁汶大学正式分裂成两所大学:鲁汶大学 (荷语)(简称荷语鲁汶)与鲁汶大学 (法语)(简称法语鲁汶)。前者留在原址,后者绝大部分系迁往新建的校区。新建的地区被命名为Louvain-la-Neuve,翻译为英语为 New Louvain,翻译为中文为新鲁汶。而从原荷语区鲁汶搬离的院系保留了原有的校名Université catholique de Louvain(法语),英语为Catholic University of Louvain。由于长期以来在比利时的华人对法语的不了解,完全不理解Université catholique de Louvain 这个法语校名的意思,而就用地名翻译命名了法语区鲁汶大学为“新鲁汶大学”。
Job offer: PhD fellowship at the intersection of corpus linguistics, second language acquisition and language testing
The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics (CECL, UCLouvain, Belgium) has an opening for a PhD fellowship in linguistics.
Full-time (100%) PhD fellowship for one year, renewable (max. 4 years)
Start date: October 2024
The main objective of the PhD project will be to use the method of Comparative Judgment to explore whether the theoretical construct of ‘phraseological complexity’ (Paquot, 2019) is reflective of collective understandings of the linguistic phenomena we wish to measure with such a construct. The project will centre around two main objectives:
(1) test empirically whether reliable human judgments of phraseological complexity are attainable (both at the level of multi-word units and at the text level);
(2) explore the degree to which various automated measures of phraseological complexity align with human judgments of phraseological complexity, which is to be understood as our ‘gold standard’ to assess construct validity.
Qualifications and expected profile:
The candidate will meet the following qualifications:
Master degree in (Applied) Linguistics or Natural Language Processing
Excellent record of BA and MA level study
Excellent oral and written English (minimum level: C1)
Excellent analytic skills
Knowledge of corpus linguistic techniques is a requirement
Knowledge of statistics and R is an asset
Autonomy, sense of teamwork, ability to listen and analyse needs, responsiveness
Willingness to live in Belgium and to travel abroad (to attend international academic conferences)
Conditions of engagement:
This doctoral fellowship is subject to the following conditions:
The contract will initially be for one year, three times renewable, with a total of four years.
The candidate receives a doctoral fellowship grant (starting at approx. EUR 2400 net per month) and full medical insurance.
This position requires residence in Belgium for the duration of the mandate.
Applicants from outside the EU are responsible for obtaining the necessary visa or permits, with the assistance of UCLouvain staff department.
The application file should include :
a cover letter in English, in which you specify why you are interested in this position and how you meet the job requirements outlined above;
a curriculum vitae in English;
a concise academic statement in English, in which you outline your expectations about and plans for graduate study and career goals;
a copy of BA and MA diplomas and degrees;
a copy of your master thesis and academic publications (if applicable);
the names and full contact details of two academic referees.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview (in situ or via video conferencing) in the second half of September 2024.
Applications (as an email attachment) and inquiries should be addressed to Dr. Magali Paquot (<magali.paquot@uclouvain.be>)
推 荐
审 核:心得君