




英   语

满分150分        考试时间120分钟




听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What season is it most probably now?

A.Summer.                      B.Winter.                      C.Autumn.

2. Why was the woman absent?

A.She looked after her daughter.

B.She forgot the invitation.

C.She wasn't feeling well.

3.What does the man mean?

A.He has no interest in wild life.

B.He is sorry to fail the exam.

C.He won't join the group.

4.What does the man want to do?

A.Book a room.                                     B.PayMr.Stephen a visit.

C.Invite the woman to dinner.

5.What is the man trying to do?

A.Make an apology.                               B.Makea decision.

C.Make an invitation.




6.Where is the accounting office?

A.On the 4th floor.                                B.Onthe 5th floor.

C.On the 6th floor.

7.Where will the woman go first?

A.The Thai restaurant.                            B.Theaccounting office.

C.The shipping department.


8.Where was the woman yesterday afternoon?

A.In the lecture hall.                              B.Inthe classroom.

C.In the library.

9.How many professors gave speeches?

A.3.                                B.4.                                    C.5.

10.What did the woman think of the speeches? 

A.       Meaningful butdifficult.                    

B.She left the hall before they ended.      

C.She was quite interested in them.


11.When will Mr.Green come to Tokyo?

A.At the beginning of December.

B.In the middle of November.

C.In the last week of October.

12.How long will the conference last?

A.A week.                               B.5days.                             C.3days.

13.When will Mr.Green visit the factory?

A.Before the conference.          B.Duringthe conference.      C.After theconference.


14.What is Bill?

A.A postman.                          B.Adoctor.                          C.Astudent.

15.What does Bill usually do first in the morning?

A.Sells newspapers.                 B.Doespart-time job.           C.Works for MrBlack.

16.How did Bill help Mr.Black?

A.He sent him to the hospital.                       

B.He called the hospital.                 

C.He saved Mr Black by himself.


17.When will Monica work in the library?

A.From 8:30 am to 8:00 pm.

B.From 8:45 am to 5:15 pm.

C.From 9:10 am to 4:45 pm.

18.What can Monica do in the library?

A.Have drinks.                        B.Readbooks.                      C.Talk tostudents.

19.Where should Monica go to have her own sandwiches for lunch?

A.The speaker’s office.

B.The dining room.

C.The common room.

20.Why doesn’t the speaker recommend cafés in the town center?

A.They are crowded.                B.Theyare far away.             C.They areexpensive.




阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A B CD )中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。


Course No. 1406   12Lectures (30 Minutes/Lecture)

In The Secrets of Mental Math, award-winning Professor Arthur T.Benjamin teaches you the basic knowledge of mental mathematics. This powerfulability to perform mental calculations will give you an edge in business, atschool, at work, or anywhere else that you meet with math.

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In Museum Masterpieces: The Louvre, expert art critic andhistorian Professor Richard Brertell takes you on an unfor­gettable journeythrough one of the world's greatest museums. This 12-lecture series exploressome of the most beautiful and renowned, examples from the museum's remarkablecollec­tion of masterworks.

Course No. 158    12 Lectures (30 Minutes/Lecture)

In My Favorite Universe, world-famous physicist and director ofthe Hayden Pknetarium Neil dcGrassc Tyson takes you on a spirited andintellectually interesting journey through the universe and all its history,from before the big bang to the most likely ways in which the entire universemight end.

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In The History of the Bible: The Making of the New TestamentCanon, New York Times best-selling author and professor Bart D. Ehrmanreveals the secret history behind the making of the New Testament, includinghow and when each book was written and why it was chosen to be included.


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21. Who can tell you something about the space?

A. Bart D. Ehrman.                      B. Neil dcGrassc Tyson.         

C. Arthur T. Benjamin.                        D. Richard Brertell.

22. How much is Course No.158 on DVD delivered to your house?

A. $6.95.                  B.$9.95.               C. $11.95       .            D. $14.95.

23. What is the passage mainly about?

A. College courses studied in home.        B.College courses learned on line.

C. Some world-famous lectures.            D. Four interesting books indiscount.


Matthew Layton was 20 minutes from home in Sevierville, Tennessee,on a cold November night in 2016 when he got a cell phone call from his mother."The mountain’s on fire,” she screamed, “and Brian’s up there!”

Layton’s family owned a dozen rental cabins(小屋) on Shields Mountain, and Layton’sfriend and fellow rental-cabin owner, Brian McGee, age 56, was up there tryingto put the fire out by himself. Layton, 32, hit the gas. He lived on themountain too.

Layton turned around and headed for a dirt road. He made it abouthalfway up the steep, winding path before his front-wheel-drive car gave up. Hecalled McGee, who drove down in his pickup so they could fight the firetogether.

They headed first to Layton’s rental cabins. “I wanted to makesure our guests were gone. They were,” says Layton. At that point, he had achoice: try to save his cabins or rescue people renting other cabins nearby.“On the moun­tain, you don't have many locals. They’re mostly tourists whodon’t know their way around,” he says.

Over the next two hours, the two friends drove through the smokymoun­tain, knocking on doors and leading panicked people to safety. “I knowthat mountain so well,” Layton says, “I could drive and know exactly where I amjust by time traveled.” Thanks to their brave and immediate action, the twohelped 14 people out of the danger.

Fourteen people died that night in Sevier County. But the firedidn’t take away a single life on Shields Mountain. And though his home andbusiness were destroyed, Layton remains calm. “I wasn’t worried about my loss,not when I saw those families trapped on the mountain,” he says, “I knew I wasgonna help them.”

24. Where was Layton when the fire broke out?

A.       Visiting his mother.                           

B. Away from his home.

C. Heading for the cabins.                     

D. Driving on a dirt road. 

25. What can we learn from Para.2-3?

A. Layton’s car broke down halfway.             

B. Brian was in charge of Layton’s cabins.

C. Layton picked up Brian on the path.   

D. Brian lived in the mountain alone.

26. Why could the two friends rescue the people?

A. They put out the fire before it spread.                  

B. They turned to locals for help.

C. Layton was familiar with the area.               

D. Brian gave up his own cabins.

27. What did Layton mean in the last paragraph?

A. He blamed himself.                        

B. He suffered a lot.

C. He was relieved.          

D. He felt sorry.



  If yourfriends are happy—turns out you’re more likely to be happy too. Ifyour friends are overweight, that too ups the chances you’ll gain weight.Those effects have been shown in studies. And now researchers have identifiedanother seemingly contagiousquality: exercise.

The researchers analyzed the running activity of more than amillion people worldwide who used an exercise tracking device(装置) for five years. And theyused weather patterns as a way to randomly examine different parts ofthat global network.

Cities have different weather patterns, Sinan Aral, acomputational social scientist at MIT says, this experiment allowed them toask: Does a rainy day in New York affect running in San Diego? “If the weatherin New York causes changes in the running behavior in San Diego, it can reallyonly be happening through the influences of the friends who live between NewYork and San Diego.”

And that is exactly what he and his colleague saw: that thebehavior of one city’s runners could indeed affect the behavior of runners inanother socially connected city. Women tended to be influenced more by thefemale runners in their networks. And less active runners tended toinfluence more active runners to run more, but not so much the otherway around.

Still, this could be valuable for healthprofessionals. “We have to start thinking about consumers and citizens asnetworked consumers and citizens. Where they are influenced by and influencetheir social network in very strong ways, that will change the way a particularintervention(干涉) succeeds or fails.”

In other words—if your prescription is more exercise? The doctorsmight want to write a prescription for your friends and family, too.

28. Which does the underlined word “contagious” in Para.1 mean?

A. Affected.              B. Excellent.          C. Beneficial.         D. Different.

29. What can we conclude from the experiment?

A. Weather changes people’s feelings.

B. People’s behaviour affects each other.

C. Exercise has something to do with weather.

D. People’s connection depends on distance.

30. What does “this” in Para. 5 refer to?

A. Women are easier influenced by male runners.

B. People in the same city affect each other more.

C. Friends tend to influence each other in exercising.

D. A rainy day in one city affects running in another. 

31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Think twice before running.

B. More exercise benefits health.

C. Weather patterns affect running behavior.

D. Healthy behavior can spread like illness.



Many Americansthink of driverless cars as a futuristic technology that will revolutionizetravel in cities and along state highways. But recent experiments are provingthat autonomous vehicles also have the potential to improve the quality of lifefor millions of Americans underserved by traditional modes of transportation,such as the elderly and disabled, so long as lawmakers make smart policies thatpave the way for innovation.

A retirementcommunity in San Jose, Calif. , which has been transformed by a small fleet ofdriverless taxis, shows the potential of self-driving cars to transform people’s lives. Builtby a tech start-up called Voyage, the modified Ford Fusions are currentlylimited to a two-mile road, but residents are already having the benefits ofthese autonomous vehicles, which allow them to participate in social activitiesthey would otherwise be unable to enjoy simply because they could not get tothem.

When the trialrun finally expands to 15 miles of road, these residentswhose averageage is 76will also havea convenient and reliable new way to appointments. As these cars continue toserve residents there, it is easy to understand why California is moving tosimplify regulations for the industry.

In Michigan,forward-thinking policies have the potential to unlock other hidden benefits ofautonomous vehicles, especially for those with physical disabilities. TheMichigan Disability Rights Coalition has strongly advocated for the developmentof this technology, saying that it could give people with disabilities greateropportunities in the workforce and enable them to lead more fulfilling,independent lives.

Many recognizethat autonomous vehicles will be the future of transportation, but it is toooften overlooked that this future cannot arrive fast enough for millions ofAmericans who are forced to depend on others for day-to-day travel. Thepolicymakers should follow the lead of places like California and Michigan, andpass rules and regulations to unlock these hidden benefits of driverless cars.

32. What’s the attitudeof most American people to the future of autonomous vehicles?

A.Curious.        B. Doubtful.        C. Indifferent.        D. Optimistic.

33. What is the modified Ford Fusion?

A. A kind of autonomousvehicle.

B. A fleet ofdriverless taxis.

C. A road fordriverless cars.

D. A retirementcommunity.

34. What are examples inCalifornia and Michigan to prove?

A. Driverlesscars’ disadvantages.

B. Governments’ right decisions.

C. Benefits tothe aged and the disabled.

D. Theregulations are forward-thinking.

35. What does the author attempt toinform us in the last paragraph?

A. The benefitsof driverless cars have been fully unlocked.

B. Regulationsshould go hand in hand with driverless technology.

C. The conceptof autonomous vehicles has been widely recognized.

D. The weakgroups are often overlooked despite technology advances.




Each yearthousands of Chinese tourists visit Cambridge, not to see the beauty of a greatuniversity, but to pay homage(敬意) to apoem—Xu Zhimo’s Farewell to Cambridge.   36   As one of the most famous romantic poets ofChinese literature, he is known for his promotion and contributions to modernChinese poetry.

To honorhim, in July 2008, a stone of white marble was set up at the Backs of King'sCollege, Cambridge (near the bridge over the River Cam).   37   Itrecords the poet’s feelings of sorrows at departing from Cambridge where he hadstudied between 1920 and 1922.   38   He was also influenced by French romantic andsymbolist poets at that time. The poem is his signature work, most frequentlyrecited at shows. He was one of the first Chinese writers to successfullynaturalize Western romantic forms into modern Chinese poetry.

 39   It is a good embodiment(典型) of his life-long devotion to explorepoetic qualities— poetic licence, creation and beauty. He creates a beautifulpoetic imagery just like the fresh bridge, rainbow and cloud. In such imagery,poem can tell about its own aesthetic(美学的) feelings.    40    

A. Xu Zhimo got the honor in Cambridge.  

B. The beauty of this poem impressed the readers.

C. Xu Zhimo was an early 20th century Chinese poet.

D. It was at Cambridge that he fell in love with English romanticpoetry.

E. On it are written the first two and last two lines from thispoem.

F. The poem possesses true feelings, fresh language and elegantstyle.

G. Music and color can appeal to the imagery by use of the twosenses, ear and mind.




Mary, 16, was sufferingfrom cancer. As a father, Mitchell always stayed home to care for her. He saidthe  41  left them financially worse off. Then a groupcalled Growing Hope  42  in with $1,800 to help with his living costs.

 43  , he wanted to paythem back. In his  44  , he had been a   45  .So at age 40, Mitchell took up the   46   again, participating in two fights in Fairfax.Mitchell was   47   out in the first and second rounds, but hestill  48  to raise $ 20,000 that he gave to GrowingHope. During this time, he  49  his daughter. And for six months, he didlittle but   50  .

One day, Mitchell  51 a Mark Twain quote --- The two mostimportant days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you  52  why.“After I read that quote, I was going to spend the  53  of my life helping kids with cancer and theirfamilies,” he said.

Mitchell thought of creating a foundation,   54   boxing did not seem practical anymore forfund-raising, due to his age. Then he found that  55  could be a source to raise money. In the CorpsMarathon, he cut a striking figure on the course.  56  by this success, he set his sights higher. He  57  each of the miles of the race to a differentchild with cancer, and he carried their   58  withhim. Years after his daughter’s death, Mitchell now   59   up in the morning knowing his   60  .

41. A. atmosphere               B. phenomenon            C.situation            D. poverty

42. A. brought             B.stepped                     C.took                 D. broke

43. A.Grateful              B.Hopeful                    C.Sorrowful        D. Helpful

44. A. life                    B.reality                     C. memory           D. youth

45. A. runner                      B.singer                       C.boxer                      D. fighter

46. A. helmets             B.gloves                      C. boxes               D. sneakers

47. A. knocked             B. sent                        C. driven             D.put

48. A. managed             B. persuaded                C.failed                      D. tried

49. A. cured                 B. accompanied             C.comforted         D. lost

50. A. fight                  B. mourn                      C.burst                D. work

51. A. came upon          B. agreed to                  C.looked at                D.depended on

52. A. consider             B. ask                          C.discover           D. make

53. A. forces                B.rest                          C.energy              D. resources

54. A. yet                 B.so                         C. or                  D. although

55. A. fund                  B.singing                    C. running             D. project

56. A. Depressed          B. Moved                    C.Shocked           D. Inspired

57. A. ran                    B.donated                   C. competed          D. conveyed

58. A. smile              B.parents                    C. strength            D. pictures

59. A. stands                B.goes                         C.wakes               D. climbs

60. A. time                  B.what                        C.course              D. why



  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置.

   Chinese oracle boneinscriptions (甲骨文) are now being widelyused as emojis by young WeChat users, thanks to a person who made them   61  (close) to people’s life than before.

   “The ancient charactersare not as distant   62  they are supposed to be,” said the  63  (create) Chen Nan. “In fact, they couldtotally serve our needs for online expression.” The 46-year-old professor of fine art at Tsinghua University has beenworking to make oracle bone inscriptions   64    emojis. For example, thecharacter for “zui,”   65  means “drunk” in English, was created   66   (look) like a stumblingfigure. And he has also combined theancient Chinese characters with cartoon figures.

    Chen    67   (work) on the road of innovation 19 years ago. In 2016, the ancienttypeface   68  (include) into the font library under hisefforts to let the ancient words walk into people’s life. Now the library hasas many as 3,500 characters,   69  Chen’s research on the project still continues, as he plans toextend the library to 7,000 characters. In   70  future, he will apply the ancient characters to education and development of games and apps.









  When asking what I wouldlike to send to the poor children living in the mountain villages, I think ofbooks.

On the one hand, the children there are eager to gain knowledges,but they are too poor to go to school. For this reason, I hope we will love thebooks. On the other hand, I think everyone have the right to education and itis of great important to help those people who need it. My books will give themnot wisdom but also happiness. I bet that I will be pleasure to see thosechildren’s smile faces in the sunshine after accepting the presents. As a oldsaying goes, “There is kindness to be found everywhere.” Let’s to give presentsto people whom we love or who need help.



 假定你是李华,是《舌尖上的中国》(A Bite of China)节目组工作人员。下期节目计划邀请一位外国友人一同参与节目的录制,请你写封邮件,邀请你的英国朋友Peter来节目组,共同体验中国饮食风味,感受中国饮食文化的魅力。

注意:1. 词数100左右;



Dear Peter,

How iseverything?




Lookingforward to your early reply. 


Li Hua














1—5BACBC          6—10CBABC               11—15ACACB             16—20ABACB



21—23 BDA     24—27 BACC         28—31ABCD         32—35DACB

36—40  CEDFG


第三部分 语言知识运用

41—45CBADC    46—50 BAADB      51—55 ACBAC       56—60 DBDCD

61. closer        62. as           63. creator       64. into        65. which

66. to look       67. worked       68. was included   69. but / yet    70. the




 When askingwhat I would like to send to the poor children living in the mountain


villages, I think ofbooks.


On the one hand, the children there are eager to gainknowledges, but they are too


poor to go to school.For this reason, I hope we will love the books. On the other hand, I


think everyonehave the right to education and it is of great important to helpthose

             has                                 importance

people who need it.My books will give them not wisdom but alsohappiness. I bet  


that I will be pleasureto see those children's smile faces in the sunshine after accepting 

           pleased                   smiling

the presents. As aold saying goes, "There is kindness to be found everywhere." Let's to 


give presents to people whom welove or who need help.





How iseverything?

As youknow, “A Bite of China” is a very popular programme on the history of food,eating, and cooking in China. We decide to invite a foreign friend to join in.And I think it’d be a great idea if you could participate in it, owing to yourfancy trying a variety of food in China.

 In the programme, you’ll not only tastedifferent foods but also discover stories about nature and the people behinddelicious Chinese foods.

I wouldappreciate it if you could accept my invitation. And I have the confidence thatyou’ll deeply experience the culture of Chinese Cuisine.

Lookingforward to your early reply.                          


Li Hua







M:Have you finished your homework, Jane?

W:Not yet.The temperature is so low that my hands are freezing.


M: Ithought that you would go to Jim's wedding yesterday.

W: Iwas planning to, but my daughter Lucy was not feeling well, so I stayed athome.


W:Well, I'm calling about the Wild Life Protection Group I belong to.We'relooking for more people to join, especially men.And I thought you might beinterested.

M:Oh.You know how much I love wild life, but this is my last year in the middleschool.I'm quite busy with my lessons.


M: IsMr.Stephen in his room, please? He has called to see me after the dinner.

W: Ifhe is in, his key will be here.Yes, sir.Room 202.He is in his room.Would youlike to ring up first, sir?


M:Why don't you and Ervin join us for dinner tonight? The five of us haven't goneout together for a long time.

W:Ervin says it's always too noisy to enjoy the meal at nightclubs.

M:Shall we go somewhere quiet?


M:Could you take this down to the accounting office for me, please?

W:Sure, Mr.Stone.I was just on my way down to the shipping department which is onthe 5th floor, anyway.Accounting is just one floor above it, so it's right onthe way.

M:Great.Maybe when you get back, I could take you to that Thai restaurant you'realways telling me about.


W:What did you think of the speech by Professor Green yesterday afternoon?

M: Ithought it was long and boring.I left the lecture hall before the speech ended.

W:Where did you go then?

M: Iwent to the library and borrowed some books and then read some magazines in thereading room. Did you stay in the lecture hall all afternoon?

W:Yes.Another three professors gave speeches besides Mr.Green.

M:How about their speeches?

W: Ithought all the speeches were interesting and meaningful.I think I learned alot from them.I really think you shouldn't have left the lecture hall beforethe speeches ended.


M:Hello.Could I speak to Mr.Smith's secretary, please?

W:Yes.It's Mr.Smith's secretary speaking.

M:Oh, hello, this is Mr.Green's Service in London.

W:What can I do for you?

M:Well, my boss Mr.Green is coming out to Tokyo in the first week of December andI want to check whether you know he is coming.

W: Idid already know about it.He's coming for the conference.

M:That's right, and he would really like to take up Mr.Smith's offer to visit thefactory.

W:When would it suit you? The conference will be running from Tuesday toThursday.

M:Er, well, either Monday or Friday would be good.Which day do you think would bebetter for Mr.Smith?

W:Er, as far as he's concerned, Monday will be fine.

M:Oh, that's great.


W:Bill, here is a letter of thanks for you.Can you tell me who wrote the letter?

M:Oh, it is from Mr.Black.He's an old man living near the post office.

W:What help did you give him?

M: Ionly took him to the hospital.

W:Why did you take him to the hospital? What happened to him?

M:Well, do you remember the day I was almost two hours late for school?


M:That was because I had to take Mr.Black to the hospital.You see, every morningbefore I go to school I go to the post office to pick up some newspapers and Iput them in the letterboxes of the people who live nearby.

W:Yes, I see.

M:That morning when I had delivered the last copy and was about to leave forschool, I heard someone falling down the stairs.It was Mr.Black.I yelled forhelp, but nobody answered.So I called the police and we took Mr.Black to thehospital.

W: Hewas lucky that you were there when he fell down.

M:That's right.But that day I had to stay behind after school to study mylessons.


M:Well, Monica, I'm sure you'll enjoy working here.I'm the librarian.We're openfrom half past eight in the morning until eight in the evening but you're notexpected to be here all that time.You start working at a quarter to nine andfinish at a quarter past five, OK?

Now,students aren't allowed to bring large bags into the library.But staff canbring their bags in and leave them in the office.You have an hour for lunch.ButI don't like staff eating in the library.Of course you can have a cup of coffeethere while you're working.If you bring sandwiches for lunch, there's a commonroom downstairs where you can eat them.If you want to buy lunch, I'drecommended the dining room upstairs.There are cafés in the town center butit's a bit of rush to get there and back in an hour though they're cheap.OK.Anyquestions?





















理综:衡水金卷2018年高考全国卷 I A 调研卷 高三理科综合(二)试卷及答案








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【衡水金卷】2018年衡水金卷调研卷 全国卷 I A 理科数学模拟试题(四)及答案


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