No pains, no gains
Biology tells us that humans evolved from apes but are different from them. Apes are only animals. The only important things for animals are food and sleep. Hard work is not important to them; they only care about the present, not the future. We humans have the ability to understand the past and interpret the future. We are rational beings. We can see the big picture, make long-term plans and work hard for a reward in the future. That is why we say, ‘no pains, no gains’.
Let’s all just think back to when we were small children, say, 7 or 8 years old. If we worked hard not only to get good grades but also to develop different skills and keep our body in shape, it would help us now and in the future. Having good scores and skills can get you into a prestigious university, next a respectable occupation, and then a meaningful life onwards. If we didn’t work hard in school, we would not have the right knowledge for a good and meaningful job, and then we may ultimately slip into poverty and boredom. Besides, a healthy body would grant you a long, happy life, while not keeping in shape would shorten your life and could make you depressed.
Even with occasional endeavors, such as a school science fair, a musical performance or even a big competition like this one, putting that last bit of effort and devotion can make a huge difference. The one thing in common with these examples is that no matter what, working hard and putting in more effort will, in the end, help you lead a happier life. To put it simply, hard work, or ‘pain’, is crucial for the ‘gain.’
The expression ‘no pains, no gains’ connects the past with the present and the present with the future. So, ladies and gentlemen, you may forget what I have said here but please remember ‘No pains, no gains’.
Thank you!
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