

提供优质内推的 管培圈 2022-06-16


✿ 圈圈可内推哦~ ✿




















1. Management Trainee - FICO

2.Management Trainee - Logistics

3.Management Trainee - System Engineering

4.Management Trainee - Architecture Coach 产品架构咨询师

5.Management Trainee - Technical Service

6.Management Trainee - Manufacturing

7.Management Trainee - Project Management

8.Management Trainee - HR(上海、长春)

9.Management Trainee - HR(上海)

10.Management Trainee - Quality



海拉是一家拥有百年历史的全球性上市家族企业。在超过 35 个国家 125 多个生产据点拥有 38,000 名员工。


海拉凭借 7,000 多名研发人员跻身于业内最重要的创新领导行列。海拉在 2016/2017 财年创造了约66亿欧元的销售额,名列全球汽车配件供应商前 40 名,是德国 100 家最大的工业企业之一。


海拉与中国的渊源可以追溯到上个世纪80年代,1982年海拉派出了第一个代表团访问中国,,随后通过技术许可协议的形式在中国开展业务。1996年, 海拉分别在长春和上海设立了两家合资企业用于生产汽车照明系统,这一举措表明了海拉对于中国市场前景的深刻认同。

经过十几年的发展,海拉已经在中国五个省份建立了14个生产基地、合资、研发及管理机构,拥有大约五千多名员工。 业务范围包括向汽车制造商提供原厂配套的灯具和电子产品,并向售后市场和修理厂提供汽车配套产品。 服务的客户涵盖了众多整车生产商和集成体系生产商,拥有成熟的售后服务机构。



❶ 含义为期18个月的三个业务部门以上轮岗项目,并且有机会去德国轮岗三个月。

❷ 目标:培养海拉中国未来的技术骨干力量和管理者

❸ 点:海拉将通过为管培生设置不同的岗位任务和配备专业导师,以及安排参加丰富的培训课程,使管培生的核心能力得到发展、多样化的工作经验得以积累,为其在海拉中国的成功职业生涯做充分准备。


 Management Trainee - FICO

 工作地点  上海


1. Involved in all the functions under Operation Controlling area, and get the structural knowledge of P&L analysis and budgeting of a manufacturing company

2. Involved in the management financial review meeting every month and independently present for an assigned topic

3. GE China regional reporting consolidation & analysis


1. Master degree or above in Finance related majors

2. Strong execution capability;

3. Demonstrated interpersonal and influential skills;

4. Strong passion and self-motivated;


 Management Trainee - Logistics

 工作地点  上海


1.You will be fully involved in building up an automated warehouse and supporting plant extension related logistics projects.

2. You will be responsible for improving logistics performance internally and externally to satisfy internal and external customers.

3. The plant logistics KPI will be under your monitor.

4.You need to master major functions of the most advanced ERP system in the world.

5.You will plan, execute and manage the people, resources and scope of the project.


1. Master degree or above in Engineering related majors, prefer Logistics Engineering.

2. Good communication skills both in Chinese and English

3. Familiar with MS project, Visio, AutoCAD


Management Trainee - System Engineering

 工作地点  上海


1.Coaching requirements of platform projects in an efficient, sustainable and process-oriented way

2. Define System Requirements from the customer requirements and Requirements Engineering for product development / variant handling / modular systems

3. Design Set up guidelines, e.g. guarantee the know-how transfer, Collection and distribution of the existing know-how within the team

4.Optimization of the method/process for Requirements Engineering

5.Design new, flexible system designs/architectures for upcoming market needs


1.Master degree in Electronics related major

2.Flexible on working locations in first 3 years

3.Interested in Automotive, motivated by Technology


Management Trainee - Architecture Coach 产品架构咨询师

 工作地点  上海


1.Ensure all platform projects running in efficient, sustainable and process-faithful method

2.Creation of architectures for product line development / variant handling / modular systems

3.Creation of guidelines for e.g. Topics in the context of know-how transfer

4.Collection and distribution of existing knowledge with related Departments in the company

5.Optimization of architecture methodologies


1.Master degree in Electronics related major

2.Flexible on working locations in first 3 years

3.Interested in Automotive, motivated by Technology


Management Trainee - Technical Service

 工作地点  上海


1.Worked in technical service department which major focus will be ‘Equipment’, ‘Process technology’ and ‘High level automation & robots’.

2.Support department head work on the future strategy for innovative technology roadmap, smart automation and lean maintenance.

3.Tracking all the technical service department strategic initiative actions process ang report regularly.

4.Participate global technology network to find best practice and innovative ideas which can be applied in the company.

5.Develop the maintenance strategy and apply the state of the art TPM technology for the location.


1.Master degree or above in Engineering or related majors

2.Knowledge and enthusiasm in automotive industry


Management Trainee - Manufacturing

 工作地点  上海


1.You will have full responsibility to new project industrialization and take full accountability of quality, time, and cost.

2.You will work with different departments, such as Logistics, Quality, and Production to make sure the project smoothly according the timeline.

3.You will solve the problems in shop floor and improve operation excellence.


1.Master degree or above in Engineering or related majors

2.Knowledge and enthusiasm in automotive industry


Management Trainee - Project Management

 工作地点  上海


1. You will have full responsibility and authority to complete the assigned project.

2. You will plan, execution and managing the people, resources and scope of the project.

3. You will produce the end result, strives to maintain the progress, mutual interaction and of various parties in such a way that reduces the risk of overall failure, maximizes benefits, and minimizes costs.


1. You will have master degree or above in Engineering related majors.

2. You will be passionate to join automotive industry, including autonomous driving, infotainment, etc.

3. You will be very mobile in Hella APAC, you can work in different locations (Shanghai, Nanjing, Xiamen, Vietnam).


Management Trainee - HR

 工作地点  上海、长春


1.Assist division HR head to drive the horizontal alignment of objectives, work and communications across the China organizations by working closely with HR Mangers in different locations.

2.Lead or provide strategic support on developing new projects related but not limited on Organization Development, Learning & Development, Recruitment & Staffing, C&B, HRIS, etc.

3.Work closely with HR team in different locations to learn and understand HR tools, processes, data. Respoinsible for division HR data collect, analysis and regular reporting to various stakeholders as needed

4.Identify the HR process improvement opportunity, with proposed approach and implementation

5.Provide effectively supports to contribute to the overall HR team strategies, plan and program


1.Master degree or above, major in Human Resources, MBA or other related discipline; Oversea study or working experience is a plus;

2.Proficient English skills on both written and oral;

3.Willing to travel

4.Good at project management skills;

5.Solid analytical ability with data sensitivity;

6.Able to handle multiple tasks under pressure

7.Flexible to work in Hella China all locations (Shanghai, Nanjing, Jiaxing, Zhenjiang, Xiamen) in first 3 years


Management Trainee - HR

 工作地点  上海


1.Post and update ads of recruitment in system or to headhunters timely;

2.Complete HCCC recruiting plan. This may involve a series of recruitment process: first selecting, telephone interview, face-to-face interview, propose offer and send out offer letter;

3.Complete new employee boarding process and finish new employment contract or agreement timely;

4.Contacting external recruiting vendor and renew relevant contract timely.

5.Ensure to complete E-workflow, recruitment system set up, implementation, maintenance and upgrading;

6.Be involved in HR projects tasks, such as Wechat recruiting, headhunter management, university cooperation etc.

7.Support on employee relations management in corporate;

8.Take on other HR projects(such as team building, outing, annual dinner etc.) as assigned and provide support and assistance as needed;

9.Assist HR Manager to handle daily operations in HCCC;

10.Support and assist HCCC HR functional leaders and APAC HR Head on various strategic and tactical China, APAC-wide comprehensive HR projects.


1.Master degree or above, major in Human Resources, MBA or other related discipline; Oversea study or working experience is a plus;

2.Proficient English skills on both written and oral;

3.Willing to travel

4.Good at project management skills;

5.Solid analytical ability with data sensitivity;

6.Able to handle multiple tasks under pressure

7.Flexible to work in Hella China all locations (Shanghai, Nanjing, Jiaxing, Zhenjiang, Xiamen) in first 3 years


Management Trainee - Quality

 工作地点  上海


1.Overall responsible for supplier quality management, work with Purchasing and Logistic to secure the supply chain and to make sure the quality capable parts delivered out from supplier side as Hella requirement;

2.Take lead supplier quality issue complaint management, (on site) drive supplier to do the root cause analysis and implement improvement measures in time;

3.Continuously improve supplier 8D report quality level and decrease 8D report lead time; (8D report is the standard analysis report in automotive industry)

4.Take lead cost charge back negotiation to supplier side for the cost caused by supplier quality issues;

5.Continuously drive supplier to decrease the PPM (Part Per Million) level;

6.Work with central department to overall improve supplier quality system management, such as failure prevention, etc

7.Implement regular / announcement visit to supplier to monitor the performance


1. Master degree or above in mechanical engineering, mechatronics, precision engineering or related disciplines

2. Demonstrated interpersonal and influential skills;














1.京东 | 2019秋招管培生招聘拉开帷幕I京东管理培生招聘启动啦!

2.平安银行 | 避过秋招,现在就成为管培生吧!平安银行管培生预备军招聘启动!

3.易居中国 | 易居中国“金种子”策划人才储备计划开始招募!总部带薪培训&包食宿!

4.沃尔玛 | 世界500强TOP1公司 | 2019总部管培生、营运管培生校招正式开启!

5.多益网络 | 中国互联网企业25强,创造App Store收入排行榜单中国第1人气记录的公司招聘管培生啦!

6.上海东泽物流 | 暑期实习转正管培 | 上海东泽国际物流招聘中!

7.远洋商业地产内推 | 内推 | 精英专属管培项目!远洋商业地产“探海者”储备暑期实习生招聘! 

8.百词斩 | 暑期实习转正管培 | 百词斩招聘领袖、市场、产品三大方向管培生!

9.友塔游戏 | 秋招|拥有一亿用户的游戏公司管培生招聘中,市场、策划、运营、人事、商务等六大管培岗位!

10.财新数据(18、19届均可)| 2018、2019管培生招聘 | 国内顶尖院校导师亲自培养,更有机会提供个人创业资金和机会!

11.苏宁 |狮厂苏宁1200十七期校招内推启动啦!

12.中国科学院物理研究所 | 内推 | 3周高温假+2周寒假+解决北京户口+中央直属事业编制!央企爸爸这么好的待遇,管培圈当然要内推啦!

13.中创集团 | 2019届管培计划 | 中大集团8大管培实习岗位,优秀可转正!金融、市场金融的小伙伴看过来!

14.A.O.史密斯(含面经)| 2019管培提前批 | 美国公司A.O史密斯招聘营销、制造、供应链等10大岗位!内含面经!

15.京东DMT博士管培生(18、19届均可) | 2019管培提前批 | 京东「DMT」项目技术博士管理培训生正式启动!招聘7大技术岗位人才!有机会赴硅谷研究中心哦!

16.中国平安集团总部 | 2019硕士管培 | 世界500强第39位中国平安集团总部战发中心招聘战略分析管培生!

17.联想Global Future Leader | 2019管培提前批 | 联想招人啦!内含23大岗位,更有全球轮岗机会!还有专业导师一对一指导!

18.润英联(18届、19届均可) | 18、19届管培生 | 英国老牌化学企业招聘管培生啦!2年轮岗,业务覆盖70多个国家!招收化学及相关专业同学!

19.京东LET本科管培 | 2019届管培 | 京东物流LET“未来之星”项目开始招聘,15大岗位,13个地区!

20.腾讯2019产培生(含面经&真题) | 腾讯2019产品培训生招聘启动!深圳、北京、上海、广州四地,含面经&真题!

21.同程艺龙 | 秋招 | 薪资15-25k,拥有2亿用户的同城艺龙招聘管理培训生!

22.唯品会 | 2019秋招 | 唯品会2019提前批校园招聘开始啦!三大方向商务管培生,就等你来!

23.乐鑫科技 | 秋招|苹果、微软、阿里合作伙伴,跨国物联网公司招聘商务管培生、项目管培生!

24. 震旦集团 | 18、19届|移动、海尔、浦发等多家大牌公司的合作伙伴招聘管培生啦!办公地点覆盖北上广深等40座城市哦!

25. 蓝色光标 | 19、20届|蓝色光标文案、客户执行、设计实习生招聘,有机会直斩校招offer哦!

26. 惠氏 | 实习转正管培|500强快消,雀巢惠氏五大地点实习生火热招募(内推+独家面试流程详解)


1.昆仑银行 | 赶上管培生招聘末班车!昆仑银行2018管培生招聘6月20日截止申请!

2.融创 | 2018补招 | 中国TOP4地产公司融创“创想家计划”正在火热招募中!

3.伊利 | 伊利集团总部2018年管培生招聘!市场、人力资源、战略、经营分析等6大方向!

4.红星美凯龙 | 中国商场数目最多的家居MALL | 2018届星动力招聘开启啦!

5.中融人寿 | 全国性人寿保险公司中融人寿总部管培生火热开招!人力、财务、风控等5大方向!

6.嗨学网(内推) | 内推 | 市场管培补招中!年薪15W+,有机会解决北京户口,快来Pick这家即将上市的教育公司!

7.500强德企蒂森克虏伯 | 世界500强德国工业巨头,世界三大电梯品牌之一的公司招聘销售管培生啦!

8.宝马(内推) | 宝马全球管理培训生项目招聘启动!有海外轮岗!市场、金融、大数据三大方向!含内推福利!

9.聚鲨 | 薪资10K+,全国领先的全媒体零售平台招聘管培生啦!

10.安鲜达 | 高级管培生招聘 | 易果集团旗下公司招人啦!含内推福利!

12.外滩三号 | 上海外滩米其林一星餐厅所在地:外滩三号招聘人力、餐饮、行政部门多岗位管培生!

13.财新数据 |2018、2019管培生招聘 | 国内顶尖院校导师亲自培养,更有机会提供个人创业资金和机会!

14.善诊 |18届管培计划补招 | 本科起薪 10W+,研究生起薪15W+的医疗互联网公司招聘管培生啦!

15.宁波泊宁 | 海运&空运公司招聘18届管培生!有海外外派机会,培养为分公司经理!内推!

16.宝马Open Day(内推,现场面试,直斩正式offer)| 除了管培生,宝马还有一场炫酷的Open Day等你来现场拿offer!

17.豫发集团 | 2018届管培生 | 综合地产企业招聘多方向管培生!工程、设计、财务、行政、营销、投融资6大方向!

18.润英联(18届、19届均可) | 18、19届管培生 | 英国老牌化学企业招聘管培生啦!2年轮岗,业务覆盖70多个国家!招收化学及相关专业同学!


20. 震旦 | 18、19届|移动、海尔、浦发等多家大牌公司的合作伙伴招聘管培生啦!办公地点覆盖北上广深等40座城市哦!

21. 庄信万丰 | 秋招 | 200年历史的英国化工公司招聘商务、营运、研发类3大方向管理培训生!

22. 怡和 | 世界500强怡和全球管理培训生项目来袭,香港+海外任职!3年轮岗,开启CEO养成计划!





