
语言教学 | 普渡大学写作教学系列Teacher&Tutor Resource31-Prevent Plagiarism(2)



Preventing Plagiarism

(4)Authorship and Popular Plagiarism

40 minutes


To have students gain a larger understanding of the context of authorship, plagiarism, and intellectual property.


Authorship and Popular Plagiarism handouts

  1. Split the class into two groups and then distribute article one to one group and handout two to the other. Give students a chance to read their articles:"Plagiarism: Everybody into the Pool" and "Threats and Responses: Intelligence Assessments." (10-15 min.)

  2. After students have read the articles, ask each group to briefly summarize the article and explain the main points to the other half of class. This may involve choosing particular students to articulate each article. (5-10 min.)

  3. Discuss the content of the article with students. (15 min.) You can certainly include any details or concerns students have, but there are some discussion questions to build upon:

  • What were some of the consequences for plagiarizing?

  • Do the consequences change in different contexts?

  • How many people do you think plagiarize often?

  • What are some of the motivations for doing so?

  • Are there situations where activities considered “plagiarism” is acceptable? Explain.

  • Why do you think people are so concerned about plagiarism issues?

(5)Copyright and Plagiarism


30 minutes


Engage students in understanding the distinctions between copyright and plagiarism

  • Penn State: Copyright and Plagiarism

  • Scenarios handout

  1. Have students navigate to the above site on their laptop or smart phone and ask them to read the information that explains the differences between copyright and plagiarism. Follow up on their reading with a brief discussion of the distinction as you understand it. It may help to explain that copyright is a legal distinction based on property rights and plagiarism is a civil distinction based on the process of creating. (10-15 min.)

  2. Have your students complete the training assessment and engage students in a discussion as to whether the given scenarios fall under the category of plagiarism or copyright violation and why. (10-15 min).

(6)Collaborative Authorship


35 minutes


To have students gain a larger understanding of American culture’s focus on individual authorship and when those expectations are not feasible.


Collaborative Authorship Handout

  1. Ask students to get in groups of 4 or 5 and have each group read a different scenario from the handout. After students have read the scenarios, ask each group to discuss whether or not the type of authorship was “acceptable.” (10-15 minutes)

  2. As a class, have each group explain their scenario to the rest of the students and then clarify what the group discussed about the scenario. Your role as an instructor is not to achieve unity among all students on these collaborative writing scenarios, but explore the possible outcomes from the actions described. You may want to highlight that standards of “acceptable” collaboration often depend upon context. It may also be advantageous to determine how your school’s plagiarism policy would read these actions. (20 minutes)


