
德语法学期刊速递 | 《法哲学与社会哲学论丛》2021年第2期

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法哲学与社会哲学论丛Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie

2021  Vol. 107, Issue 2  

Political Freedom in a Deliberative System. A Republican Case Against Holistic Evaluations


作者:Donald Bello Hutt


Champions of systemic approaches to deliberative democratic theory consider that deliberative systems serve sundry functions. Whether guaranteeing political freedom should be one of those functions has not been explored in the scholarly literature. This article thus examines which conceptions of freedom underpin systemic approaches to deliberative democracy. I explore and circumscribe the analysis to two prominent options: freedom as absence of interference and freedom as non-domination. The answer to which of these alternatives best serves as a function of the deliberative system hinges on the previous question of whether holistic evaluations of systemic deliberative performance are to be endorsed. The article then argues that holistic evaluations are only compatible with freedom as non-interference. By contrast, freedom as non-domination is incompatible with holism. I then provide reasons for endorsing freedom as non-domination and, by implication, to reject holistic systemic evaluations.

“A Legal Pluralist World”… Or the Black Hole for Modern Legal Positivism


作者:Mauro Zamboni




In addition to the traditional attacks from competing legal theories (from natural law to postmodern approach), modern legal positivism seems to be placed at a point of no return when looking at the effects of globalization upon the legal phenomenon. The reality offers to legal positivists countless examples of soft-law, i. e. law which is not law but is perceived and applied by the vast majority of the legal actors as law.

Faced with this radically changed reality, most contemporary legal positivists appear to be caught in a dilemma. The modern legal positivism, on one hand, is in front of a reality of legal globalization and increasing legal pluralism in many areas of law, that is a reality (e. g. soft-law) challenging some of the fundamental paradigms endorsed by this legal movement (e. g. the pedigree thesis). On the other hand, modern legal positivists have taken a quite passive attitude toward this challenge, either by abandoning the legal positivism as a whole to its destiny or by simply continuing to focus upon traditional (i. e. pre-globalization) issues as the fundamental ones to be tackled.

The goal of this work is to suggest a shift of attention among legal positivists towards questions which have always been present in their program (though often in secondary terms), as also their solutions (often already present in the legal positivist works). This shift would possibly help the legal positivism movement to circumvent the black hole represented by legal globalization (and its legal pluralism), a black hole where the distinction between law and nonlaw (i. e. the major tenant of legal positivism) seems to vanish, putting the very existence and legitimacy of the legal phenomenon under question.

What Could Alexis de Tocqueville Have Told us about Second- and Third-Generation Human Rights?


作者:Łukasz Mirocha


The article attempts to apply Alexis de Tocqueville`s views in the area of selected second- and third-generation human rights, i. e. the rights that over the course of the first half of the 19th century were not – with some exceptions – anchored in positive law. It takes form of sort of intellectual exercise in which, based on Tocqueville`s work, his potential stance towards chosen human rights is reconstructed. The paper briefly presents modern standards referring to second- and third-generation human rights, and confronts these with legal provisions provided by the French constitutions during and prior to Tocqueville`s life. The following parts of the paper show general Tocqueville`s stance towards the concept of human rights and attempt to answer the question issued in the title of the article.

Proportionality Test and

Constitutional Social Rights


作者:Federico de Fazio


The purpose of this article is to make a rational reconstruction of the use of the proportionality test in contexts of judicial adjudication of constitutional social rights. This reconstruction will be developed in two stages. Firstly, I will deal with the question of whether the proportionality test in its variation by omission (that is, in cases of positive rights) exhibits or not a different structure with respect to its (better known and developed) variation by excess (that is, in cases of negative rights). Secondly, I will describe the rules and forms of argumentation implied in the use of the proportionality test by omission, which constitute its respective sub-tests of suitability, necessity and proportionality stricto sensu. Lastly, I will present a brief summary.

What makes Law Coercive when it is Coercive?


作者:Lucas Miotto


Most legal and political philosophers agree that typical legal systems are coercive. But there is no extant account of what typically makes typical legal systems coercive when they are coercive. This paper presents such an account and compares it with four alternative views. Towards the end I discuss the proposed account’s payoffs. Among other things, I show how it can help us explain what I call ‘comparative judgements’ about coercive legal systems (judgements such as ‘Legal system a is more coercive than legal system b’) and how it can help the development of social scientific inquiries into the coerciveness of our legal systems.

The Uncertain Concept of Legal Certainty. Rule of Law, Criminal Law and the Hungarian Constitutional Court


作者:Krisztina Ficsor


Hungarian legal scholarship is dominated by a formal, “technical” conception of the rule of law and this is even truer in the jurisprudence of criminal law. This fact can be demonstrated by analysing the case-law of the Hungarian Constitutional Court with regard to the constitutional review of judicial decisions and criminal statutes. In constitutional complaint proceedings the Constitutional Court has ruled out legal certainty issues from the review of legal norms and judicial decisions by stating that legal certainty is not a value of constitutional importance and does not raise human rights issues. In this paper the author argues for the claim that conceiving the principle of the rule of law and legal certainty as a formal and technical value which is isolated from the principles of political morality, can lead to a narrow and weak protection of human rights. If the rule of law and legal certainty issues are regarded as amoral values, (criminal) norms can become servants of political interests where highly unjust laws can be held to be constitutional.

Abuse of Law and Advocacy. A Brief Inquiry into Legal Ethics Jurisprudence


作者:Andrea Romeo


The essay explores the world of Jurisprudential Legal ethics, which ever closer claims the status of jurisprudential issue deeply woven into the contemporary debate about the concept and the nature of law. The paper briefly explores the leading jurisprudential theories about the lawyer’s role, in attempt to outline that the conceptualization of the lawyers’ role and the nature of their professional commitments are both a function of the concept of law we adopt, mainly focusing on the “positivist turn” in legal ethics. In the conclusive section the paper I address the abuse-of-law filtes thesis of lawyering. Such reading moves from the idea that legal rules do not provide about their own application, thus there is room for a general practical discourse that regards the scope of advocacy and provides a proper role for legal ethics that would be independent from the bare respect of the settled law.

Desuetudo: A Game-Theoretic Approach


作者:Federico L. G. Faroldi

摘要:本文通过博弈论对废弃提出了一个解释。我论证了,惯习(consuetudo)存在不对称,因为它没法通过博弈论得到充分把握,如果将废弃理解为动态的、历时的过程,则可以用博弈论对其进行充分阐释。一个规范(不必然是惯习),当没有人需要它时,便不复存在。在交互的情况下, 为了促进某种平衡,已经废弃的规范也不会成为惯习。这种规范动态没法解释所有种类的惯习,但是可以解释废弃——将废弃理解为从规范相关的状态变为规范漠视状态的动态过程。在博弈论的解释中,动态性是重复发生的游戏,而废弃是与之相反的规范产生过程(不论初始规范是惯习还是实定法)。

I suggest an account of desuetudo in game-theoretic terms. I argue that there is an asymmetry with consuetudo, because consuetudo cannot be fully captured by a game-theoretic analysis, while desuetudo, properly understood as a dynamic, diachronic process, can. A norm (not necessarily a consuetudo) ceases to exist because there’s no need anymore, in an interactive situation, to foster certain equilibria, even though the same norm which is going in desuetude might not have emerged as a consuetudo. While this kind of norm dynamics cannot explain all kinds of consuetudines, it can explain desuetudo, understood as a dynamic process ending with normative indifference, from a state which was normatively relevant. In this game-theoretic account the dynamicity is captured by the repeated occurence of the game, while desuetudo is the opposite process, in terms of normativity, with which a norm emerges (regardless of the fact whether the initial norm was a consuetudo or posited).

Hasso Hofmann (1934–2021): Ein Nachruf

悼念Hasso Hofmann (1934–2021)

作者:Horst Dreier

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