
黑格尔会赞成阿列克西法的双重性质理论吗? |《法哲学与社会哲学论丛》2021年第3期

不莱梅的音乐家 ManofLetters 2022-06-25

法哲学与社会哲学论丛Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie

2021  Vol. 107, Issue 3  

Krisenmomente der Freiheit. Ein Panorama mit Schlussfolgerungen/Crisis moments of freedom. A panorama with conclusions


作者Klaus Günther


The article first sketches a panorama of contrasting crisis-like processes that currently characterize the general understanding of freedom, such as the increase in restrictions on freedom against the background of man-made environmental changes, the strengthening of the freedom to dispose of one’s own life in the discussion on assisted suicide, the development of more complex views of the biological nature of human beings and their freedom, the disavowal of the connection between freedom and responsibility, and the increasing use of new communication media and algorithmic technologies of observation, analysis, and modification of human behavior. Under this impression, new contours of a complex and conflictual order of freedom are drawn. They become apparent in at least three determinations of the relationship of freedom: in the relationship of freedom to human nature, in the relationship to others and to society, and in the relationship to extra-human nature. In all three relationships, the semantics of disposal and domination seem to have a highly destructive effect on a crisis-like moment and carry the risk of contributing to a long-term loss of freedom.

Eine hegelianische Annäherung an die Krise des demokratischen Rechtsstaats/A Hegelian Approach to the Crisis of the Democratic Rule of Law


作者José Joaquín Jiménez Sánchez


This paper does resemble a philosophical-juridical perspective that reflects on the possibility to reconstruct the constitutional democracy through a Hegelian focus. Its aim is to tackle the current crisis of our liberal democracy, as well as to determine its causes. These causes are not only found in a deficient praxis of its purposes, but fundamentally in an insufficient understanding of the principles of that type of democracy. At the end, this democracy, if we mind to deter its ruin, has to last on the idea of universal will and its determination through the individual rights and liberties. In this context, political liberties obtain a key role, especially the right of political participation and the freedom of expression, whose final purpose lays in the construction of a rational political will.

Futurities of Law. Versuche über die Zukunft des Rechts/Futurities of Law. Toward the Legal Design of the Next Society


作者Malte-Christian Gruber


The law of the future faces fundamental challenges that it cannot overcome by means of ‘tried and trusted’ dogmatics alone. Nor can it, from a methodological standpoint, take refuge in a purportedly apolitical hermeneutics or a one-sided application of empirical methods. Its responsibilities are not exhausted in mere steering, innovation or stimulating operations, but also encompass critical-emancipatory functions. Methodological reflection and legal critique – understood as social theory in the ‘interior’ of law – enable legal doctrine to meet the particular demands that arise from the simultaneous affiliation of jurisprudence to the systems of law and science. The future development of legal studies thus requires a foundational research approach that preserves the interdisciplinary connection to neighbouring disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, and provides impetus for enlightened selfcritique and self-reflection. Only in this way – through the emergence of jurisprudence from its self incurred ignorance regarding its social function – might legal practice assert itself in everyday legal life and confront the injustices of the legal world with its own thinking. Such critical legal thinking demands more than just the perpetuation of traditions based on the history of ideas. Nor can it be satisfied through the mere cultivation of empirical approaches to reality. It must aim to develop and unfold a normative concept of law, and write this forward into the future. It derives its essential reflective potential from social-theoretical modelling and methodological development. In the process, the reciprocal confrontation and translation of rival theoretical models opens new learning possibilities not to solve legal conflicts, but to treat them more judiciously. Here, it is above all the foundational legal subjects that, through their discrete approaches and perspectives, open diverse and flexible entryways to the potentialities and actualities of law and, particularly in light of new cases, ensure the necessary variance of options for perception and action. The future of law resides in experimental testing and innovative discovery, in the creative quest for alternative possibilities and possible realities, in the critical and constructive struggle for the law of the future – as the ecological law of future life in the next bio-digital society.

Weder Idealismus noch Naturalismus: Zum Anliegen einer Idealitätstheorie des Rechts/Neither Idealism nor Naturalism: About the Objective of an Ideality Theory of Law


作者Lorenz Kähler


Law is an ontologically ideal entity. This feature shall be explored in order to explain why law cannot be perceived by the senses, why its contents can remain constant over time, why it can in principle be translated and why it does not have a dual nature. Due to law’s ontologically ideal nature it is independent from time and space, normative in kind and open for rational arguments. Although law can in many regards be abstract, its ontologically ideal nature has to be distinguished from abstractness.

Über Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494), das Chamäleon und die Würde des Menschen/About Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494), the chameleon and the dignity of man


作者 Bernd Kannowski


It is quite strange that a work whose author apparently deliberately avoided the term “human dignity” is today known under the title “Oration on the Dignity of Man”. In my contribution, I examine the extent to which the famous tract of Pico della Mirandola can be linked to the history of human dignity. This raises the fundamental question of what human dignity (for Pico) actually means. Pico’s famous text appears primarily as an ode to man’s capacity for transformation, which his freedom grants him. The image of the chameleon used by Pico – which is idiosyncratic in the context of his time – highlights this. His concern is a freedom of philosophising that does not impose any prohibitions on thinking even when dealing with other religions and thus seems radical for Pico’s time.

Consensual Punishment. From Grotius to Hegel


作者Moritz Heepe


In the present study we scrutinize the historical development of a remarkable strategy to justify state punishment, conceived in the philosophy of the Enlightenment: the argument from the consent of the offender. We follow the development of this argument and its variants from Grotius to Hegel. Our particular interest lies in ascriptions of purely fictitious mental states to justify palpable moral or legal reactions. This investigation opens up a specific and illuminating perspective on the legal-philosophical theories of the investigated authors and their conceptual connections. In that way it also helps to properly grasp important aspects of the systematic problem of criminal justice.

Vittorio Frosini und das Recht als Morphologie der Praxis/Vittorio Frosini and the Legal Order as Morphology of the Praxis


作者Antonio Merlino

摘要20世纪60年代早期,西西里岛的法学家Vittorio Frosini是第一个尝试对汉斯-凯尔森的意大利继受进行历史语境研究的人。Frosini认为,我们不能无视纯粹法理论可能带来的极端结果。在对凯尔森主义的清晰批判中,他指出,法律不是康德的空洞形式,而是结构、社会实践和“实践的形态学”。

In the early Sixties, the Sicilian jurist Vittorio Frosini was the first to attempt an historicization of Hans Kelsen’s Italian inheritance. Frosini asserts that we cannot disregard the extreme outcomes of the reine Rechtslehre and in a lucid criticism of Kelsenism, he points out that the law is not an empty form of Kantian purity, but instead, structure, social praxis, andmorphology of the praxis”.

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