佐剂(Adjuvant)通常是指辅助疫苗或携带抗原以实现免疫增强的物质。随着材料科学和纳米技术的飞速发展,纳米佐剂受到了越来越多的关注和重视。纳米佐剂的小尺寸使得它们更易进入淋巴结,被抗原呈递细胞(APCs)摄取和处理。同时纳米佐剂较大的比表面积,可以用于吸附更多的抗原,或装载更多的药物、免疫调节剂等。此外,基于纳米材料的固有性质,纳米佐剂可以被赋予更多的特性。例如,它们可以结合“成像模块”或“治疗模块”进行疾病的诊断和治疗,特别是它们除了可以用作免疫治疗外,还能联合化疗/放疗、光热疗法、光动力疗法、声动力疗法、化学动力疗法等对癌症进行协同治疗。为了开发有效的免疫系统激活的纳米佐剂,研究人员对纳米佐剂的结构与功能之间的关系进行了深入探索,有力地推动了纳米佐剂在免疫治疗中的发展。 近日,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所林君研究员、马平安研究员和丁彬彬副研究员团队在《Advanced Functional Materials》期刊上发表了题为“Understanding Structure-Function Relationships of Nanoadjuvants for Enhanced Cancer Vaccine Efficacy”的综述文章(DOI:10.1002/adfm.202111670)。该篇综述文章对佐剂进行了系统介绍,充分论述了纳米佐剂的构效关系,并探讨了佐剂的结构与安全性之间的联系,详细例举了纳米佐剂在癌症治疗中的应用,最后分析了纳米佐剂当前面临的挑战以及未来的发展方向。文章首先从三个方面对佐剂进行了详细地介绍,包括佐剂的分类、佐剂的作用机制以及佐剂效果的评估指标。随后,文章重点对纳米佐剂的结构与佐剂活性之间的关系进行了分析,探讨了纳米佐剂的尺寸、孔径、表面电荷、表面基团、形貌和纵横比对佐剂活性的影响。文章还重点讨论了纳米佐剂在癌症治疗中的应用,比如免疫治疗以及与光热疗法、光动力疗法、声动力疗法、化学动力疗法、化疗或放疗协同的癌症治疗(图1)。
Adjuvant adsorbs antigen to form Antigen reservoir, slowly releases the antigen at the injection site, and continuously stimulates the body, thereby improving the long-term immune memory effect.
Stimulate DCs maturity and enhance antigen uptake/cross-presentation
Use adjuvants to increase the uptake of antigens by APCs such as DCs and the recruitment of DCs, and stimulate the maturation of DCs, thereby activating T cells to differentiate into effector T cells to kill cancer cells.
Activate complement
a) Adjuvants activate complement through the classical pathway, which allows the complement to combine with the corresponding antigen on the surface of the cancer cell membrane to form a membrane attack complex (MAC), thereby lysing the cancer cell and initiating the CD8+ T cell immune response. b) Adjuvants activate complement C3 through alternative pathways and then activates B cells through the complement receptor CR2, so that B cells express ICOSL. ICOSL+B cells co-stimulate T cells through ICOSL-ICOS to activate the tumor-killing function of T cells, thereby promoting anti-tumor immunity. c) The adjuvant activates complement through the lectin pathway and assists cancer treatment in a form similar to “a”.
Induce cytokines and chemokines release
Adjuvants induce the increase or decrease of cytokines /chemokines, thereby regulating the growth, maturation and differentiation of immune cells, and inhibiting and killing tumor cells.
Activate NLRP3 inflammasome
Adjuvants induce the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome, thereby stimulating the production of related cytokines, recruiting APCs, promoting the maturation of DCs, enhancing antigen uptake, and stimulating T cell differentiation.
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