
公益课优秀学生作文欣赏五 —— “秋天迷人的风景与宁静”

GoMappED GoMappED 在线课堂 2022-12-19

My Favorite Season

 Ai Lin

There are four seasons in a year, each possessing its own distinctive traits. From the awakening springtime to the bleak of winter, the delightful summer to the serene autumn. My name is Ai Lin, and today I’m going to tell you about my favorite season:  autumn.


Firstly, autumn is arguably the most beautiful season of all, the falling leaves of yellow, orange, and red make autumn special and unique. They seem to give the ground a beautiful coat to prepare it for the harsh winter and the world turns atmospheric, suddenly.


Autumn signifies the change from the joyful summertime to the coldness of winter. I feel that sometimes I reminisce all the fun I’ve had in summer and feel almost sad to be heading towards the lonely wintertime. However, when I am reminded that Christmas is just around the corner, I become hopeful once again. I feel autumn not only changes weather and color, but it also changes one’s mood.


Everything and everyone is starting to become calmer and more peaceful as summer starts to fade away. Animals and plants prepare to hibernate and rest. In autumn, everyone seems to get back into routine and normality. Eve and everything have their own fresh starts in different ways.


For farmers, autumn is the season of harvest and the season that they are most proud of. All year round’s hard work put into their crops and farming, see their rewards in autumn.

For children, autumn is the most exciting season for them, but also a season they grow in. Preschool children go to primary school, primary schoolers go to secondary school. and the most exciting is when students enter university or college. They meet new classmates, new teachers, and new surroundings. Children start to count down the days until Halloween and things get even more exciting.


For parents, autumn is their happiest season. They’ve finally got rid of the children and the home becomes more peaceful. They themselves are back to working hard, in preparation for the arrival of Christmas.

I like the alluring scenery and calmness autumn brings. In autumn, new goals and plans are set and I feel ready for everything ahead of me in the new year!


"Ai Lin organised the essay perfectly, I feel that she could use adverbs and adjectives better, and they will help her essay to be even better. As with the other students, Ai Li needs to remember that she is in Ireland, therefore American spelling is totally incorrect. Also when writing about a number, she should spell them rather than putting in the figure."

(Ai Lin的行文结构完美,我感觉如果能多用一些形容词和副词,文章就会更出色了。如班上其它同学,需要记住我们在爱尔兰,使用美语拼写是不对的,在用到数字的时候,应该拼写出来,而不是直接用数字形式。)

(编者补充:Ai Lin的英文水平非常好,词汇量丰富,并且学习认真,学得也很快,老师希望Ai Lin能注意到这些小的地方,将写作的能力更上一层。)







