
CATTI备考笔记 | 为什么意大利疫情这么严重?宣布封闭伦巴第大区及14个省!

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02






Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced at least 16 million people are now in quarantine in the Lombardy region and 14 adjacent provinces. The lockdown will last until April 3, 2020. The new measures will also apply to the country's financial center Milan and tourist hotspot Venice. The death toll in Italy had passed 230, with officials reporting more than 50 deaths in 24 hours on March 7, 2020. The number of confirmed cases jumped to 6,012 by Saturday. The escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy forced the government to close public areas including gyms, pools, museums and the ski resort.



伦巴第大区 Lombardy region



adjacent 邻近的,毗连的

be adjacent to = be next to

Our farm land was adjacent to the river. 我们的农田在河边

The planes landed on adjacent runways. 这些飞机在毗连的跑道上降落


be in quarantine 在隔离中(状态)


Visitors to Beijing and Shanghai from South Korea, Iran and Italy will have to go into quarantine for two weeks.


go into quarantine 被隔离(动作)


Hotspot 热点,热区

Both sides also exchanged views on international and regional hotspot issues of common concern.


tourist hotspot 热门旅游景点


death toll 死亡人数

The number of people killed in an accident, a war or a disaster 死亡人数


That may have undermined a measure which is taking a substantial toll


take a toll on sth. 对…造成负面影响,产生恶果

take a substantial toll on sth. 对…造成严重的负面影响/巨大的负面影响


同时,death toll和casualty的意思很像,casualty表示“伤亡,人员伤亡”

I started watching the news, looking for casualties. 我开始看新闻,找伤亡人员名单


The number of confirmed cases jumped to 6,012 by Saturday.



In that time four reported cases outside mainland China have multiplied to 105 in 19 territories.



Conte said on Thursday the cabinet will double the amount planned to help the COVID-19 outbreak to 7.5 billion euros. The funds will be used to "help families and businesses tackle this emergency which is not just a health one but also an economic one," according to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a joint press conference with Finance Minister Roberto Gualtieri in Rome on Thursday. Conte said the country now needs to focus on doing everything it can to halt or slow the spread of the virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised Italy to strongly focus on prevention measures as infections continue to spread in the country. The plans echo China's quarantine of millions of people in Wuhan, a move the WHO has praised for halting the spread of the virus.





Their views often echo each other.


This is a view echoed by many on the right of the party. 这是党内许多右翼分子都重复过的观点。



应对紧急状况 tackle emergency

联合新闻发布会 joint press conference


halt or slow the spread of the virus

防控措施 prevention measures



In China that has led to the biggest quarantine in history, as Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province have been sealed off. The impact of such draconian measures has rippled throughout China. The spring holiday has been extended, keeping schools and businesses closed. The economy is running on the home-delivery of food and goods.


sw. is sealed off 这个表达可以和前面的lockdown替换:

Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province have been sealed off.

Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province is under lockdown.


The spring holiday has been extended, keeping schools and businesses closed. The economy is running on the home-delivery of food and goods. 




The Italian Ministry of Health requires medical institutions to expedite the release of intensive care beds and increase the strength of medical staff to cope with the severe epidemic situation and the shortage of manpower. The Civil Defense Department has established a medical rescue operation command center to coordinate patient transfer. The Italian Ministry of Defense said that if needed, about 2,200 rooms and 6,600 beds can be provided nationwide for isolated observation. Giovanni Rezza, head of the infectious disease department of the Italian National Institute of Health, said that the number of confirmed cases is expected to increase at a higher rate in the future. The National Institute of Health of Italy is studying the feasibility of expanding the scope of the "red zone". This consideration can be interpreted as the possibility of Italy closing down and isolating more cities.



To make a process happen more quickly 加快,加速

We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers.




医疗机构 medical institutions

重症监护 intensive care

医护人员 medical staff

严峻的疫情 severe epidemic situation

人手短缺 the shortage of manpower

隔离观察 isolated observation

被….解读 be interpreted as


Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced at least 16 million people are now in quarantine in the Lombardy region and 14 adjacent provinces. The lockdown will last until April 3, 2020. The new measures will also apply to the country's financial center Milan and tourist hotspot Venice. The death toll in Italy had passed 230, with officials reporting more than 50 deaths in 24 hours on March 7, 2020. The number of confirmed cases jumped to 6,012 by Saturday. The escalation of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy forced the government to close public areas including gyms, pools, museums and the ski resort.

Conte said on Thursday the cabinet will double the amount planned to help the COVID-19 outbreak to 7.5 billion euros. The funds will be used to "help families and businesses tackle this emergency which is not just a health one but also an economic one," according to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a joint press conference with Finance Minister Roberto Gualtieri in Rome on Thursday. Conte said the country now needs to focus on doing everything it can to halt or slow the spread of the virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised Italy to strongly focus on prevention measures as infections continue to spread in the country. The plans echo China's quarantine of millions of people in Wuhan, a move the WHO has praised for halting the spread of the virus.

The Italian Ministry of Health requires medical institutions to expedite the release of intensive care beds and increase the strength of medical staff to cope with the severe epidemic situation and the shortage of manpower. The Civil Defense Department has established a medical rescue operation command center to coordinate patient transfer. The Italian Ministry of Defense said that if needed, about 2,200 rooms and 6,600 beds can be provided nationwide for isolated observation. Giovanni Rezza, head of the infectious disease department of the Italian National Institute of Health, said that the number of confirmed cases is expected to increase at a higher rate in the future. The National Institute of Health of Italy is studying the feasibility of expanding the scope of the "red zone". This consideration can be interpreted as the possibility of Italy closing down and isolating more cities.

好啦,今天的学习就到这里,stay tuned!




CATTI备考 | 中央企业支援保障新冠肺炎疫情防控情况新闻发布会(练习+讲解)






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