
双语对照 | 《中国的民主》白皮书(附下载链接)

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02






1. 用单一的标尺衡量世界丰富多彩的政治制度,用单调的眼光审视人类五彩缤纷的政治文明,本身就是不民主的。

Assessing the myriad political systems in the world against a single yardstick and examining diverse political structures in monochrome are in themselves undemocratic. 

2. 全过程人民民主,形成和发展于党领导人民争取民族独立、人民解放和实现国家富强、人民幸福的不懈奋斗,扎根在广袤的中华大地,吸吮着中华民族漫长奋斗积累的文化养分,学习借鉴人类文明优秀成果,符合中国国情,得到人民衷心拥护,具有深厚现实基础和广阔发展前景。

Whole-process people's democracy has formed and developed in a nationwide effort, led by the CPC, to strive for national independence, the country's prosperity, and the people's liberation and wellbeing. It is rooted in this vast land, nourished by the culture and traditions of the Chinese civilization, and draws on the achievements of human civilization. Suited to the conditions in China and embraced by the people, it has solid foundations and a bright future.

3. 人民代表大会制度,坚持国家一切权力属于人民,最大限度保障人民当家作主,把党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机结合起来,有效保证国家治理跳出治乱兴衰的历史周期率。

Under this system, all power of the state belongs to the people to guarantee their status as masters of the country. At the same time, it integrates the Party's leadership, the people's principal position, and the rule of law, to help the country avoid the historical cycle of rise and fall of ruling orders apparent through the centuries of imperial dynasty. 

4. 基层民主创新十分活跃。从城乡社区里的村(居)民议事会、村(居)民论坛、民主恳谈会、民主听证会到党代表、人大代表、政协委员联合进社区,从“小院议事厅”到“板凳民主”,从线下“圆桌会”到线上“议事群”,中国人民在火热的基层生活中,摸索创造了一个又一个充满烟火气的民主形式。

Democratic innovations demonstrate great vitality. The Chinese people have explored and initiated numerous popular and pragmatic grassroots practices–residents councils, residents workshops, democratic discussions and hearings, courtyard discussions, neighborhood meetings, offline roundtables and online group chats. They have arranged for representatives of Party committees, deputies to the people's congresses, and CPPCC members to visit rural and urban communities.

5. 具有深厚基础。协商民主源自中华民族长期形成的天下为公、兼容并蓄、求同存异等优秀政治文化,源自近代以后中国政治发展的现实进程,源自中国共产党领导人民进行不懈奋斗的长期实践,源自新中国成立后各党派、各团体、各民族、各阶层、各界人士在政治制度上共同实现的伟大创造,源自改革开放以来中国在政治体制上的不断创新,具有深厚的文化基础、理论基础、实践基础、制度基础。

Democratic consultation has been established on the basis of solid cultural, theoretical, practical and institutional foundations. It derives from the best of traditional Chinese culture, including such ideas as aspiring for the common good, mutual understanding and inclusiveness, and seeking common ground while setting aside differences. It comes from years of tenacious struggle by the Chinese people led by the CPC. It originates from the political system created by all parties, organizations, ethnic groups, social groups and people from all walks of life since the founding of the PRC. It also stems from China's continuous innovation in its state institutions since reform and opening up.

6. 在中国,解决权力滥用、以权谋私的问题,不能靠所谓的政党轮替和三权分立,要靠科学有效的民主监督。中国结合本国实际,探索构建起一套有机贯通、相互协调的监督体系,形成了配置科学、权责协同、运行高效的监督网,对权力的监督逐步延伸到每个领域、每个角落。

In China, the abuse of power for personal gain is not eradicated by the rotation of ruling parties or separation of powers, but by sound, effective democratic oversight. Taking into consideration its own conditions, China has explored a coordinated system of oversight and established a well-defined, efficient supervisory network with clear functions and responsibilities. Supervision of power extends across every area and into every corner.

7. 人民当家作主,具体地、现实地体现在党治国理政的政策措施上,具体地、现实地体现在党和国家机关各个方面各个层级工作上,具体地、现实地体现在实现人民对美好生活向往的工作上。民主的阳光照耀中华大地,中国人民享有广泛充分、真实具体、有效管用的民主。

In practice, the principle of the people being masters of the country is manifested in the Party's governance policies and measures, in all aspects of the work of Party and state organs at all levels, and in the efforts to meet the people's expectation for a better life. The light of democracy has illuminated China's entire territory, allowing its people to enjoy extensive and tangible democratic rights.

8. 中国宪法规定,国家的一切权力属于人民;人民依照法律规定,通过各种途径和形式,管理国家事务,管理经济和文化事业,管理社会事务。中国的政治权力不是依据地位、财富、关系分配的,而是全体人民平等享有的。国家权力不是为资本服务的,而是为人民服务的。

The Constitution stipulates that all power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people, and that the people shall, in accordance with the provisions of the law, manage state affairs, economic and cultural undertakings, and social affairs through various channels and in various ways. China's political power is not linked in any way with personal status, wealth, or social relations, but is equally enjoyed by all the people. The state power serves the people, rather than capital.

9. 人民利益要求既能畅通表达,也能有效实现。民主,起始于人民意愿充分表达,落实于人民意愿有效实现。人民意愿只能表达、不能实现,不是真正意义的民主。在中国,人民的期盼、希望和诉求,从国家大政方针,到社会治理,再到百姓衣食住行,有地方说、说了有人听、听了有反馈。

The people's demands can be freely expressed and effectively fulfilled. Democracy starts with the full expression of the people's wishes, but if people can only voice their wishes but have no way to fulfill them, that is no real democracy. China has ensured that its people have channels to express their aspirations, wishes and demands on issues ranging from important national strategies and policies to social governance and basic necessities of life, enabling their voices to be heard and their requests to be answered.

10. 当今世界,既面临“民主过剩"民主超速”,也面临“民主赤字"民主失色”。民主怎么了?民主还管用吗?回答“民主之问”,廓清“民主迷思”,关乎世界和平发展,关乎人类文明未来。一些国家的民主化出现挫折甚至危机,并非民主本身之错,而是民主实践出现了偏差。

Today's world is facing challenges of excessive democracy, democracy implemented in great haste, democratic deficit and fading democracy. What has happened to democracy? Does it still work? The answers to these questions will influence world peace and development and the future of all civilizations. There is nothing wrong with democracy per se. Some countries have encountered setbacks and crises in their quest for democracy only because their approach was wrong.


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