

2018-01-11 原著共读

BBC news with Fiona McDonald.

Fiona McDonald为您播报BBC新闻。

One of Chile's richest men, the conservative business man Sebastian Pinera has won Sunday's presidential election runoff. He secured nearly 55% of the votes, defeating the left-wing senator and journalist Alejandro Guillier by 10 percentage points. Mr. Pinera has promised a better life for all Chileans.

智利富人排行榜之一的保守派商人塞瓦斯蒂安 皮涅拉(Sebastian Pinera)赢得了周日总统大选的决赛,以近乎55%的票选比打败了左翼参议员兼记者身份的亚历杭德罗 吉耶(Alejandro Guillier),支持率比后者高10个百分点。皮涅拉承诺会为所有智利人带来更好的生活。

The electoral tribunal in Honduras has declared the incumbent Juan Orlando Hernandez, the winner of last months’ presidential election despite weeks of protests on the opposition over alleged fraud. Mr. Hernandez defeated the popular television presenter Salvador Nasralla by less than 2 percentage point. The opposition has urged people to take to the streets and reject the court’s decision.

洪都拉斯选举法庭宣布现任总统胡安 奥兰多 埃尔南德斯(Juan Orlando Hernandez)为上月总统大选的胜出者,虽然数周以来反对派一直抗议称埃尔南德斯涉嫌欺诈。埃尔南德斯打败了广受欢迎的电台主持人萨尔瓦多 纳斯拉亚(Salvador Nasralla),支持率比后者高2个百分点。反对派敦促全国人民走上街头反对选举法庭的决定。

United Nations Human Rights Chief has told the BBC that he assumes the Myanmar’s de facto leader Ang San Suu Kyi sanctioned the repression of the Rohingya Muslim minority. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein stressed that the decision must be taken into the high level given the scale of the military operations that have seen thousands killed.

联合国人权事务主管在接受BBC采访时表示,他认为缅甸现任领导人昂山素姬批准了对罗兴亚穆斯林少数民族的打压。扎伊德 侯赛因亲王(Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein)表示,考虑到这次军事行动的巨大规模已导致上千人死亡,所以该决定必须由高层考量。

President Trump says he has no intention of firing the Special Counsel Robert Mueller who has investigated alleged Russian interference into US presidential election. When asked if he’ll being dismissing Mr. Mueller, he told reporters "No, I'm not."

特朗普总统表示并无意开除特别检察官穆勒(Robert Mueller)。穆勒负责调查俄罗斯干预美国总统大选一事。在被问及是否会开除穆勒时,特朗普向记者表示道,“不,我不会的。”

South Africa’s governing African national congress’s voting to choose a new leader to succeed President Jacob Zuma. The party said it reversed an earlier decision to delay the poll until Monday morning. Nearly 5,000 delegates are choosing between the Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and former Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

南非权力机构非洲国民大会正在进行投票,以选出一位新的领导人来接替总统雅各布 祖马(Jacob Zuma)。该党表示其驳回了此前要将票选工作推迟到周一早上的决定。近5000名代表正在副总统西里尔 拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)和前外长恩科萨扎娜 德拉米尼 祖马(Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma)之间做出抉择。

British scientists say they have created the world's tiniest Christmas card. It's so small that 200 million would fit into a single postage stamp. The card featured a snowman on the cover above the message season's greetings, with another message inside.


BBC news.







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