

2018-01-16 原著共读

I'm Joe Macintosh with the BBC News, hello. Voters in Liberia are going to the polls today in a run-off election for new president. Umaru Fofana reports on the candidates vying to succeed the Africa's first elected female president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Over two million registered voters will choose between a man who many say is too old and sleepy to lead and another whose critics say is too inexperienced to risk. Joseph Boakai has been the Vice-President for 12 years, but does not seem to enjoy the support of his boss. The 73-year-old says he has been like a limousine idly parked in a garage all these years and is not ready to hit the road. The former World Footballer of the Year George Weah defeated outgoing president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in the forth round in 2005, but lost har in the run-off. In the following election, his coalition boycotted the run-off set in irregularities.

乔·麦肯塔什为您播报BBC新闻,大家好。利比亚总统选举进入第二轮,选民前往投票站投票。据吾玛鲁报道称,候选人都希望能继任埃伦·约翰逊的位置,约翰逊是非洲首位女总统。注册的选民已超过两百万,一位候选人被认为年事已高无力领导国家,另一位则被认为经验不足,总统之位将在二人之中产生。约瑟夫·博阿凯任副总统12年,却并没有得到前任总统的支持。73岁的博阿凯表示称,他就像是一辆豪华轿车,停在车库里长达数年,一直没能上路。前世界足球先生乔治·维阿在2005年第四轮选举中击败了埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫,但是在决选中失利。在接下来的选举中,他的选举团抵制了决选结果,并称此次选举 42 35217 42 14918 0 0 3145 0 0:00:11 0:00:04 0:00:07 3145无规章制度。

Thousands of Peruvians have protested in the capital Lima against a decision to pardon the jailed former president Alberto Fujimori on health grounds. Riot police fired tear gas and tried to prevent the domonstrators from getting to the clinic where Mr. Fujimori is being treated. Leonardo Rusher reports. Hundreds of people took part in the second day of protest through the streets of the capital Lima. For them, President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has agreed to release a mass murderer responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people during his government's war against left-wing rebels in the 1990s. The announcement of Mr.Fujimori's release came three days after Mr. Kuczynski narrowly survived the impeachment vote in Congress. Many Peruvians believed Mr. Kuczynski made a deal with Fujimori's supporters in Congress, promising to pardon the former president if they abstained from voting against him.


Supporters of Russia's President Vladimir Putin will meet in Moscow today to begin the formal process of nominating him as their candidate for president in next year's election. Mr. Putin is seeking a forth term in office. With more, here is Fuginia Landberk. Today markes the offical launch of Mr. Putin's presidential campaign. He's running as an independent and has until the end of January to collect 300,000 signatures to register his bid. There is little doubt the president will be reelcted. There are no strong rivals. Now the anti-corruption campaigner Alexei Navalny has been formally disqualified. The Central Electoral Conmmission deemed Mrs. Navalny ineligible because of corruption conviction, which he says it's politically motivated. Following the ban, Navalny called on his supporters to boycott the election. World News from the BBC.







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