译文:We should form a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business, promote healthy growth of the non-public sector of the economy, and encourage those working in this sector to achieve success. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)2. 区域协调发展
• coordinated development across regions• coordinated regional development
例句:总的来看,我国经济发展的空间结构正在发生深刻变化,中心城市和城市群正在成为承载发展要素的主要空间形式。我们必须适应新形势,谋划区域协调发展新思路。(摘自习近平在中央财经委员会第五次会议上的讲话,2019年8月26日)译文:Generally speaking, our economic configuration is undergoing profound change, and leading cities and city clusters are becoming the main repositories of development resources. We must adapt to this new situation and develop new ideas for coordinated development across regions. (from the speech at the fifth meeting of the Commission for Finance and Economy under the CPC Central Committee, August 26, 2019)3. 市场准入负面清单制度
a negative list for market access
例句:要实施全国统一的市场准入负面清单制度,消除歧视性、隐蔽性的区域市场壁垒,打破行政性垄断,坚决破除地方保护主义。(摘自习近平在中央财经委员会第五次会议上的讲话,2019年8月26日)译文:We should implement a unified negative list for market access in all regions, eliminate discriminatory and hidden barriers between regional markets, break administrative monopolies, and eliminate local protectionism. (from the speech at the fifth meeting of the Commission for Finance and Economy under the CPC Central Committee, August 26, 2019)4. 生态补偿制度
a system to provide recompense for eco-protection
5. 东北地区全面振兴
comprehensive revitalization of the northeast
不平衡是普遍的,要在发展中促进相对平衡。这是区域协调发展的辩证法。Imbalances are common, and we should pursue a relative balance between regions – this is a dialectical approach to coordinated regional development.