
南加学生社团慈善感恩募捐活动 尔湾市议会为优秀学生CLUB颁奖

SNN CAAOC一SNNnews 2020-09-05
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SNN学生记者 Daisy Shang, Elsa Li, Sophia Zuo, Tom Gao, Helen He, 报道:  


        We live in a colossal world. Every one of us are just droplets, insignificant, unnoticeable droplets in a vast ocean of strange faces. But so is the world petite. A bit of love and care can have power so immense that it can condense the entirety of the ocean, drop by drop. We believe that every life was born with its own little light. When all of us come together, when all our lights converge at a single point, we can ward off the the eternal darkness and coldness that is the cruelty of the night. Compassion is the warmest, most beautiful light.   


        November 18th, 10+ Student Clubs in South California held a special yet heart warming convention and fundraiser at the Chinese school in Irvine. Student representatives from different clubs and their parents expressed their support for children in rural areas of China by donating and auctioning various items. Student from each club presented their speeches on stage and used their own ways to show kindness and love.  Every single club had their own method of donating to the desperate ones, in need of the basics of life. There are too many privileges that we take for granted. Meaningful books, a variety of toys, and snacks became a way of transmitting love. The highlight of the auctions was a delicately created red hibiscus embroidery that symbolized Chinese folk culture. This piece was auctioned for the mind boggling price of $1998. The parents showed their selfless dedication to charity and their small but sincere piece of support for the people who truly need them. Another cross stitched artwork was also auctioned at a high price, turning the endearing love for children to practical help. This was a moment that everyone should cherish.

图为刺绣的买主  It is she who donated $1998 for the clubs.

        为作品作竞拍介绍的Mila Zhou在采访中说到“我认为社团的意义是利用课余时间做有意义的事情。” 她同时也提到了“对于普遍的亚洲学生来说课堂上的知识无法得到全面的理解,需要靠课余时间去实践这样的知识和理念。”这也表现出了学生们想要更加贴切地去理解各方面不同知识的心理。华人领袖孵化器的Celestia Gao在向大家义卖Club的零食时也向我们提道 “我认为这次活动对学生们来说会是让他们和其他Club分享经验,进行交流的一个好机会。”而我们还采访了飞达基金会创办人之一的Vickie Zhang女士,她说道“协办这次活动就是希望亚裔的孩子们可以参与社区的建设,同时也可以通过这种方式帮助更多的人们,从而让他们感悟出属于自己的人生道路。”同时她也向我们介绍到这样具有意义的义卖活动飞达一年会举办一到两次左右,通常是安排在感恩节,圣诞节或者新年等节日前夕。“也希望可以发动孩子们坚持这样的义务,而不是为了单纯的义工经历去参与这样的一个义务,或者是为了总统奖而成为义务工作者,更多的是将这样的义务当做一种美好的习惯延续下去。同时可以通过参加公益活动让新老移民团建起来,一起打造和改进我们的义工服务,更好的去融入现在的社会。”

        Mila Zhou, who is bidding on the work, said in an interview, "I think the meaning of a club is to make good use of spare time." She also mentioned that "Classroom knowledge is not enough to the average Asian student, understanding the need to use spare time to practice such knowledge and ideas is also important " This also shows how students desire to understand different aspects of things in multiple ways. Celestia Gao, Chinese Leader Incubator, also mentioned to us while selling  snacks for her club: "I think this event will be a great opportunity for students to share their experiences and communicate with other Clubs." It was also our honor to have had the opportunity to interview Ms.Vickie Zhang, one of the founders of the IvyMax Foundation. She said: "The purpose of this event was to encourage Asian children to become more involved in the community and for them to help more people as they become more aware of the path of their own life." As she was telling us this, she also mentioned to the student journalists charity events that IvyMax school held once or twice a year, usually arranged for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year or other holidays. "I also hope that children can be motivated to adhere to such an obligation to give back to their communities, rather than doing it just for the sake of it. They should do things such as becoming a volunteer for the Presidential Award, making community service a good habit for them. At the same time, they can also participate in public welfare activities so that both new and old immigrants can build up and improve our community service, and to better integrate into society.”

        在现场,尔湾市议会议员Christina Shea给参会的优秀学生Club颁发了奖状,Sprout Potential,Fish-2-Finance, 和 Dance Against Disease等学生club都登台领取了奖状。SNN News & 学生杂志“Pupil瞳孔”的一众成员也上台领取了属于我们自己的荣誉:由City of Irvine颁发的属于“Student News Network”的奖状。这也充分的证明了我们的无限努力和所付出的一切都会变成专属于自己的未来。愿我们可以一直再接再厉,成为更加出色并且具有专业知识的新闻工作者,为自己的明天创造更加优异的成绩。

        During the awards ceremony, prepared by the City of Irvine in recognition of outstanding student clubs, clubs like Sprout Potential, Fish-2-Finance, and Dance Against Disease all went on stage and received their recognition from Irvine councilwoman Christina Shea who came to the fundraiser event. Members of SNN and student magazine "pupil" also received their recognition: an award issued by City of Irvine for Student News Network. This recognized our efforts for charity and our dedication to pave a brighter path for our future. May we step into the unknown, become outstanding and professional journalists and news workers. We use failures as our stepping stones. We fall down, and get up stronger than ever.

        “我从小就对国际象棋充满浓厚的兴趣。” 国际象棋社的社长说到,“ 为了让更多视国际象棋为挚友的同学们有良好的学习环境和交流空间,我和我的另外几个国际象棋爱好者创办了这个社团。” 国际象棋社的目标显然是明确的。 社长及另外几位主要成员制定了国际象棋课程表。几位擅长国际象棋的成员将按照表哥为新成员讲解国际象棋的要领和知识。 “我们希望更多被国际象棋所吸引的孩子们加入我们。” 其中一位成员满眼激动地说到,“国际象棋社给予了我很多鼓励。 大家在互相竞争的同时一起进步,我觉得这个社团的创办是极具意义的。”

        "I was interested in chess since I was a kid." The president of Chess Club said, "In order to make more friends that had the same interests as me and to create a good learning environment and a space for new ideas, me and several other chess lovers founded this club." The goal of the Chess Club is obvious. The club president and few other members scheduled Chess-related agendas. Several talented members will lecture newcomers about the techniques of Chess. "We hope more students with a passion for Chess would join us." Full of excitement, another member added, " Chess Club gave me a lot of encouragement. We are competitive yet we improve together. I think our club is very considerate and sincere in its creation."  

        Dance Against Disease舞蹈社也是众多社团中较受欢迎的社团。当被记者问起社团特点时,社长自信满满地介绍到:“我们的社团之所以会备受同学们的喜爱是因为,我们的舞蹈风格独秀一枝。别于传统舞蹈和韩式舞蹈,我们的舞蹈风格更加奔放自由。这也是因为我们幕后团队的努力付出,舞蹈老师们的创新精神和团员们的专注。” Dance Against Disease舞蹈社是社长第一次在南加接触到舞蹈时创建的。那时的社长虽已经认识了专业的舞蹈培训公司,但对舞蹈还初出茅庐的她,为了更快跟上其他舞蹈学习者的步伐,决定自己开创社团加倍努力。社团刚成立的时候,社团成员只有社长自己和她的另外两个朋友。面对舞蹈社的成员稀缺情况,社长不但没有气馁,反而更加努力,斗志昂扬。不仅自己开创了舞蹈社团网站,还创建了舞蹈社的脸书Instagram账号。通过网络传销,许多热爱舞蹈的同学被Dance Against Disease社团的独特无缝吸引并加入。“我从来都不后悔加入了这个社团。” 老成员Jennifer说到,“我们用形体表达对世界的看法和感受,不同于其他潮流派舞蹈社,我们的舞蹈社自身灵魂的体现,豪放,自然。”

        The Dance Against Disease club is one of the many clubs present at the convention. When interviewed by our student journalists about the values and purpose of their club, their leader explained confidently: "The reason why our club is loved by many students is because our dances are unique. In contrast from traditional dances and Korean dances, our style is more free and open. This is also because of the dedication of our tutors, the concentration of the members and the innovative spirit of our back stage workers." Dance Against Disease was created when the president of the club first experienced the dance culture in Southern California. Although the president already knew professional dancing companies at the time, she was still a staring out. Wanting to catch up to other learners quickly, she created the club single-handedly with a lot of effort. When the club was first created, there were only herself and two dear friends of hers. Despite the lack of members, she did not give up and kept her morales high. Not only did she open a website of her dance club, she also created a facebook and instagram account of the club in response to popularity. Using social media, her club was discovered by many students who were also passionate about dancing. Members joined one after another, drawn by the unique body language that the club uses to express their love. "I do not regret joining this club, and I never will", said Jennifer, one of the original members of the club, " We use our bodies to communicate our feelings and emotions. Unlike other pop culture dance clubs, our style is free, natural, meaningful and sincere to our hearts."

        令人留恋的时光总是在人们的欢声笑语中悄然流逝。伴随着观众席的阵阵掌声,由学生Club主办的慈善义卖活动结束了。通过这次活动,学生社团通过各类形式尽自己的努力募集资金奉献爱心:华人跨文化协会Youth Club义卖玩具和画作、华人领袖孵化器FCLA还义卖甜甜圈等形式 奉献属于他们的一份爱心。许多学生也表示通过现场与各大社团的交流,他们更加明确了自己未来的学习的目标和努力的方向,同时也开始联系各大社团来加强自己各方面的能力。南加各大学生社团也从中获得了更多新成员的加入,壮大了社团的成员数量,获得了比以往更多的工作动力和更加丰富的资源。更有社团表示,找到了支持他们的市民们,不仅可以让学生们更自信,还能筹集到相对的赞助资金。这次的慈善义卖及社团交流活动非常成功的达到了主办方期望的结果。类似的募捐活动在Irvine市内还会举办,类似的学生社团在全美也比比皆是。但我们最在意的是市民们的热心,对山区家庭的关爱;是学生对社团活动的专注,对自己的梦想所付出的努力。善心是浩瀚海洋中散发光辉的灯塔,专注是指引人生道路的风向标。大家的努力,不求回报。但愿善心有好报,我们所有的付出,最后都会以另一种方式回馈到我们自己的身上并且创造一个聚集所有爱心的善良天堂。

        The happy times always fade with bursts of laughter. As the audience applauded, the South California Student Clubs fundraiser came to a close. Through this event, the chinese american residents of Irvine donated their love to the needy families of the countryside. Besides helping families who desperately needed it, students also learned a lot about about themselves and their future through the exchange of valuable experiences between the clubs. The clubs also gained new members, and more motivation and resources than ever before. More clubs also expressed that they found residents who supported them, not only working to make students more confident, but also helped find sponsorship for the clubs. What is truly outstanding is the enthusiasm and love from the people to help the less privileged. Our compassion is our lighthouse, guiding us through the perilous ocean that is the world. We give, and ask for nothing in return. Our compassion and our empathy, however faint in this vast universe, will make the earth a better place.

SNN News & 学生杂志“Pupil瞳孔”成员一起登台领奖

     本文记者:Daisy Shang, Elsa Li, Sophia Zuo, Helen He SNN学生新闻社 “Pupil瞳孔”杂志记者团成员 

     本文编辑:Tom Gao,Elsa Li SNN学生新闻社 “Pupil瞳孔”杂志记者团成员 

指导老师的话:原则上只修改标题、导语和结构,词句等问题需要学生记者自己检查再检查 。本次活动参与记者均为高中学生,中英文流利,不过感觉中文写作有点像散文,另外个人发表的感觉比较多,这在新闻写作里面有点忌讳。如果要做简单的活动新闻新闻,可以第一段就把时间地点事件等导语概述几个要素说清楚,其它描述可以按照重要程度进行叙述即可。总的来说 很赞,形式不那么重要,表达出来意思,后期注意重点突出 减少个人感受的描述,多用客观的第三方的陈述。

SNN目前正在发起组织一本独立学生杂志媒体(招募学生记者 学生编辑 美工)  还有亚马逊学生电商社团,欢迎有意向的学生扫码报名参加。



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