故事文稿是基于惠言先生前几年在《世界日报》上发表的故事修改的,中美两地34个孩子们参加了插画稿创作,上海五里桥文化中心张炜玮主任组织“音之魅”诵读沙龙的语言艺术家们创作了9个朗诵作品。希望这些生动有趣的故事、童趣洋溢的图画和美妙的朗诵艺术作品,能伴随孩子们度过新冠疫情这个困难时期。对此,我们向惠言先生;英文稿的校阅者Jason Kenny先生和赵蒙皓女士;上海五里桥文化中心及“音之魅”诵读沙龙语言艺术家们;参与画稿创作的孩子们及其家长表示衷心感谢!
The Farmer, the Rooster and the Turtle
英文校阅:Jason Kenny & 赵蒙皓
英文朗诵:George Lin(林允川)
A long time ago in a village, lived a farmer and his big rooster. It was a beautiful rooster with a bright red cockscomb, a shiny neck and a colorful tail. The rooster was very diligent. Every day before dawn, he would jump onto the dirt wall by the court yard, flapping his wings, stretching his neck and singing loudly. After singing, he would take a break and then sing again. The rooster was very proud of his loud voice.
When the rooster crowed for the first time in the morning, the farmer would get up and prepare lunch. After the rooster crowed three times, the sky turned bright. All farmers in the village brought their lunch boxes, carried farm tools and led cattle to work in the field until the sun went down.
有一天,公鸡刚叫了第一遍,墙脚下爬来一只乌龟。乌龟对着公鸡喊:“别叫了!天没亮就把人吵醒。”公鸡疑惑地问:“天马上亮了,把你叫醒不正好吗?”乌龟没带好气地说:“谁要你叫醒?自作多情!我正做好梦呢,被你刺耳的声音吵醒。天亮了,我自然会醒,明天别叫了。” 乌龟的话深深地刺伤了公鸡的自尊。
One day, just after the rooster crowed for the first time, a turtle crawled under the wall. The turtle shouted at the rooster, "Stop crowing! You always wake me up before the sun comes out." The rooster asked, "Daylight is coming out soon, isn’t it just about time to wake you up?" "Who asked you to wake them up?" the turtle grumbled. “You are flattering yourself! I was having a good dream and was awakened by your harsh voice. I prefer waking up naturally at daybreak. Don't crow tomorrow." The turtle's words hurt the rooster 's self-esteem deeply.
第二天,公鸡虽然同往常那样起身,却没跳上土墙啼叫。这天,很多农夫比平时晚起,天已大亮,有些人连干粮也没准备,匆匆忙忙地下地干活。乌龟白天遇到公鸡,笑眯眯地说:“今天自然醒,真舒服!” 公鸡没吱声。
The next day, although the rooster got up as usual, he did not jump on the earth wall to crow. On that day, many farmers got up later than usual. When the sun was up so many farmers had to rush to the field with no time to prepare lunch. The turtle ran into the rooster during the day. He smiled and said, "It's very pleasant to wake up naturally today!" The rooster didn’t say a word.
一连三天,公鸡都没有叫 ,村里的日常生活乱了套。农夫以为公鸡病了,收工后到鸡窝来看望公鸡,关心地问:“有三天没有听到你叫,病了吗?”公鸡伤心地说:“我没病,乌龟不喜欢我清晨歌唱,烦我把他吵醒。”
For three days, the rooster didn’t crow. The village’s daily routine was in disarray. The farmer was worried that the rooster might be sick. After finishing work, he came to check on the rooster. He asked with concern, "I did not hear you crow for three days, are you sick?" "I'm not sick. The turtle is annoyed that my singing wake him up in the morning " the rooster replied sadly.
The farmer laughed after hearing that, "What! That turtle is lazy and lucky. Don't listen to him. He eats anything that he can find so that he doesn’t need to work and never goes hungry. We farmers are most afraid of delaying farming time. If we can't plant the seeds in time during the spring, there will be no harvest in the fall. Everyone will freeze and starve to death. I need you to wake me up in the morning. "
The rooster was delighted to hear the farmer’s words. He now knew his crowing played an important role. The next morning, he jumped onto the dirt wall and sang again.
The turtle came to complain again, but the rooster replied, "I'm sorry to wake you up, but you don't need to worry about working to get your food. You can doze off during the day! Farmers need me to wake them up. They have to work hard to survive!"
After that, the rooster did his duty and sang three times a day in the early morning. The villagers got up upon the crow of the rooster, began to work at sunrise, and returned home at sunset. They lived a peaceful farm life with ample food and clothing.
农夫和公鸡 马捷凯(11岁)
资深跨国教育及文化咨询师。曾在纽约市举世闻名的K-12年制道尔顿学校(The Dalton
College),经济学及日本文学文学双学士;美国马里兰大学商学院(University of
刘子祺男,14岁,就读于沧州市青县第二中学初中二年级,喜欢画画和阅读。参加过一些比赛获得过一些小成绩;2015年8月,作品《未来移动城堡》荣获沧州市第十三届青少年科技创新大赛 三等奖;2015年12月,作品荣获青县第七届“小洋人”杯童心逐梦绘画比赛优秀奖。
英文名:George Lin年龄:8岁,就读学校:Harrison Lincoln Elementary School 二年级。兴趣爱好:网球、游泳、阅读、演讲等。抗疫佳品|提高免疫力,食用水果中的VC之王!百香果一个顶8个苹果!
188.9万 川普:6/16中民航禁飞美 断航后怎么回国?暴徒开33万豪车洗劫纽约店铺 白思豪淡化纽约暴力程度 防爆乱招数齐出
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