迪利普·嘉韦利 □ 致百科诗派:创派十一周年贺辞
(殷晓媛 译)
The WORD, in the beginning, was multifarious. Its principal body was sound. To the sound were added body movements and gestures. It was a form of dance and the primitive mind believed the word to have divine or magical properties. To utter some words was a sacred ritual because they symbolized the secrets of life. The Word preserved in music and dance had to be preserved so that the initiates and their progeny would know of it. At the same time, the outsiders cannot steal it. The Spoken word became the Written word. This word retained its relationship with Nature. It was written on the stone that was a long-lasting part of Nature. It became marks with secret design or pictures that were sacred. In this way, various scripts were formed. But the writing on the stones was always difficult and the stones were heavy. The language by then contained many secrets and information. Wax was used but it had far too much fragility. Dry leaves were used and when bunched together, the first book came into existence. Soon the dry leaves gave way to paper and we have grown up with the words on paper. During this time, the Word turned Protean and appeared differently to different people. Several languages remain unknown to us. Some languages are related to each other and become familiar and easy to decipher by the other groups. Inconceivable information is collected and the languages of the adventurous and powerful amassed this information. Later, the languages were forced upon the subjugated. But the divinity was passed over to many in the act. In this way, the dominated also became empowered. We have reached an age when the information has become infinite and has to be preserved. In the last few decades, the paper that still retained a relationship with Nature is replaced by computers. The substance is replaced by energy. This transition has great potential. This potential is good and also evil. Again, we have returned to the divinity of the Word. Now the word can save us or explode and destroy us. Multifarious has become Multifunctional and now Omnipotent.
But the primitive magic also has returned. Poetry always was Magic. The language contains all the knowledge but also opens the doors in multiple dimensions. While the primitives added dance to the sound of the word to make it complete the present-day humans can extend the word in multiple dimensions to make this universe complete.
THE ENCYCLOPEDIC SCHOOL OF POETRY has taken over a part of this process and it is heartening that in an ancient but reclusive culture of China now numberless windows are opening. The aims of ESP are high and not mundane. Creating an interdisciplinary dialogue is the main purpose. But this is going to lead to a deep and never-ending relationship with the representatives of many languages and many fields of knowledge. Having just entered the gates and standing in the courtyard I feel the thrill of anticipation and expect to have the visions of the unseen. To a simple poet like me, the ancient Magic is going to happen in this adventurous encounter.
With the best wishes to all of you who have kept up this effort for the last 11 years, I hope that this will grow much vast and last longer than all of you. What you have pioneered will travel beyond your dreams where you also will be a memory. The dreams are made of memories. You all will also be forever.
1943年4月3日出生于印度孟买。国际著名诗人、资深编辑、剧作家及翻译家。著有古吉拉特语诗集《般度王之诗及其它》《众韵之诗》、英语诗集《迷雾初敛》、《火以多脚本书写》、《幻术与奇迹》、《明漪》(后由Gabriel Rosenstock译为爱尔兰语)、散文集《三面窗户的房子》、戏剧《毗耶娑之一息》(取材自史诗《摩诃婆罗多》)。译著有古吉拉特语当代诗选《吐气如辞》(英译)等。荣获“批评家奖”、“ 古吉拉特文学协会诗歌奖”、“ Jayant Pathak奖”、金奈图书博览会“ 卡鲁纳尼迪奖”等。作品被译为英语、日语、爱尔兰语、马来西亚语及罗马尼亚语等。应邀参加“亚洲诗人大会”及“南亚文学协会年会”(费城)、赴美国乔治敦大学、长岛大学、威廉帕特森大学等多家世界名校讲学。