

深圳梦 2022-06-24
作为粤港澳大湾区的“双引擎”,深圳和香港一直保持着紧密的合作。近日,为加强深港经贸交流合作,深圳市商务局联合香港投资推广署开展全球招商,并于近日联合发布超燃预告宣传片《携手湾区 共赢未来》。

As twin engines of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have long maintained close cooperation. Recently, to intensify economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and Invest Hong Kong announced the plan to jointly carry out global investment promotion and released the video "Together, we build a prosperous future in GBA". 


The video fully showcases the superior business environment and city image of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Shenzhen and Hong Kong sincerely invite investors across the globe to join us in building a prosperous future!


By constantly creating miracles, Shenzhen has gained so many distinctive labels as vibrant, innovative, progressive, pioneering......Over the past 41 years, Shenzhen has grown from an unknown border town into a world-class metropolis and witnessed numerous people realizing their dreams, and enterprises making leap-forward development.


Shenzhen has now developed into a vibrant international metropolis and attracted nearly 300 Fortune 500 companies to invest here for its favorable investment environment. Powered by Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, as well as Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, Shenzhen will offer all-round support for investors in talent, technology, R&D, capital, industrialization, etc. in near future. With improving business environment, Shenzhen will also attract more investors to make headway here.


As the neighbor of Shenzhen, Hong Kong has also been giving full play to its unique advantages under “One Country, Two Systems”, and gradually developed into one of the world's leading international financial centers and the best business hub for multinational enterprises.


Over the past 40 years, Hong Kong has maintained close cooperation with Shenzhen, and has been a participant, contributor and beneficiary of Shenzhen's rapid development. Amidst the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Shenzhen Pilot Demonstration Area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the implementation of pilot comprehensive reform, Shenzhen and Hong Kong will further deepen their cooperation.


At present,Shenzhen and Hong Kong are deepening economic and trade exchanges and cooperation:


On June 16, Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and Invest Hong Kong held a video conference on establishing a cooperation mechanism to jointly carry out global investment promotion events overseas. The conference focused on the "bringing-in" work. Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and Invest Hong Kong identified the organization structure, main responsibilities and tasks, as well as plan for the next step in light of their endeavors for global investment promotion.

深圳市商务局与香港投资推广署联合主办了8月12日美国活动“中美绿色港口和低碳城市高端对话会”、9月28日日本活动 “Opportunities for Japanese Businesses in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area”、10月13日欧洲活动 “Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Twin Cities in the Greater Bay Area”;正在筹备联合参与11月1-4日在葡萄牙里斯本举行的Web Summit(网络峰会),联合举办2021深圳全球招商大会澳大利亚分会场活动。

Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen and Invest Hong Kong jointly held the event of China-U.S. Green Port and Low-Carbon City Dialogue on August 12 in the United States, the event of Opportunities for Japanese Businesses in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area on September 28 in Japan, and the event of Hong Kong and Shenzhen: Twin Cities in the Greater Bay Area on October 13 in Europe. They will hold the Web Summit on November 1-4 in Lisbon, Portugal, and 2021 Shenzhen Global Investment Promotion Conference in Australia.    


Here, we would like to extend a cordial invitation to global investors and look forward to your participation in building a prosperous future in GBA with us!









