
【Fri.Dictionary】什么是现代化(modernization )—美国的阴谋!

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03



原文出处:John Scott,2014, A Dictionary of Sociology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


现代化(现代化理论)  迈向现代的演变过程;现代性的发展。这个术语被所有关注(现代化)过程的理论家用来指(其)理念。它也通常在狭义上指在1960年代早期开始流行起来的诸理论。这一流行结果是由一批美国的发展学专家致力而为,意在替换马克思主义者对社会发展(social development)的宣称。

经典的论述是克尔等人著的《工业主义和从事工业的人》ClarkKerr et al., Industrialism andIndustrial Man (1960).)。


这种用现代化理论来解释现代化的最为复杂的诸变种,则要参考由帕森斯(Talcott Parsons)(所说),以结构的分化(structuraldifferentiation)所发起的(现代化)过程。这个过程的触发可能是来自多种不同的方面,但是最可能是触发要么是技术的变迁、要么是价值的变迁。(正如帕森斯所说的“模式变量”图式(patternvariable schema))。


作为(现代化过程)这个过程的结果诸制度(institutions得以多样化(multiply)——从传统社会的简单结构向现代社会中的复合体制度(thecomplex ones)。(同时,)诸价值(values变得与20世纪60年代美国的潮流十分相近。



(这些研究)主要是用调查数据和心理测量,去探究“(在现代化的)过程中,人们从传统人格向现代人格(modernpersonalitites)的演变”(例见他的著名文章:《从事工业的人》‘Industrial Man’ in the American Journal of Sociology,1960,以及他合著的《迈向现代》Becoming Modern, 1974)。这些关于国民性(nationalcharacter)和人格类型的研究现在被视为有争议的。





第41期:近无内地学者的“Chinese sociology”—澳洲社会学联合会杂志特辑



modernization (modernizationtheory) The process of becoming modern; the development of *modernity.The term can be applied to the ideas of all the theorists concerned with thisprocess.

It is often used in a narrower sense to refer to theories that becamepopular in the early 1960s, as a consequence of the efforts by a group ofdevelopment specialists in the United States to develop an alternative to theMarxist account of social development. The classic statement is Clark Kerr etal., Industrialism and Industrial Man (1960).

In its most sophisticated variants, this modernization theory explainsmodernization by reference to the onset of the process that Talcott*Parsons refers to as *structural differentiation.This is a process which may be triggered in many different ways, but which ismost likely to be initiated by changes in either technology or values (as inParsons's ‘pattern variable’ schema). As a result of this process, institutionsmultiply, the simple structures of traditional societies are transformed intothe complex ones of modern societies, and values come to bear a strikingresemblance to those current in the United States of the 1960s.


A good example of the genre is the work of the Americancomparative sociologist Alex Inkeles, best known for his many studies of theattitudinal aspects of modernization, mostly using survey data andpsychological tests to explore ‘the process whereby people move from beingtraditional to become modern personalities’ (see, for example, his article on‘Industrial Man’ in the American Journal of Sociology,1960, and the jointly authored Becoming Modern,1974). These sorts of studies of national character and personality type arealso now thought to be contentious. As a result of the growing debate overmodernity and postmodernity the term modernization has come to be used morewidely, without implying the specific arguments of Parsons, Kerr, and Inkeles. See also DEVELOPMENT,SOCIOLOGY OF .



