

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03





Krause, Monika. forthcoming. “How Fields Vary.” The British Journal of Sociology.

   * Honorable Mention, Junior Theorist Award, Theory Section of the American Sociological Association






(1)主流是研究the particular properties of each field studied

2新兴variation among fields,

(3)但目前仍然There has been no dedicated discussion of the variable properties of fields discussed in the writings of Pierre Bourdieu and the tradition as a whole as it has developed in research using his work.


2. 研究意义





3. 为何vary这个问题会被忽视?

场域论研究学者习惯将场域概念孤立出来,不与布迪厄的其它脉络与概念连用Bourdieusians, secondly, have at times been hesitant to focus on the formal status of the concept of field because they have been reluctant to isolate a concern with fields from the intellectual context of Bourdieu’s work as a whole

而且,学者喜欢选择地使用“场域”一词去概括自己看到的秩序,也就是说:大家喜欢证实自己的假设,而不是去发现变异。I would call a degenerative research programme one that applies its concepts and hypothesis to the world and seeks data to confirm their usefulness


4. 作者立场:中观取向、假设取向、关系取向

‘Field’ as a hypothesis for meso-level relationships

... The field-theoretical tradition consists of two elements: on the one hand, it entails a specific approach, which it brings to all objects of analysis, and on the other hand, it has generated a set of hypotheses about fields and about specific kinds of fields, which need to be examined empirically for every case.

...As part of its approach, field theory tends to conceive of its objects relationally; that is the focus is on relationships, not on entities


Among relational sociological approaches, field theory focuses specifically on

relationships between actors – individual or corporate – that take each other

into account, either directly


We could in principle call all relationships whereby actors are oriented towards each other a ‘field’.


5. 场域变异的维度

作者从autonomy, field structure, post-national analysis三方面展开分析。

5.1 自主性autonomy



Relatively autonomous fields have the capacity to organize field-specific practices and have a logic or law of their own


. This theme is particularly strong in his late work on neo-liberalism: Bourdieu argues that neo-liberal reforms threaten to collapse the separation between economics and politics and between economics and science


由此,场域研究中往往假设,自主的场域是好的场域(‘Field autonomy’ is sometimes referred to as though it was a “good thing”)。但是,这样有两个问题:一是自我中心。But Bourdieu also writes, ‘Autonomy can lead to ‘egoistic’ closing in on the specific interests of the people engaged in the field’二是自组织 In these remarks, Bourdieu seems closer to a notion of ‘selfreferentiality’, the term used by Niklas Luhmann for the internal closure of functional subsystems

为此,作者认为要从这种规范取向转到实践取向,看看How field autonomy is practised under particular conditions, but also how we can group particular forms of field autonomy using field-theoretical categories of analysis.


Rodney Benson2013 法国的媒体业更依靠政府,美国则更靠经济场域支持


5.2 场域结构field structure



how positions in a given field are filled, that is how people with specific backgrounds are allocated to positions


 We can distinguish between questions about the allocation of positions and questions about field structure properly, defined as the way positions in a field are differentiated from each other – or are not differentiated from each other.



再比如,美国经济学学科的不平衡结构Another example of strong hierarchy is the discipline of economics as analysed by Marion Fourcade.领头的院系有霸权

5.3 后民族国家的分析


Based on a casual reading one might accuse Bourdieu of methodological nationalism: his own studies, including the classic The Rules of Art (1995) and Homo Academicus (1990), have mostly been of fields organized on the national level.


Scale itself is a property of fields that can vary and that can be examined empirically.


Scale here becomes a stake in the competition within a field. National fields, for example, may be divided between globalizers and their opponents. Marion Fourcade, for example, discusses how international links have played a role in national fields among economists in ‘peripheral countries’. The Chilean field of professional economics, for example, is divided between those with American degrees who advocate internationalization and others who insist on local standards and signs of recognition (Fourcade 2006)







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