Bhambra, Gurminder K. ‘Brexit, Trump, and “Methodological Whiteness”: On the Misrecognition of Race and Class’. The British Journal of Sociology 68, no. S1 (2017): S214–32.
Mckenzie, Lisa. ‘The Class Politics of Prejudice: Brexit and the Land of No-Hope and Glory’. The British Journal of Sociology 68, no. S1 (2017): S265–80.
Outhwaite, William. Brexit: Sociological Responses. Anthem Press, 2017.
Saunders, Robert. Yes to Europe! The 1975 Referendum and Seventies Britain. Cambridge ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2016年9月2日 University of the West of Scotland大学举办工作坊Migration and citizenship: evidence from two referendums(由The Sociological Review Foundation资助和the ESRC Centre for Population Change支持),以“流动公民”为核心,探讨公投可能带来的国际迁移与公民身份问题(比如:在英国的其它欧洲国家的公民)
2016年10月 Socio-Economic Review刊出专栏“Brexit: Understanding the Socio-economic Origins and Consequences”
2016年12月 William Outhwaite (ed.) 2016. BREXIT: Sociological Responses. London and New York: Anthem Press出版,集中围绕英国的帝国遗产的当下影响、世界主义与民族主义的交锋展开。从书评来看,这本书质量一般般,虽然大佬云集。尽管参与者之一 Didier Georgakakis (Paris I), 也指出:the retrospective rationale for the book was that there had been so much amateur or ‘wild’ sociology in response to Brexit.
2017年3月 University of Southampton举办工作坊The legacy of Brexit: mobility and citizenship in times of uncertainty(由The Sociological Review Foundation资助和the ESRC Centre for Population Change支持)
2017年10月 《英国社会学期刊》出版专刊Special Issue:The Trump/Brexit Moment: Causes and Consequences。相较于BREXIT: Sociological Responses的仓促回应,这一专刊的质量更高一些。一方面,有学者挑战了传统叙事:工人阶级的饭碗被抢,所以要通过国家机器选择留守国家。Bhambra提醒,我们要留意,居然我们当说工人阶级时指的是不是“白人工人阶级”,亦即某种意义上的中产阶级了,因为据Dorling统计,脱欧支持者有超过一半是来自于英格兰南部的有白人中产阶级而非北方工人阶级。
Lisa: “Do you think things will get better now, do you think us leaving the EU will make a lot of difference to people around here”
Anne: “Not straight away no, but it will eventually stop the amount of migrants coming here”
Sally: “well its not going to stop me from being homeless, so no I don't think things will change that much, they will find a way round it, they will look after themselves”
Lisa: “do you things might get even worse like they say on the news?
Sally: worse…I cant see how it can get much worse for me, but at least it's a change its something”
Robert Saunders在2018年由Cambridge University Press出版的专书Yes to Europe! The 1975 Referendum and Seventies Britain中指出:
崩溃恐惧 + 利益取向,把英国推给了欧共体。
the inward-looking, contingent, and highly transactional way