

高行云 社会学理论大缸 2022-06-09

荐读文献:McDonnell, Terence E., Christopher A. Bail, and Iddo Tavory. 2017. ‘A Theory of Resonance’. Sociological Theory 35 (1): 1–14.







McDonnell, Terence E., Christopher A. Bail, and Iddo Tavory三人在2017年的Sociological Theory上发表了一篇致力于理论化“共鸣”(resonance)这一概念的作品。


1. 共鸣:熟悉的,还是意外呢?




社会学并非没有研究过“共鸣”。一般来讲,会将之视为一种align的moment(the concept typically describes the moment when discourses align with the worldviews of their audiences)。

在社会学的理论传统中,涂尔干的集体欢腾collective effervescence、柯林斯的互动仪式链都似乎在处理这一问题。


Does resonance emerge when people interact with objects that are familiar, embedded in people’s practical, habitual action? Or when objects express shared values? If cultural objects only succeed when they dovetail with existing shared values, how does cultural change occur?



从正面来讲,三位学者认为要从互动/突现/非常规/非预期的角度: how culture “works” in nonroutine situations and how resonance often motivates people to follow unexpected paths

其研究议程则指向: how interaction with cultural objects can have direct effects on mobilization and cultural change.


2. 理论视角:Peirce的实用主义——act-in-motion

What is pragmatic perspective?



Instead, we argue that cultural objects are not relevant unless employed to solve a problem....


A pragmatist approach recasts actors as constantly “solving” their world, in the sense of encountering the world and needing to act on it through acts of meaning-making (see Dewey 1929; James [1907] 1981).


In more formal terms, resonance is thus not a structural quality of the sign-object, to borrow Peirce’s (1991) phrase. Instead, resonance is a specific kind of experiential effect (or interpretant), emerging at the same time that actors come to see the world in a new light (Peirce 1991)


3. 定义“共鸣”


resonance as an emergent process wherein the fit between a cultural message and its audience shifts over time.


Instead, we argue resonance emerges in the relations among object, person, and situation


seeing resonance as an experience emerging when affective and cognitive work provides actors with novel ways to puzzle out, or “solve,” practical situations


Thus, to the extent that resonance is about congruence, we argue that it is about the act of making a cultural object congruent as a person works through a situation or problem they face


resonance differs from familiarity in that the cultural object provides unexpected solutions to puzzles that actors are engaged with.


Resonance is a process, produced in relations between an object and audience in a specific situation.


To construct a theory of resonance along these lines, we first redefine resonance in pragmatist terms, focusing on the ability of cultural objects to help actors solve puzzles they face, detailing how actors continuously interpret and reevaluate the world around them in response to repeated interaction with cultural objects.


4. 解释机制的识别



(1)认知距离(cognitive distance)机制,意在解释when resonance happens

例如,McDonnell’s (2014, 2016) 研究在加纳作为外来概念的AIDS/HIV过程,要如何与本土文化产生共鸣,才能推行HIV防治工作。

就如同,《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,有一句台词“Juliet is the sun”引起了共鸣。但是如果说:“朱丽叶是个姑娘”,或者“朱丽叶是个frying pan”呢?前者太close,后者太distant,所以能产生共鸣的时候,往往The relationship between cognitive distance and resonance is a curvilinear one


共鸣总在从少数人到多数人,总不得不面临判准自己的感觉,让自己的感觉正当化。Situations of heightened emotion may make objects or messages resonate, when they might not otherwise, by priming people to find solutions that justify their feelings. ...to search for information that validates their feelings


Bail (2015) shows that anti-Muslim organizations resonated in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks not because their discourses resonated with prevailing views about Muslims or terrorism but because they were charged with palpable fear and anger that focused public attention on their peripheral claims.


:Resonance, then, flows interactionally among different people facing a similar set of challenges...resonance is something that happens interactionally, spreading through networks of people actively looking to “feel” resonance

最后,三位作者以“全世界最美社会学者”Ashley Mears才“超模”行业研究为例,说明“共鸣”如何发生与运作。









The puzzle that Mears exposes is that the modeling world is inundated with an endless supply of aspiring models—young women who mostly have very similar body measures and “look.” And yet, in the same context, people are constantly searching for “the next big thing” or the next supermodel. In the face of such uncertainty, why does the look of certain young woman resonate with modeling agents while extremely similar women leave them cold or uninspired?...In other words, once a high-status, centrally located booker decides that a specific model is “the next big thing,” others take their cue and book the model, thus turning her success into a self-fulfilling prophecy.








