165期:ASR新文速递| 为什么在加纳仅仅这个政府部门能有高效的科层制?
Lizardo, Omar. 2017. ‘Improving Cultural Analysis: Considering Personal Culture in Its Declarative and Nondeclarative Modes’. American Sociological Review 82 (1):88–115.
按Douglas V. Porpora在2016年的说法,文化社会学这个section,已经成为了美国社会学会的最大的一个分会。而即使根据Steinmetz的说法,文化社会学是60s以来兴起的四大“逆流”:文化、批判、女性、历史之一。再即使看一些《contemporary社会学理论》课程大纲,至少文化社会学已经有足够的理论生产的份量了。
Lizardo发表于ASR的文章希望建立一个有利于empirical studies的typology,建立好区分与联系的框架。
This article is to provide a coherent analytic and empirical basis for the distinction between different forms of culture and to provide the first steps toward a model of how the distinct modalities of culture interrelate to produce the empirical phenomena of interest to sociologists
1. 特点
相较于最近看到的文化研究或文学领域研究也出了想做integrated theory的作品,Lizardo的特点是从他的专长之一(专长太多~),从认知社会科学(cognitive social science)入手,以文化赋予过程(enculturation——我是第一次看到这个词,待考)来考查。
Enculturation process that connects analytically distinct ways in which persons internalize culture to processes of cultural activation and use.
2. 宣称/非宣称的文化
The analytic advantage of a cognitively grounded conception of the enculturation process comes from its capacity to link distinct pathways and mechanisms of cultural exposure and transmission to correlatively distinct ways culture comes to be stored in long-term memory.
Lizardo认为,在personal level上有两种:The implicit, or nondeclarative aspects和the explicit or declarative facets
前一种是how-knowledge,后一种是that-knowledge。前一种是默会的,后一种是说出的。How-这种文化,是依靠神经上correlations的作用才能产生,需要记忆stored起来,而that-knowledge则是依赖单一经验下的fast memory。
再连接上public culture,就得到下图:
3. 三种文化联系下的6种类型与强弱衔接
A. Vaisey’s (2009) dual process model
B. Swidler’s (2001) “toolkit” approach
C. Bourdieu [fields](1990), Sewell[semiotic structures] (2005)
Lizardo细致的是,他认为这种划分还是可以再拓展的,就是文化社会学认为以上的declarative - nondeclarative (a), public - declarative(b)以及public - nondeclarative,还可以按strong - weak,细分为6种情况,见下表:带阴影的是strong link, 不带的是weak link。
4. 从强/弱关联到理解文化与行动的多种衔接
显然,相较于主流的文化社会学——B和C下的四种类型,而非主流或新兴的是A link——the within-person relationship between declarative and nondeclarative culture
—— the principle of correspondence between the mode of exposure and the mode of encoding
但也有可能是Redundancy and Dissociation。在这种情况下,可能
Persons may not only know more than they can tell (Polanyi 1966); they may also be able to tell more than they know how (Jerolmack and Khan 2014; Swidler 2001a)