ASR新文| 为什么在加纳仅仅这个政府部门能有高效的科层制?
McDonnell, Erin Metz. 2017. ‘Patchwork Leviathan: How Pockets of Bureaucratic Governance Flourish within Institutionally Diverse Developing States’. American Sociological Review 82 (3):476–510.
1. 科层制研究的三个难题
Scholarship increasingly agrees that failures arise from mismatches between advocated organizational practices and local institutional environments ... External and top-down reforms... all contemporary states have formal organizations performing administration, but not all state organizations embody the ethos and practices of Weberian-style bureaucracy.
科层制研究中,重跨国,而非国内的比较。而国家不是铁板一块/a single actor
Scholars’ focus on inequalities of bureaucratic administration between states overlooks tremendous variation within states.
2. 提出问题
This article explains both how interstitial bureaucracy differs from hegemonic bureaucracy and why.
how variation in organizational capacity in the local environment may profoundly shape the kinds of organizational practices that are locally effective.
how bureaucratic practices function in cases, like Ghana, that are neither extensively bureaucratized nor completely failing, which empirically represent the majority of states globally
3. 研究发现:怎样让公务员不磨洋工?
其中一个机构是the Policy Analysis and Research Division (PARD) was considered, by both insiders and outside experts, to be a niche of administrative excellence.
第一,自主性 Autonomy Instead of Hierarchy
这一部分主要是分析人事制度,认为确实big man很重要,要保障这个niche的在hiring上的自主,有进也有出。
PARD leaders used tactics of refusal, poaching, and reassignment to informally achieve personnel autonomy ... PARD’s director reassigned someone to a post outside the division for failing to meet the niche’s standards for timeliness, productivity, and work quality.
第二,非经济利益的入职动机 Recruitment and Nonfinancial Motivations: The Mystery of Missing Middle Managers
Older and younger members shared a belief that the work itself is valuable
第三,培育认同:我是社会主义接班人! Cultivation and Identification: Pride Instead of Cogs in a Machine
第四,冗余和交叉任职并未是坏事。 Internal Coping Practices: Adaptive Redundancy Instead of Discrete Jurisdictions
An external observer might view this overlap as fundamentally unbureaucratic.
Intentional redundancy is an adaptive social technology enabling productivity and predictability in the context of uncertainties
第五,如何处理外部的猪队友、肥领导呢?Disciplining Outsiders: Managing Problematic Embeddedness Instead of Hierarchical Order
虽然要依赖外面了,要对外面施压,比如这个政策部门的数据有90%要靠外面,就要不停的追追追。当然还要靠big man的social capital,也要把自己的工作风格传播出去。
Niches are particularly vulnerable to upstream outsider interactions when the niche’s work depends on inputs from outsiders ... Another long-term tactic for managing inter-organizational dependencies hints at one possible mechanism for diffusing the practices of interstitial bureaucracy outside of originating niches.
5. 研究结果
作者援引了Mann’s (1986) work的定义,提出了the concept of interstitial bureaucracy to explain how and why, within such neopatrimonial environments, these unexpected and unconventional organizational practices enhance effectiveness high-performing niches utilize similar organizational practices despite being located in substantively different ministerial portfolios, suggesting this is a systematic organizational response to their common position.
Bureaucratic interstices foster socially innovative or deviant values, practices, and cultural tools by clustering a critical mass of proto-bureaucratic human, cognitive, and material resources
6. 开放给下一步的“缝隙式科层制”的研究:
Why does interstitial bureaucracy develop in some parts of the state but not others?
Under what conditions do these niches endure or become overwhelmed by the larger environment?
What might enable their distinctive ethos and practices to spread within the state?
Under what conditions does interstitial bureaucracy emerge as organization?
How does the scale affect particular dynamics?