什么是Assemblage Theory?从德勒兹、拉图尔到德兰达
Timothy Rutzou and Dave Elder-Vass,2019, “ On Assemblages and Thing” Sociological Theory Vol. 37(4) 401–424.
优秀的社会学理论作品往往在于提出或重新理解一些organizing concepts,促成了一套新的“推理风格”(style of reasoning)。
Dave Elder-Vass and Timothy Rutzou最近在Sociological Theory将一套新的“组织性概念”带到社会学里:物体与过程(object / process)
This article focuses on one of these dimensions: the tension between object-focused and process-focused ontologies. This is not to say the other dimensions are unimportant: Their significance is widely discussed in the literature, and indeed we have contributed to those debates ourselves. But the object/process divide is less frequently addressed in the mainstream sociological theory literature even though the tension between these two poles is of fundamental importance to understanding the social world.
美国在复兴实用主义的过程中,社会学理论大佬如Andrew Abbott近年一直在推动“processual ontology”,而一些民族志/历史研究也开始更倡导“过程研究”。不过,这篇文章主要谈的是“聚集”理论(Assemblage theory)。
1 Assemblage理论的三大分支
1. 拉图尔
conjunctural assemblage
2. 德勒兹和瓜塔里
ephemeral assemblage
3. 德兰达、哈曼
persistent assemblage
理解社会学家布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour):六条导读
德勒兹和瓜塔里的《千高原》等作品在(美国)社会学基本没人谈;哈曼的作品这两年有些翻译过来,比如《迈向思辨实在论:论文与讲座》和《 铃与哨 : 更思辨的实在论》,但是德兰达(Manuel DeLanda)作品,好像还一本翻译都没有。他的名气比哈曼更大一些,是墨西哥裔美籍的哲学家与艺术家,在普林斯顿大学建筑系任教,所以也在建筑学等领域都有影响,出版著作见下:
1991. War in the Age of Intelligent Machines
1997. A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History
2002. Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy
2006. A New Philosophy of Society
2010. Deleuze: History and Science
2011. Philosophy and Simulation
2016. Assemblage Theory
有一个例子来看看assemblange theory到底在研究中会问什么样的问题。
Elder-Vass and Rutzou以爱丁堡大学MacKenzie教授的金融社会学案例说明
MacKenzie研究的是一家叫 Automated Trading Desk(ATD)公司,从事“高频交易”(a high-frequency stock-trading firm)。这家公司是1988年创立的,通过计算机程序捕获并即时分析大量的市场数据,以预测个股的短期价格走势买卖数亿股票。早年在十年前,这家公司的交易活动就占到纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克交易量的6%左右。
如果assemblage theory来看这个故事,关注的是为什么出现这么一种新公司、怎么演变的?同时,也包括看待这样的高频交易公司如何和纽约股票交易所是如何互动的,相互影响的。
The concrete analysis of concrete situations
How diverse elements interact to produce a given outcome.
A rejection of causal laws.
To avoid reductionism
Emphasize the necessity of a “dialectical” and “relational” approach to social ontology.
An ontology of open systems.
2 德勒兹和瓜塔里
德勒兹和瓜塔里(Deleuze and Guattari)最早推动这类理论,但是他们想回避已有的一些哲学传统的表达,特别想强调的是流动、过程、多重性……,反对结构、反对总体性、反对层级制。
Ontology is defined in their work not by reference to static forms, hierarchies, or essences but by multiplicities, processes, and flows.…… clusters of independent but interrelated parts
德勒兹和瓜塔里的核心在于对“化约主义”的批判:从精神分析到语言学再到马克思主义,转而强调 the inherent heterogeneity of the whole。德勒兹和瓜塔里青睐于《共产党宣言》里面更为激进的表达—— “all that is solid melts into air”
But a closer reading of D&G also reveals elements of structure, strata, stability, and depth.
Elder-Vass等人认为,在德勒兹和瓜塔里作品里有两个维度:水平维度的“a machinic assemblage of bodies, of actions and passions 和垂直维度的“辖域化”和“去辖域化”,稳定化/去稳定化、层级/分级等。他们认为,这种维度经常被忽视了。
同时,德勒兹和瓜塔里的“抽象机器”概念很像realism的表达:不是concrete,但却存在的,也只能通过isolation的情况才能发现,但又把diverse assemblages结合了起来。不过,二人也反对这是一种柏拉图式的抽象,而是“抽象机器在确切的聚集中”。
Similarly, “[a]bstract machines operate within concrete assemblages” (Deleuze and Guattari 1988:593) and so are in a sense enfolded within actual things. Indeed, this is the only kind of existence D&G allow them: “There is no abstract machine, or machines, in the sense of a Platonic idea, transcendent, universal, eternal” (p. 593).
3 德兰达
后来的传播者Manuel DeLanda等人,为了翻译法文的agencement,更加用assemblage 表达也想兼顾结构与过程、物体与过程的两面:
As a consequence, the word itself encompasses aspects of both process and
structure with connotations that include “dispose, arrange, combine, unite, compose, constitute . . . connect, order”
尤其是他的近作Assemblage Theory (2016),希望将德勒兹的理论中再加入结构、因果、稳定性。
不像Latour,DeLanda仍然保留从part-whole角度理解聚集这件事:“assemblages are hierarchically structured entities composed of other assemblages”
Emergent properties are “the properties of a whole caused by the interactions between its parts,” and if a whole has such properties, they cannot be reduced to properties of the parts
最后,DeLanda也发展了德勒兹的“strata”概念,将part-whole, emergence带到形成不同的聚集层级的分析,并将不同层级上的whole,称为“参数”。
But as we have seen, Deleuze also makes space in his ontology for strata, which DeLanda (2016:8, 23) interprets as more stable substances or structures that form the environment in which assemblages develop and operate.
Territorializing processes “stabilize the identity of an assemblage, by increasing its degree of internal homogeneity or the degree of sharpness of its boundaries,”
The second parameter is coding, which “refers to the role played by special expressive components in an assemblage in fixing the identity of a whole”
DeLanda也以“吸引子”(attractor)概念,谈及德勒兹不愿谈的:不同的聚集,难道就没有相似性吗?一旦谈及相似性( resemblances between different assemblages,),便有了复现、同质,结构也就成为可能了。
DeLanda (2016:142) also invokes the concept of attractors: An attractor is a point in a possibility space that states tend to converge on. If an attractor, or multiple attractors, exists in a possibility space, then historical processes of individuation will tend to produce assemblages that take the corresponding form, and we thus have a way of making sense of systematic recurrence of similar assemblages.
* 这是Sociological理论大缸的第489期推送 *
理解社会学家布鲁诺·拉图尔(Bruno Latour):六条导读