

张振安 临时仲裁ADA 2022-03-20


2021310日,在Argos Pereira Espana SL & Anor v Athenian Marine Ltd [2021] EWHC 554 (Comm)一案中(判决请见:阅读原文),货物保险人由于错误识别承运人在外国法院向第三人Lavinia提起诉讼,Lavinia为抗辩发生了法律费用。在保险人与被申请人(真正的承运人)之间的仲裁程序中,被申请人根据损失转移原则要求保险人向其赔偿Lavinia的费用。关于保险人是否应当向被申请人赔偿Lavinia的费用的问题,英格兰与威尔士高等法院商业及财产法庭(以下简称法院)认为,作为受让人的保险人违反将提单项下请求提交仲裁的衡平法义务,就这些请求在外国法院向被申请人以外的第三方Lavinia提起诉讼,保险人有责任向被申请人支付衡平法的赔偿。(2)被申请人可以根据“损失转移”原则,就第三方Lavinia在外国法院为抗辩保险人的请求所产生的法律费用,要求保险人支付衡平法的赔偿。因此,法院驳回了申请人根据《1996年仲裁法》第69条以存在法律错误为由提出的上诉。


本案的两名申请人(仲裁程序申请人)为涉案货物的收货人与保险人,本案被申请人(仲裁程序被申请人)为涉案船舶的所有人和承运人。当事人之间的争议与日期为2012828/29日的提单项下的一船冷冻鱼和鱿鱼有关。在发现货物存在缺陷后,货物保险人误以为涉案船舶的管理人和承租人Lavinia Corporation (Lavinia)是承运人,并通过收货人的代位权在西班牙对其提起诉讼。Lavinia提出管辖权异议,该异议先是被驳回,随后在上诉中胜诉。Lavinia被授予费用,但金额很少,不足以弥补其支出的费用(以下称未获赔的费用)。





获得上诉许可的两个问题可总结为:(1)如果提单项下货物请求权的受让人违反将这些请求提交仲裁的衡平法义务,就这些请求在外国法院向承运人以外的一方提起诉讼,该受让人是否可被认定为有责任向承运人支付衡平法的赔偿?(衡平法赔偿问题)(2)若是,承运人是否能根据“损失转移”原则,在其本身不是被告且未遭受任何损失的情况下,就第三方(Lavinia)在外国法院为抗辩受让人的请求所产生的法律费用,要求支付衡平法的赔偿?(损失转移问题)The two surviving questions, for which permission was given, can be summarised as follows:- i) Whether an assignee of cargo claims under Bills of Lading (such as the Insurer in this case) can be held liable to pay equitable compensation to the carrier (the Owner in this case) if, in breach of an equitable obligation to arbitrate those claims, the assignee brings proceedings in respect of those claims in a foreign court against a party other than the carrier? ("the Equitable Compensation Question") and ii) If so, whether the carrier can rely on the principle of 'transferred loss', to claim such equitable compensation in respect of legal costs incurred by a third-party (Lavinia) in defending the assignee's claim against it in a foreign court, where the carrier itself was not the Defendant and did not suffer any such loss? ("the Transferred Loss question")

1. 衡平法的赔偿问题

传统上,当存在信托或同等情况和/或违反信任以及如Toulson勋爵在AIB Group (UK) plc v Mark Redler & Co [2015] AC 1503案中所言,“在每个案件中必须确定的是任何相关义务的内容和违反义务的后果”,就会产生衡平法义务和衡平法赔偿/损害赔偿。

在本案中,当事人律师的共识是本案涉及两种衡平法义务,尽管他们使用的定义并没有很长的法理学历史。第一种是派生权利的义务(Derived Rights ObligationsDRO),这些义务产生于当一方根据合同获得一项派生权利,例如通过转让、代位权或直接诉讼的方式,并且如果该方希望行使该权利,只能根据其权利来源的合同中所列的管辖条款来行使时(These arise when a party has a right derived under a contract, e.g. by way of assignment, subrogation or direct action statute, and, if it wishes to exercise such right, can only do so in accordance with the forum clause set out in the contract from which its rights are derived.)。第二种是不一致请求的义务(Inconsistent Claim ObligationsICO),这些义务是外国原告的一项衡平法义务,外国原告在不承担合同所施加的专属管辖条款的负担的情况下不得从该合同中获益,即使在外国被告否认其是(据以提起诉讼的)合同当事人的情况下也是如此(These are an equitable obligation on a foreign Claimant not to seek to take the benefit of a contract without the burden of the exclusive forum clause to which that contract is subjected, even in circumstances where the foreign Defendant denies that it is a party to the contract on which it is being sued)。

法院赞同被申请人律师的观点认为,申请人律师不能质疑仲裁员的如下结论,即保险人在起诉Lavinia时违反了与合同对等的衡平法义务(I consider that Mr Wright is correct that Mr Corby is unable to challenge the conclusion by the Arbitrator that the Insurer was in breach of an equitable obligation equivalent to contract when it sued Lavinia)。仲裁员认定,当提单中的仲裁条款约定“如发生任何争议,适用英国法律/伦敦仲裁”时,保险人作为受让人(丙方)对甲方负有一项衡平法义务,不仅不能以违反仲裁条款的方式起诉甲方,而且对于属于仲裁条款范围内的争议也不能起诉丁方。前述认定不允许被上诉。这种义务可能是DRO的延伸,但并非极端或不可能。考虑到保险人的派生义务正被履行,法院不认为此种义务是DROICO的混合。(It is therefore not open to the Claimants to challenge the Arbitrator's finding. The Arbitrator found, as derived from the arbitration clause in the bill of lading, whereby "in case of any dispute English Law/London arbitration to apply", that the Insurer as assignee (party C) owed an equitable obligation to party A not only not to sue party A otherwise than in accordance with the arbitration clause but also not to sue party D in respect of a dispute falling within the arbitration clause, and his finding cannot be appealed. It may be an extension of the DRO but it is not an extreme or unlikely one, and I reject Mr Corby's submission that it was an impermissible mingling of a DRO and an ICO, given that the derived obligation of the Insurer is being enforced.

法院要处理的事项是,违反这种衡平法上的义务,是否可以获得衡平法的赔偿。没有疑义的是,目前还没有授予此类赔偿的案件。同意没有疑义的是,当乙方以违反仲裁协议的方式起诉甲方时,普通法上的违约损害赔偿可以获赔,如Union Discount Co Ltd v Zoller [2002] 1 WLR 1517案和 CMACGM v Hyundai MIPO Dockyard Co Ltd [2009] 1 LloydsRep 213案。

关于违反DRO是否可以获得衡平法的赔偿的问题,当事人提出了许多针锋相对的主张。法院认为,被申请人律师的主张令人信服,无论是否授予禁令救济或声明救济,对于违反DRO(包括本案的DRO的延伸)的行为,应授予衡平法的赔偿。法院确信,没有任何先例能够阻止其得出这样的结论。因此,法院认为,仲裁庭的结论是正确的。(In my judgment, the submissions of Mr Wright are cogent and persuasive, and unless I am prevented from concluding that there should be equitable compensation for breach of a DRO, including this 'extended DRO', irrespective of and additional to the remedies of injunction or declaration, I would so conclude. I am satisfied that for, all the reasons he gives, which I have set out above, logic and equity reach the same conclusion and there is no authority which deters me from it. Accordingly I consider that the Arbitrator, albeit without the benefit of the detailed arguments that have been set out before me,was right to come to the conclusion that he did.

2. 损失转移问题


最高法院最近在Swynson Ltd v LowickRose LLP [2018] AC 313案中讨论了损失转移原则,Sumption勋爵的描述如下:“损失转移原则是对一般规则(即申请人只能获赔其本身所遭受的损失)的一种有限例外。它适用于已知的交易对象是为了使第三方或该第三方所属的某一类人受益,并且违反义务的预期后果是给该第三方造成损失的情形(The principle of transferred loss is a limited exception to the general rule that a claimant can recover only loss which he has himself suffered. It applies where the known object of a transaction is to benefit a third-party or a class of persons to which the third-party belongs, and the anticipated effect of a breach of duty will be to cause loss to that third party)。”在BV Nederlandse Industrie v Rembrandt Enterprises Inc [2020] QB 551案中,Coulson法官表示:“已知的第三方利益是一个重要组成部分”,并且必须存在“一个共同意图和/或一个已知对象来使第三方或第三方所属的一类人受益”。

另外,除了“已知对象”的要求,损失转移原则的一个重要特征是,如Sumption勋爵所言,该原则仅适用于为避免“法律黑洞”的情况,在这种情况下,在预期的事件过程中“唯一有权获得赔偿的一方将不同于唯一可被视为遭受损失的一方”,因此,“如果第三方对同样的损失有直接的诉讼权,无论基于何种理由,均不可适用该原则。”(It is common ground that in addition to the "known object" requirement, it is, per Lord Sumption at [16] an essential feature of the principle that it only applies so as "to avoid a "legal black hole", in which in the anticipated course of events the only party entitled to recover would be different from the only party which could be treated as suffering loss", so that "it is not available if the third-party has a direct right of action for the same loss, on whatever basis".

法院认为,Sumption勋爵并未提及损失转移原则仅适用于合同,而只是提及“已知交易对象”和“违反义务的预期后果”。因此,法院不认为该原则仅适用于合同,特别是在衡平法上的义务“等同于合同义务”的情况下。(However the words of Lord Sumption at [14] set out above, quoted by both counsel as crystallising the principle, do not refer to contract but to the "known object of a transaction" and the "anticipated effect of a breach of duty". I can see no basis upon which, once the principle exists, it needs to be limited to contract, particularly where the equitable obligation is "equivalent to contract".


剩下要解决的问题是,Lavinia所遭受的损失是否真的属于“法律黑洞”的范围,故除非损失转移原则能够使被申请人获赔该损失,否则该损失无法得到赔偿。The outstanding issue therefore is whether the loss suffered by Lavinia has indeed fallen within a black hole and is lost unless the principle of transferred loss can enable the party to whom the DRO is owed, namely the Defendant, to recover that loss.)在这方面,申请人的律师认为,如果Lavinia根据《1981年高等法院法》第50条(该条规定,如果上诉法院或高等法院具有审理禁令或特定履行申请的管辖权,法院可以判给损害赔偿作为禁令或特定履行的补充或替代)获得损害赔偿,则不存在黑洞或损失无法获赔的情况。法院指出,仲裁人未就“黑洞”是否适用作出认定,但其似乎认为Lavinia无法弥补损失。考虑到通过《1981年高等法院法》第50条获得损害赔偿存在相当大的不确定性,法院不认为损失转移原则应被排除适用。







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