文章精选 | 《颗粒学报》专刊—喷动床研究进展
喷动床技术是流态化技术的一个重要分支。自 1952年Prof. Gishler和Dr. Mathur发明喷动床技术以来,由于其床内流型重复性强、气固接触效率高、结构简单等优点,被广泛应用于许多固体物料的处理, 如大颗粒物料的干燥、造粒、非均相反应、生物质气化、热解和燃烧等领域,涉及农业、石化、能源、食品、医药、冶金等众多工业过程。随着研究的不断深入, 一些特殊应用和改进喷动床也相继出现。
本期喷动床专刊收录了加拿大皇家科学院及工程院院士、英属哥伦比亚大学John R. Grace教授,加拿大工程院院士、英属哥伦比亚大学毕晓涛教授,日本东京大学Atsushi Tsutsumi教授,德国汉堡工业大学Stefan Heinrich教授等学者的最新研究论文,内容包括:难流化物如粘性纯生物质颗粒的流化及其传热传质研究;一种新的具有工业应用前景的计算方法recurrence CFD method在喷动床模拟计算中的成功应用;以及一些新型改进喷动床在生产高附加值产品、能源转化等方面的应用。尽管喷动床的研究目前已取得了阶段性进展, 但该领域仍存在大量亟待解决的问题与挑战,期待同行学者、研究人员分享更多前瞻性观点和创造性研究成果~
最后,特别感谢两位客座编辑Martin Olazar教授和Gartzen Lopez博士以及所有审稿人对本专刊的大力支持和辛苦付出!
Heat transfer in a tapered fluidized bed of biomass particles with pulsed gas flow
Dening Jia, Xiaotao Bi*, C. Jim Lim, Shahab Sokhansanj, Atsushi Tsutsumi
Simulation of spray coating in a spouted bed using recurrence CFD Open Access
Paul Kieckhefen*, Thomas Lichtenegger, Swantje Pietsch, Stefan Pirker, Stefan Heinrich
Biomass torrefaction in a slot-rectangular spouted bed reactor
Ziliang Wang*, C. Jim Lim, John R. Grace
CFD–DEM simulation of fine particles in a spouted bed apparatus with a Wurster tube
Paul Breuninger*, Dominik Weis, Isabell Behrendt, Philipp Grohn, Fabian Krull, Sergiy Antonyuk
A CFD–DEM study of the behaviour of single-solid and binary mixtures in a pyramidal spouted bed
Filippo Marchelli*, Cristina Moliner, Barbara Bosio, Elisabetta Arato
CFD–DEM–CVD multi-physical field coupling model for simulating particle coating process in spout bed
Malin Liu*, Meng Chen, Tianjin Li, Yaping Tang, Rongzheng Liu, Youlin Shao, Bing Liu, Jiaxing Chang
Drying of pasty and granular materials in mechanically and conventional spouted beds
Robson C. Sousa*, Maria C. Ferreira, Haritz Altzibar, Fábio B. Freire, José T. Freire
Novel technique for measurement of coating layer thickness of fine and porous particles using focused ion beam
M. Goslinska*, I. Selmer, C. Kleemann, U. Kulozik, I. Smirnova, S. Heinrich
Fluid dynamics analysis and pyrolysis of brewer’s spent grain in a spouted bed reactor
Marcos A.S. Barrozo*, Lidja D.M.S. Borel, Taísa S. Lira, Carlos H. Ataíde
Visualization of flow structures inside a conical spouted bed by electrical capacitance volume tomography
Hoon Chae Park, Hang Seok Choi*
Comparison of artificial neural networks with empirical correlations for estimating the average cycle time in conical spouted bed
I. Estiati*, M. Tellabide, J.F. Saldarriaga, H. Altzibar, F.B. Freire, J.T. Freire, M. Olazar
Pharmaceutical applications of spouted beds: A review on solid dosage forms
Luís Alexandre Pedro de Freitas*
A novel approach to correlate heat transfer and pressure fluctuation in gas–solid spouted bed
P.K. Mollick*, P.S. Goswami, M. Krishnan, P.K. Vijayan, A.B. Pandit
Surface-to-bed heat transfer for high-density particles in conical spouted and spout–fluid beds
OnurYaman, Gorkem Kulah, Murat Koksal*
Spouting behavior of binary particle mixtures of different densities: Fluid dynamics and particle segregation
K.G. Santos*, R.C. Santana, D.L. Souza, V.V. Murata, M.A.S. Barrozo
A hybrid deterministic–stochastic model for spouted beds
Shahab Golshan, Reza Zarghami*, Navid Mostoufi
A novel method of quantifying the coating progress in a three-dimensional prismatic spouted bed
Swantje Pietsch*, Finn Ole Poppinga, Stefan Heinrich, Michael Müller, Michael Schönherr, Frank Kleine Jäger
Fluid dynamics performance of phase change material particles in a Wurster spout–fluid bed
Rui Correia, Bruna Barbon Paulo*, Ana Silvia Prata, Almerindo D. Ferreira
Rice spouted bed for manufacturing inclusion complexes of Endopleura uchi L extracts in β-cyclodextrin
L.V.D. Freitas, A.C.R. Montes, E.I.A. Campos, E.C. Conceição, L.A. Tacon, A.D. Lanchote, L.A.P. Freitas*
Particle electrification in an apparatus with a draft tube operating in a fast circulating dilute spout-fluid bed regime
Wojciech Ludwig*
Production of composites with high relative permittivity using the spouted bed technique
E. Eichner*, P.-K. Fischer, S. Heinrich, G.A. Schneider
# 学术活动 | 第十二期德国汉堡工业大学流态化技术培训课程(线上)