Make Sure To Close This Feature In Your WeChat
When you install WeChat, it comes with a default 'dangerous' feature called: Auto Deduct. It's similar to linking your credit card with a membership program or website that deducts the money automatically every fixed interval from your credit card.
Some Apps or programs might be already using the Auto-deduct in your WeChat, so money will be deducted regularly without your knowledge. For example Didi App has the habit of giving itself the permission for auto-deduct from your Wechat wallet.
Unfortunately there is no way to turn off this feature permanently, so what you can do is to follow the below chart to confirm/delete the current auto-deduction services cutting your money.
Another problem you'll face that some Apps might use Chinese interface under the Auto-deduct page. In the below example, Didi is using Chinese interface. Don't worry, even you can't speak Mandarin, the below graphs show the visual difference between auto-deduct on and off.