《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)最新发表一份来自WHO的报告。报告指出,随着各国食物体系的快速变化,三分之一以上的低收入和中等收入国家存在营养不良形式重叠的问题,肥胖和营养不足这两个问题越来越多地联系在一起。亟需采取一种新的方法,要同时帮助减少营养不足问题并解决肥胖问题。
Funding for the preparation of the Series was provided by WHO, through a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as some additional funding through the National Institutes of Health, the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health led by the International Food Policy Research Institute, and from RTI International.
[1] Quote direct from author and cannot be found in the text of the Article.
[2] See Panel 2 in Paper 3 for full list. These are:
Scaling up the antenatal care recommendations proposed by the World Health Organisation.
Comprehensively implementing programmes to protect and promote breastfeeding.
Ensuring guidance for introducing foods alongside breastfeeding makes mothers aware of the risks of foods, snacks, and beverages high in energy, sugar, fat, and salt.
Redesigning existing child growth monitoring programmes.
Preventing undue harm from energy-dense and micronutrient-fortified foods and ready to use supplements.
Designing social support and welfare programmes to reduce risks of foods, snacks, and beverages high in energy, sugar, fat, and salt.
Redesigning school feeding programmes and devising new nutritional guidelines for food in and around educational institutions to ensure nutritious foods are available and foods, snacks, and beverages high in energy, sugar, fat, and salt are not.
Extending the number of agricultural development programmes which make nutritious foods available, affordable and appealing.
Implementing new large-scale agricultural and food system policies with healthy diets as their primary goal.
Delivering public policies to improve food environments to tackle all forms of malnutrition.