感谢 inkmason 墨匠 分享 #01 项目背景品牌体验×设计策略Brand Experience x Design Strategy 该项目位于成都远洋太古里,是乐玩公社LoOneCommune(宝丽来Polaroid的中国独家代理)委托inkmason墨匠打造的宝丽来快闪店,结合对品牌定位、场地条件、产品体验等方面的研究,为线下空间的品牌体验制定出契合的设计策略,同时也作为一套适用于品牌未来快闪店的应用体系。Located within the Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li shopping complex in Chengdu, this vibrant Polaroid pop-up store – designed by inkmason and commissioned by LoOneCommune (Polaroid’s exclusive agent in China) – is the product of a combination of extensive research on brand positioning, site context and consumer experience. Visitors’ projected experience of the brand within the space provided the basis for formulating an appropriate design strategy, while also serving as the basis for a design-and-build system suitable for applying to the brand's future pop-up stores. 我们以“创造美的过程”为设计理念,以纯粹的设计语言表达宝丽来纯粹的理念,希望贴近于内在性的描绘——既链向空间,也链向品牌。同时,赋予空间、品牌与人以多维的连接,将它们构建为开放而亲密的动态关系,使品牌成为动词,成为连接。To express in as pure a way as possible Polaroid’s unique qualities with a clean, contemporary design language, the “process of creating beauty" was used as a springboard for the spatial design. In doing so, the intrinsic characteristics of the site and the brand as well as the dynamic relationship within the intimate space were amplified. #02乐玩“盒子”一个充满玩具的盒子空间A Space Filled with Toys “我们希望来到这里的每一位客人都有不一样的体验,发现、找到属于自己的相机,记录属于自己的、不一样的风景,创造独一无二的生活美学。”——乐玩公社LoOneCommune“May every visitor to this pop-up store discover a suitable camera for recording their own stories with distinctive aesthetics. "— LoOneCommune 乐玩公社作为以相机为主的胶片产品的集合店,致力于将胶片和即时成像的摄影文化分享给更多的人。而这些充满趣味、充满活泼色彩与图形的相机,已然成为年轻人的潮玩——吸引消费者的不仅仅是相机本身的功能属性,更是代表独立个性的态度。As a retail outlet focused on analogue photographic equipment, LoOneCommune is committed to celebrating the culture of analogue photography and instant imaging. The Polaroid cameras, in particular, with their ease-of-use functional attributes, kaleidoscopic colors and ability to afford instant, individualistic expressions have become immensely popular with Chinese consumers. 因此,以“玩具盒子”为概念,我们将对宝丽来相机的印象转化为设计的语言,希望这个空间带来好奇与想象,带来创造的启发,保留一份童真。在这里,盒子是一个理念,而非一种空间形态——它意味着想象,也意味着期待。The "Toy Box", a spatial form that implies both imagination and expectation, was utilized as a concept to create a highly energetic space that inspires child-like wonder and curiosity. 一个小小的盒子,带来无限的可能性。墨匠以色彩为语言,将空间解构为自由的构成,光谱的色彩如积木般,成为游戏的体块,成为立体的单元。在灵动的组合方式中,抽象感性的色彩成为客观的空间实体,从平面走向立体。同时,色彩的感知塑造了一个层次丰富的空间——既是空间上的体验、又是情感上的“触摸”。Using colors as a paint brush, the design team at inkmason delineated this compact space of 24 sqm into an assortment of playful configurations. The colors of the spectrum, conceptualised as building elements, are treated as toy blocks and are utilised as three-dimensional components in this pop-up store. Through combining them in a flexible and imaginative manner, the intangible quality of colors become concretized in the space, moving from the plane of flat surfaces to the realm of three dimensions. At the same time, the perception of color creates a richly layered space – conjuring a spatial experience that triggers an emotional response of joie de vivre. 这个彩色的盒子,它是送给到访者的礼物盒子,我们期望人们可以在这里发现一份属于自己的颜色,自己的惊喜。This colorful box, it is a gift box for visitors, we expect people can find their own color here, their own surprise. #03新的空间尺度一个24m²的外向型空间An Outward-looking Space of 24㎡ 由于场地本身的条件具有限制,空间狭小,只有24m²,在满足空间的功能规划之外,我们利用场地原有的两面橱窗作为优势,塑造了一个外向型空间、一个鲜明的巨型“装置”——空间的气场从物理空间释放,向外开放、拓展,产生戏剧性的效果,以张扬的姿态吸引“观众”。To break out of the restrictive compactness of the site, the display windows which face two different directions were mobilized to create an extroverted, inviting space that creates an appearance of a distinctive large-scale "installation" when seen from the street. The atmosphere of the space’s interior opens and expands outwards, bringing visual drama and attracting passersby with its exuberant presence. 脚手架的线条与水泥桩的体块,共同转换为通透的尺度,在虚实之间穿插与平衡。空间的边界则转换为一个开放的、可交换的界面,使内部的能量如玻璃弹珠般向外延伸、折射。The lines of the scaffold shelves and solid forms of concrete blocks are visually transformed into a scale of lightness and simplicity, balanced between the virtual and the real. The boundary of the space is transformed into an open and exchangeable interface, allowing the dynamic nature of the interior to extend and refract outwards like a multi-faceted mirror. 对这个迷你空间的塑造,通过框架与体块、色彩与光线的运用,巧妙地强化了内部空间的气场,同时也捕捉了外部的空间,使外部的空间纳入,由此,成立新的空间关系、创造新的空间尺度。The shaping of this small pop-up store, through the use of frames and blocks, color and light, subtly strengthens the atmosphere of the internal space, while also incorporating the surrounding exterior environment into its design approach: thus a new urban spatial relationship is created, and new architectural spatial scales along with it. #04即时状态创造美的过程The Process of Creating Beauty 这不仅是对产品体验的表达,也是一个满足快速搭建的解决方案,以应对商场对施工时间和周期的限制。This is not simply an example of creating an experience geared towards a particular product, but also a solution that satisfies the requirements of a rapid building process, instituted to comply with the hard restrictions on construction time and building cycles for commercial malls. “中国西南的成都是一个历史文化底蕴深厚又充满创意活力的地方,我们希望宝丽来能为这里的年轻人提供更多层次的文化艺术和生活的碰撞。”——宝丽来"The city of Chengdu, located in southwest China, is a place with a profound historical and cultural heritage, filled today with an abundance of creative and vibrant energy. At Polaroid, it is our desire to provide young people here with an opportunity to further this vitality through an expansive merging of multiple levels of culture, art, and life."--Polaroid 即时成像的等待过程,是宝丽来相机的核心体验。The compressed passage of time, an instant gratification process inherent in instant imaging, is a core experience of Polaroid cameras. 通过材料的表现,脚手架与水泥砖呈现出一种过渡的、未完成的工业状态,抽象的时间被视觉化,从而使空间呈现出产品“创造美的过程”。The finished space, through its utilisation of materials meant to evoke the transitional and industrial – scaffolding and concrete blocks – conceptually embodies "the process of creating beauty", and in doing so creates a spatial and visual metaphor of abstract time. 在保持简洁大方的秩序与调性之下,脚手架以一种具有描述性的线条状态对构成直接显现,构成几何意义上的留白;而水泥桩则是具有质感的“空白”,通过空间的感官记忆强调产品“触”的体验,仿佛一个空格键,实现了立体、双向的跳转,从空间到产品,又从产品返回空间。While maintaining an open, elemental visual order, the scaffold shelves are installed in a direct manner which trace a series of lines within and around the store, creating a geometric sense of composition and using the ‘negative’ space available in an advantageous and pleasing manner. Meanwhile, the neatly arranged concrete blocks introduce a tactile, textural quality into the store, in accordance with emphasising the personal experience of touching the products on display, a way of connecting to the space through the sense of touch. Somewhat akin to using a space bar on a keyboard, they allow for three-dimensional interaction, from space to product, and back again. 我们从空间的角度诠释显像,将影像的颗粒构成转化为空间维度的构建单位——呈现“内部”的,既是物理空间的,又是抽象时间的。The pop-up store is pre-visualised from the point of view of the space to be created, inside looking out, transforming the kernel of a composition contained in an image into a constructed unit realised in three dimensions – ultimately representing the concept of "interior", which can be understood as both a physical space, and an abstraction of time. 在这里,无论是影像的成像,还是空间的构建,其意义都不是一种结果的导向,而是强调发生的此刻、强调即时的意义。时间的意义于空间中诞生。Whether it be the creation of images or the construction of spaces, meaning is not the outcome of a specific objective, but rather something which arises out of an immediate appreciation of the present moment. In this way, a sense of meaning within time may be born within space. #05相遇剧场诞生的一刻The Moment of Birth “它所对应的是具体的关系,每个人、每一天、每一瞬间,都是独一无二的。”——inkmason墨匠设计师 林健强"This pop-up store curated a space that is meant for each person, every day, every moment, to be unique."- inkmason Designer Kin Lam 在深色背景的商场环境中,通过宝丽来标志性的彩色光谱创造一次“遇见”——在实现品牌视觉的传达之外,同时激活了空间的社交属性,在移动的视线中捕捉微妙的色彩关系。Situated in a shopping mall environment with a dark color palette, the project creates "encounters" by applying the iconic color spectrum of Polaroid at an expanded scale – in doing so, brand recognition is effectively achieved, while visually activating the store for visitors as the variegated colors subtly shift while walking through or past the project. 如感光与显像,我们将光学原理上的相遇构建为人与空间的际遇。光学的信号转化为诗意的语言,相机的技术映射着感性的哲思——这一刻,它是瞬间的灵感,是独一无二的效应。In light-sensitive photo development, we comprehend the process in terms of optical principles, and abstractly as a record of an encounter between an individual and space. Optical phenomena are transformed into a poetic language, and the technology of the camera is brought to reflect a philosophical sensibility – resulting in the unique product of a flash of inspiration within a singular moment in time. 当我们将空间构想为承载瞬间的剧场,将空间、品牌与人之间的趣味关系呈现,品牌与消费者的距离只是一个凝聚的视线、一个轻触的按键,此刻相遇。When beginning this project, the store was envisioned as a theater which would provide a setting for many unique future experiences, allowing for rewarding engagement between the space, brand, and people. In doing so, interaction between the brand and consumers is condensed into pure visual attraction or the simple touch of a button – and at this moment of contact, everything becomes possible. 在空间中,捕捉产品的体验,使品牌基因融入空间语言,使这个彩色光谱标志成为锚点,成为人们看见、记录的“一个瞬间”。这个设计的构想与呈现也源于墨匠对品牌的多年探索经验——这个探索的路径,既是水平的、向外拓展的,又是立体的、向内纵深的。In the store, the Polaroid brand identity is fully integrated into the space, providing a platform within which a heightened focus on the products becomes possible: the color spectrum logo acts as a conceptual anchor point, and is an instantly recognizable element which can be easily seen or recorded. The conception and realisation of this design also stem from inkmason’s years of experience with the brand – a path which has encompassed exploration in all directions and dimensions, delving into the very core of Polaroid’s history, values, and aspirations. 项目图纸 总平面图 项目信息 项目名称:成都太古里宝丽来快闪店项目地址:中国·成都·远洋太古里项目面积:24㎡设计时间:2021年6月-2021年7月施工时间:2021年11月-2021年11月项目业主:LoOneCommune乐玩公社设计公司:inkmason 墨匠国际建筑设计顾问(北京)主创设计:Kin Lam 林健强 设计团队:John Zhang照明顾问:Liquidesign项目摄影:ONE FRAME STUDIO 壹帧影像