

黑洞事件视界望远镜合作组(EHT)观测到的巨型星系Messier 87(M87)中的黑洞阴影图像为天文学和万有引力提供了丰富的信息。我们还能从这些美丽的图像中了解到什么?利用偏振图像的变化,包括中国科学院理论物理研究所陈一帆博士、舒菁教授以及上海交通大学李政道学者水野陽介(Yosuke Mizuno)在内的国际科学家团队一起,对一种被称为轴子的新粒子和可见光子之间的耦合给出了一个新的约束,到达过去未曾探索过的区域。







论文信息: Yifan Chen, Yuxin Liu, Ru-Sen Lu, Yosuke Mizuno, Jing Shu, Xiao Xue, Qiang Yuan, Yue Zhao: Stringent axion constraints with Event Horizon Telescope polarimetric measurements of M87⋆. Nature Astronomy 2022, March https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-022-01620-3



李政道学者 Yosuke Mizuno
Email: mizuno@sjtu.edu.cn

Will crullers around black holes dance?

Black hole shadow images of giant galaxy Messier 87 (M87) observed the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration provides rich information for astronomy and gravity. What else can we learn from those beautiful images? Using the variations of polarization image, Dr. Yifan Chen and Prof. Jing Shu from Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science together with an international team of scientists involving Prof. Yosuke Mizuno from Shanghai Jiao Tong University give a new constraint of the coupling between axion and photon to the previously unexplored region.

In 2019, combining the observations from telescopes all around the Earth, the EHT collaboration published a photo of a supermassive black hole M87 with extremely high resolution. The shining donut-like structure comes from the radiation of the accretion flow around the black hole. The black hole swallows the light in the central region, creating a big shadow inside the donut. The EHT collaboration updates the same photo with more delicate structures two years later. The sweeping lines, showing the linear polarization orientation (electric vector position angles), transform the donut into a cruller. These first-ever images give the most direct evidence of black holes and reveal the magnetic fields outside M87. 

Dr. Yifan Chen comments: “We are fascinated by the idea that ultralight particles can accumulate outside the black hole. We realized that if ultralight axion exists and stays outside the black hole, they would make the cruller dance! Using the four days variations of the crullers, we can constrain the coupling between axion and photon to the previously unexplored region.” 

How to turn supermassive black holes into detectors for ultralight particles? It dates back to a thought experiment by Roger Penrose in 1969. Imagine someone throwing a rock into a fast-spinning black hole, and the stone has a certain chance to escape with a larger velocity than the previous. The additional energy it carries is taken from the rotation of the black hole. Now think about the particle-wave duality in quantum mechanics. We can replace the rock with a wave outside the spinning black hole. It can form a dense cloud by extracting energy and angular momentum from the black bole, called the superradiance mechanism. To make this process sufficiently fast, it requires the Compton wavelength of the boson to be comparable with the horizon size of the black hole. Thus, supermassive black holes become natural detectors for ultralight particles!

Among different types of ultralight fields beyond the standard model of particle physics, axion is one of the most well-motivated candidates. Searching for the axion is among the top priorities in particle physics. It naturally appears in many fundamental theories with extra dimensions, like the string theory. Axion is also a perfect cold dark matter candidate. In the ultralight mass window, some small-scale problems of the galaxy can be potentially solved by those fields forming a core in the center.

Once the ultralight axion exists within the right mass window, a dense axion cloud and the center black hole form a bound state similar to the hydrogen atom and being called the gravitational atom.  Prof. Jing Shu said: “Besides purely gravitational effects, the existence of axion can rotate the orientation of the linear polarization periodically as well, with a period between 5 to 20 days. The variations of the polarization angle behave as a propagating wave along the bright photon ring, which the dance of the crullers has a particular pattern instead of a random walk by a drunken man.”

The EHT's polarimetric measurements provide the spatial distribution of the linear polarization orientations for four days, precisely the information we need to search for axion. Prof. Yosuke Mizuno remarks: “To suppress the turbulent variations of the accretion flow, we introduced a novel analysis strategy where the difference between two sequential are used as observables to constrain the axion-induced EVPA variations. A much larger parameter space can be probed with more detailed data provided in the future, especially the more sequential time observation and better spatial resolutions.”

Publication: Yifan Chen, Yuxin Liu, Ru-Sen Lu, Yosuke Mizuno, Jing Shu, Xiao Xue, Qiang Yuan, Yue Zhao: Stringent axion constraints with Event Horizon Telescope polarimetric measurements of M87⋆. Nature Astronomy 2022, March https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-022-01620-3

Images with Captions:

Figure 1: Illustration of the polarised emission from a Kerr black hole surrounded by an axion cloud. Different colors on the electric vector position angles (EVPA) quivers, which range from red through to purple, represent the time variation of the EVPA in the presence of the axion-photon coupling. White quivers are the EVPAs when the axion field is absent. The intensity scale is normalized so that the brightest pixel is unity. 

Figure 2: Constraints on dimensionless axion-photon coupling c from the EHT polarimetric observations of M87. The black hole spin is assumed to be 0.99 or 0.80. The latter case corresponds to a smaller mass window, overlapping with the black hole spin with 0.99 cases in the lower mass region. The gray band at the bottom represents the uncertainty from the five different EVPA reconstruction methods. Previous bounds on axion-photon coupling are shown for comparison.

Scientific Contact
Professor Yosuke Mizuno
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Email: mizuno@sjtu.edu.cn

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