Pity Party Mental Health Art Exhibition
F Space, Huaiai Middle Road, Shanghai
All Roads Lead to Rome?
We havecollected from the Internet 100 different tips to deal with depression and putthem into 100 blank pill bottles. Open the bottles and read the tip inside. Ifit is useful to you please put a sticker with any color on it; If not, thensimply do nothing. We have also a 101st pill bottle with a smile on it. We haveprepared some prescription paper, you can take one and write down your own tipand put inside the 101st bottle.What are the selection criteria for these methods? Part of it comes from the results that are most easily found on the Internet, some of which are reliable and some of which are not, but they are objectively the most accessible information for a help seeker, and I hope to show them. The other part comes from my fieldwork. Of course, I also quietly put in the voice of my friends and I, hoping to interact with the public.
Pity Party Mental Health Art Exhibition
Dinghaiqiao Mutual-Aid Society, Shanghai
After showing so much, what's the final result.Well, the highest number of votes is:
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