Hsuan-Ying Huang is a medical anthropologist with a geographical focus on China and prior training in psychiatry. He obtained an M.D. from National Taiwan University in 2003 and a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Harvard University in 2013. Before taking up his post at Chinese University of Hong Kong at the end of 2015, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Australian Centre on China in the World, Australian National University. His research interests revolve around the development of modern psy-sciences (psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, etc.) in the context of cross-cultural transfer and rapid social change. Since 2008 he has been studying one local manifestation of this global trend—the rise of Western-style psychotherapy in urban China, known as the “psycho-boom” (xinli re). His research explores how this evolution—in both its professional and popular aspects—has taken shape under the confluence of technical, moral, and politico-economic forces; it also examines how individual and interpersonal experiences related to psychotherapy reflect its developments, as well as broader cultural and societal shifts. His articles have appeared in Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry; China Perspectives; and a number of edited volumes.
Research interests
Eleanor Jane
精神健康公共艺术团体。以超越学科的视角看待精神健康议题,身体力行促进知识和经验的生产, 秉持社会正义的理念, 探索多元介入的可能。开展同伴教育、 互助团体、 讲座沙龙等经典项目, 也通过影像研习、 影像制作、 戏剧演出、艺术展览等各种艺术创新方式进行精神健康大众传播。连续五年举办精神健康艺术展览。与多所高校合作, 组织教学和培训。曾获北京尚善公益基金会、BritishCouncil、 706空间青年基金、 银杏基金会、 爱德基金会支持。联系方式thornbird123@foxmail.com