
美国or中国,王牌在谁手里?中美学者在权威外媒上的精彩对话 (附中英文)

王文 全球治理 2021-02-06





这也难怪为何奈教授最近撰写的“与中国的竞争中,美国仍然占据先机”(America still holds the aces in its poker game with China)一文读起来颇具20世纪现实主义的陈旧风格。他试图从地缘政治、能源安全、贸易战争、美元地位这四个角度来论证美国权力的持久性,但基于以上的现实情况,我们可以确信,约瑟夫·奈教授的这一篇文章很难适用于特朗普11月8日至10日访华时所面临的状况。














Aces now in China’s hands: why Nye’s view is mistaken 

Wang Wen, RDCY

My deep respect for Professor Joseph Nye’s scholarship does not detract from the fact that his optimistic outlook regarding US power is somewhat outdated. 


He posits that geographic isolation is enough to shield the country from hostile powers. Yet this blithe assumption conveniently discounts‘lone-wolf’terrorist attacks, capable of visiting far greater destruction than traditional geopolitical animus. 


While the US is now emancipated from fuel imports, it is precisely this need which has seen China welcomed with open arms on energy markets in the Middle East, Russia, Africa and Latin America. 


While the US might fare better in a trade war, it is China that flies high the banner of global free trade. The greenback’s primacy is confronted with increasing acceptance of the renminbi as a result of cross-border payment. 


Built on the four elements of geography, energy, trade and currency, Professor Nye’s assertion that “America still holds the aces in its poker game with China” reads decidedly like 20th-century realist orthodoxy, ill-suited to the conditions obtaining in China during President Trump’s visit from November 8 to 10. 


The occasion represents Trump’s first state visit to China since he assumed the presidency and the first time that he has set foot on the mainland. 


Rumour has it that, many years ago, the maverick businessman got his first taste of Chinese business acumen when he was unable to gain an edge during talks in Hong Kong. The same held true when, in April 2017, he learnt of the wisdom of China’s political leadership during a marathon seven-hour meeting with President Xi Jinping in Florida. 


Visits by US presidents have always commanded pride of place on the Chinese diplomatic calendar, with such events accorded the highest of priorities due to the special nature and importance of the Sino-American relationship. 


What sets Trump’s upcoming visit apart from those by Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama are important changes in the comparative social psychology of the two countries. 


China is increasingly confident in dealing with such occasions. In recent years, its ability to shape the future of Sino-American relations has caught up with and even exceeded that of the US on such issues as human rights, trade and the Taiwan strait, where the US is deliberately obstructive. 


This new-found sense of self is to be seen, first and foremost, in fundamental strategic judgments regarding the stability of the Sino-US binary. Thus far, the two countries have established mature mechanisms for bilateral co-operation in many fields, underscored by over 100 channels for dialogue, almost $600bn in bilateral trade, and personnel exchange annually amounting to 6m. 


Although the Thucydides trap still haunts bilateral relations between the two countries, systematic and structural factors have determined that the future will be marked by coexistence between competition and co-operation. This sense of general stability will not be changed, for better or worse, by a single presidential visit. 


Second, the way both countries are perceived by international society has undergone a subtle shift. China has enjoyed broad support for its championship of such just causes as infrastructure construction, climate change, free trade, reforming the international order, poverty reduction and supporting UN endeavours. In its capacity as the world’s largest trade nation, the second-largest economy and third largest military power, China has exercised positive international influence in such multilateral realms as G20, Belt and Road Initiative and Brics. 


This contrasts starkly with US post-election withdrawal from global affairs. The steady decline in US soft power is both bemoaned and critiqued by politicians, scholars and members of civil society alike. 


Third, China is ever committed to its mission of blazing a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In contrast with the internecine conflict rending Western society, China’s increasing ability to impose orderly governance is a beacon of hope for the developing world. 


Rebuffed by Trump, who is facing mounting criticism over his leadership both at home and abroad, traditional US allies such as France, Germany, Australia, Japan and the UK have heaped praise upon China and President Xi Jinping. 


Embroiled in domestic political strife, Trump’s visit is underscored by a marked thirst for Chinese support in all areas. A businessman by trade, Trump’s realist outlook has lent itself to a refutation of‘political correctness’ and a focus on the end result. This resonates with China’s founding principles of seeking truth from facts,innovation and self-reliance. 


Given this convergence, there is much scope for building a‘win-win’relationship in such areas as energy, infrastructure, space, the internet, productive capacity and industrialisation. 


In sum, relative Sino-US power and international status has reached unprecedented levels. Going forward, the binary will be informed by the new governing principles in big-power relations, namely‘no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win co-operation’.


Wang Wen is executive dean and professor at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY).


约瑟夫·奈(Joseph Nye)








第三张牌是贸易。中美两国较高的相互依赖程度决定了这种"互相毁灭"式的经济关系(mutual assure deconomic destruction),双方都保持着高度的审慎。故而不难理解,特朗普政府所威胁要发动的贸易战必然会对中美两国同时造成严重危害。但是如果这种审慎被抛弃,那么由于中国更依赖于这种双边交流,中国在贸易战中的损失预期会大于美国。如兰德公司预测,在太平洋上进行一次无核战争将会消耗美国5%的GDP,而对于中国,这个数字可能是25%。




关 于 我 们

中国人民大学全球治理研究中心(Global Governance Research Center,RUC)成立于2017年3月9日,是北京巨丰金控科技有限公司董事长马琳女士向中国人民大学捐赠并由中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)负责运营管理的教育基金项目。中国人民大学全球治理研究中心由原外交部副部长、人大重阳高级研究员何亚非领衔,前中国银行副行长、国际商会执行董事、人大重阳高级研究员张燕玲担任学术委员会主任,旨在构建高层次、高水准的全球治理思想交流平台,并向社会发布高质量的全球治理研究报告,努力践行咨政、启民、伐谋、孕才的智库使命。







